

<div align="center"> <!--<div> <a href="https://github.com/agarcialeon/awesome-database/"> <img width="500" src="awesome-unity.png" alt="Awesome Database"> </a> </div>--> <br> <div> <h1>Awesome Database</h1> <a href="https://github.com/sindresorhus/awesome"> <img src="https://awesome.re/badge-flat.svg" alt="Awesome"> </a> <p> A categorized community-driven collection of amazingly awesome database resources. <br><br> Free assets and resources are prioritized over paid when possible. <br><br> Suggestions and contributions are always welcome! <br> Make sure to read the <a href="https://github.com/agarcialeon/awesome-database/blob/master/CONTRIBUTING.md"> contribution guidelines </a> for more information before submitting a pull request. <!--[![forthebadge](https://forthebadge.com/images/badges/built-by-developers.svg)](https://forthebadge.com)--> <!--[![forthebadge](https://forthebadge.com/images/badges/made-with-c-sharp.svg)](https://forthebadge.com) -->

forthebadge </p> </div>


:bookmark_tabs: Contents

Motivation <a name="motivation"></a>


Considerations <a name="considerations"></a>

<!-- There is always a posibility that this repository becomes outdated, mostly because new packages from the asset store and repositories appear in the future. This is because of the nature of technlogy and this can be avoided, so in order to keep this project as updated as possible with what other users know, please create a new issue to include or remove what you think is necessary. Another point is the categorization of the resources provided here. Since some of them can be included in different categories at the same time a cross reference will be created in the form of a hastag to notify you (the visitor) that maybe you need to look in a different place of this repository or in other external site to find more info. Finally, you need to know that this is not the only repository on Github that gathers Unity related repositories. This is just another try to get the best of all the existing content out there for Unity developers. So please, be grateful with all the other developers that put effort collection their respective lists of resources by visiting their repositories (they will be listed below). I hope all of you find this helpful. Let's go with the contents. -->

Legend <a name="legend"></a>

Icons <a name="icons"></a>

Free resource: :free:

Paid resource: :moneybag:

Interesting resource: :cool:

<!-- :new: -->

Tags <a name="tags"></a>

(UNMAINTAINED) - The repository hasn't been updated for a long time.

(DEPRECATED) - Another solution or package has been released that does the same and it's more recent.

(ARCHIVED) - The repository is read only for learning purposes.

#[CATEGORY] - Where [CATEGORY] represents a category of the document. Means that the resource is related with another category too.

:bookmark: Categories <a name="categories"></a>

Databases <a name="databases"></a>

Search more databases.

Relational Databases <a name="relational-databases"></a>

Oracle <a name="oracle"></a>

SQL Server <a name="sqlserver"></a>


MariaDB <a name="mariadb"></a>

An enhanced, drop-in replacement for MySQL.

MySQL <a name="mysql"></a>

MySQL is the world's most popular open source database.

SQLite <a name="sqlite"></a>

A completely embedded, full-featured relational database in a few 100k that you can include right into your project.

DB2 <a name="db2"></a>

Database management products developed by IBM

Other Databases <a name="other-relational-databases"></a>

Object-Relational Databases

PostgreSQL <a name="postgresql"></a>

A powerful, open source object-relational database system.

NoSQL Databases <a name="nosql-databases"></a>

See list of databases.

Key-Value Cache <a name="key-value-cache"></a>

Key-Value Store <a name="key-value-store"></a>

Key-Value Store (Eventually-Consistent) <a name="key-value-store-consistent"></a>

Key-Value Store (Ordered) <a name="key-value-store-ordered"></a>

Data-Structures server <a name="data-structures-server"></a>

Tuple Store <a name="tuple-store"></a>

Object Database <a name="object-database"></a>

Document Store <a name="document-store"></a>

Wide Columnar Store <a name="wide-columnar-store"></a>

Graph Databases <a name="graph-databases"></a>


Embeddable engines <a name="embeddable-engines"></a>





Frameworks <a name="frameworks"></a>


Services <a name="services"></a>


:pencil2: Scripting <a name="scripting"></a>

SQL Languages <a name="sql-languages"></a>

Sublanguages <a name="sql-sublanguages"></a>

Take picture from here


Take table from here


:chart_with_upwards_trend: Algorithms <a name="algorithms"></a>


:straight_ruler: Patterns <a name="patterns"></a>


:orange_book: Libraries <a name="libraries"></a>


:nut_and_bolt: Utilities <a name="utilities"></a>


:wrench: Tools <a name="tools"></a>

Formatters <a name="formatters"></a>

:electric_plug: Plugins <a name="plugins"></a>


Snippets & Gists <a name="snippets-&-gists"></a>


Dynamic SQL <a name="dynamic-sql"></a>


Integrated Development Environment (IDE) <a name="ide"></a>


VCS (Version Control Systems) <a name="vcs"></a>


Continuous Integration <a name="continuous-integration"></a>


Testing <a name="testing"></a>


Documentation <a name="documentation"></a>


Database Development <a name="db-development"></a>

Benchmarks <a name="benchmarks"></a>

:sunglasses: Customization <a name="customization"></a>


Extensibility <a name="extensibility"></a>


Misc. <a name="miscellaneous"></a>


:mortar_board: Learning Resources <a name="learning-resources"></a>

:rocket: Tips and Tricks <a name="tips-tricks"></a>


:books: Books <a name="books"></a>


Research Papers

:newspaper: Blogs <a name="blogs"></a>


:tv: Videos <a name="videos"></a>

:vhs: Youtube Channels <a name="youtube-channels"></a>


:beginner: Tutorials <a name="tutorials"></a>

:star: Best Practices <a name="best-practices"></a>

:abcd: Coding Practices <a name="coding-practices"></a>


:capital_abcd: Organizational Practices <a name="organizational-practices"></a>


:triangular_ruler: Style Guide <a name="style-guide"></a>


:key: Shortcuts <a name="shortcuts"></a>


:paperclip: Other references <a name="other-references"></a>

:trophy: Recommended <a name="recommended"></a>


Projects <a name="projects"></a>


:busts_in_silhouette: Communities <a name="communities"></a>

:speech_balloon: Chat Servers <a name="chat-servers"></a>


Forums <a name="forums"></a>


Groups <a name="groups"></a>


:name_badge: People to follow <a name="people-to-follow"></a>


:question: Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) <a name="faq"></a>


:clap: :tada: Contributors to this repository <a name="contributors"></a>

:guardsman: @agarcialeon - Owner of the repository

Contributing <a name="contributing"></a>

Please see CONTRIBUTING for details.

Thanks to all the contributors, this wouldn't be possible without you!

<!--<a href="https://github.com/agarcialeon/awesome-unity/graphs/contributors"> <img src="https://opencollective.com/vuejs/contributors.svg?width=890" /> </a>-->

Code of Conduct <a name="code-of-conduct"></a>

See Code of Conduct.

:memo: To be done <a name="to-do"></a>

:warning: NOTE: Following list of tasks is written without any order of preference.

And many more...

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