


A curated list of awesome MariaDB resources, maintained by Vettabase and sponsored by the MariaDB Foundation.

Awesome Inspired by the awesome-* trend on GitHub.

Topics are organised by audience, to save people from navigating through the noise.

Awesome MariaDB sublists

Lists for a specific audience:

Specific topics:

The Problem we Try to Solve

Why are we maintaining a list that is specifically for MariaDB, and not for MySQL and its forks?

It's easy to find software, cloud services or educative resources for MySQL. Finding MariaDB related resources is a bit more difficult. The reason is simple: many authors of MySQL resources tend to think that, if something works with MySQL, it will work with MariaDB as well. And it is certainly true that MariaDB and MySQL are very similar. MariaDB was initially created by forking MySQL 5.1, and some effort to guarantee compatibility was made over the years.

However, MariaDB and MySQL are diverging more and more over time. So, before saying that a MySQL resource works well with MariaDB, you should ask yourself some questions:

Does the Resource Use Some MySQL Unique Features?

In the woest case, a tool won't work at all, but this is not common. It is more common that some features of a tools can't be used on MariaDB. For example, using certain features of the community.mysql Ansible module will generate queries that fail on MariaDB.

Does the Resource take Advantage of MariaDB Unique Features?

Sometimes a resource works on MySQL, but it does things that could be done better by taking advantage of MariaDB features. For example, a GUI might not allow to create a UUID or INET6 columns because these types are not supported by MySQL. An ORM for MySQL might not allow you to produce a DELETE ... RETURNING for the same reason. A monitoring system for MySQL normally won't show MariaDB specific metrics.

Is the Resource Adequately Tested with MariaDB?

This might not matter much for a blog post. But software projects should be well tested with MariaDB. It's easy to overlook this necessaty, because one might think that if the code doesn't return strange errors it works. But when a query fails, the application might not expose errors. After some time you might find out that some data are missing or inconsistent.

Is the Resource Really "for MySQL and MariaDB"?

As you can guess, sometimes resources "for MySQL and MariaDB" are mostly for MySQL, meaning that they are not thoroughly tested and optimised for MariaDB. All the problems listed above might apply in such cases.

If you spot these problems in an open source application that officially supports MariaDB, please report a bug or contribute a bugfix.

Our Solution: Awesome MariaDB

When the MariaDB Foundation reached us proposing to sponsor the Awesome MariaDB list, we saw it as an opportunity to help tackle the above problem. But how exactly?

Provide a List of Real MariaDB Resources

In this list, whenever possible, you will only find resources that properly support MariaDB. It doesn't matter to us if it also support MySQL or not, and whether the project's priority is MariaDB or not. We simply want to list "stuff that works well".

Ideally, we aim to test all the listed resources with MariaDB. We temporarily list resources that we didn't test yet, but in that case we at least checked the documentation and the website for MariaDB support. When unsure, we also take a look at the source code.

Whenever relevant, we indicate if a project is FLOSS software, proprietary doanloadble software, or a cloud service. When appropriate, we also indicate the supported platforms or programming language. These aspects are often very important when you're looking for software that solves a problem.

Provide a List of Open Source Resources that Have Problems with MariaDB

If a listed resource has problems with MariaDB, we aim to indicate this. We try to list such resources only if they are open source or free software. In this case, if you decide to use the resource, we warmly encourage you to contribute the project, to the purpose of improving MariaDB support by applications.

There are various ways you can contribute improving MariaDB support:

Knowledge Sharing

Suppose you consult Awesome MariaDB, and you learn that a certain software doesn't work well with MariaDB because it doesn't use a certain SQL syntax. If you're a developer, you'll find out that this syntax exists, and what it is for. Hopefully, you will later use this information in your daily job, to produce better code.

Grow a Sense of Community

All the activity listed in the previous point are normal and spontaneously happen in a community.

Let's grow MariaDB community to see an increase in this kind of activities, and let's show support towards resources that aim to work well with MariaDB.

Make it so!

(yes, adding a nerd Star Trek link was one of our primary goals as well)


Contributions welcome!

If you want to suggest a new resource, remember that this is Awesome MariaDB, and ask yourself two simple questions:

If both the answers are yes, you can add links through pull requests. Once a PR is approved, we would appreciate if you take the time to notify the maintainer of the resource.

If you find inaccurate information, obsolete information, or resources that are not maintained anymore, please report the problem by creating an issue, or fix it by yourself by opening a pull request.

If you contribute to Awesome MariaDB, we encourage you to add your name to the CONTRIBUTORS.md file.

How to Thank Us

If you're the maintainer of a resource we linked, we encourage you to show in your resource an Awesome mentioned badge.

Simply paste this code in your README.md file:

[![Mentioned in Awesome MariaDB](https://awesome.re/mentioned-badge.svg)](https://github.com/Vettabase/awesome-mariadb)

The result will look like the following:

Mentioned in Awesome MariaDB

Related Awesome Lists

Copyright 2024 Vettabase Ltd and contributors.

Awesome MariaDB list is licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0 license.