

ViT-CoMer: Vision Transformer with Convolutional Multi-scale Feature Interaction for Dense Predictions

:fire::fire:[CVPR 2024] The official implementation of the paper "ViT-CoMer: Vision Transformer with Convolutional Multi-scale Feature Interaction for Dense Predictions"




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<div align=center> <img title='vit-comer' src="img/vit_comer.jpg" width = 95% > </div>

The overall architecture of ViT-CoMer. ViT-CoMer is a two-branch architecture consisting of three components: (a) a plain ViT with L layers, which is evenly divided into N stages for feature interaction. (b) a CNN branch that employs the proposed Multi-Receptive Field Feature Pyramid (MRFP) module to provide multi-scale spatial features, and (c) a simple and efficient CNN- Transformer Bidirectional Fusion Interaction (CTI) module to integrate the features of the two branches at different stages, enhancing semantic information.



We present a plain, pre-training-free, and feature-enhanced ViT backbone with Convolutional Multi-scale feature interaction, named ViT-CoMer, which facilitates bidirectional interaction between CNN and transformer. Compared to the state-of-the-art, ViT-CoMer has the following advantages: (1) We inject spatial pyramid multi-receptive field convolutional features into the ViT architecture, which effectively alleviates the problems of limited local information interaction and single-feature representation in ViT. (2) We propose a simple and efficient CNN-Transformer bidirectional fusion interaction module that performs multi-scale fusion across hierarchical features, which is beneficial for handling dense prediction tasks.

<div align=center> <img src="img/vit-comer-0.jpg" width = 45%> </div>

Main Results

Comparisons with different backbones and frameworks. It can be seen that under similar model sizes, ViT-CoMer outper- forms other backbones in the two typical dense prediction tasks of COCO object detection and instance segmentation.

<div align=center> <img src="img/exp_0.jpg" width = 70% > </div>

Comparisons with state-of-the-arts. We conduct experiments based on Co-DETR, using ViT-CoMer as the backbone, and initializing the model with multi-modal pre-training BEiTv2. As shown in Table 4, Our approach outperforms the existing SOTA algorithms without extra training data on COCO val2017, which strongly demonstrates the effectiveness of ViT-CoMer.

<div align=center> <img src="img/sota.jpg" width = 50% > </div>

For segmentation, we conduct experiments based on Mask2Former using ViT-CoMer as the backbone, and initializing the model with multi-modal pre-training BEiTv2. As shown in Table 7, our method achieves com- parable performance to SOTA methods on ADE20K with fewer parameters.

<div align=center> <img src="img/seg_sota.jpg" width = 50% > </div>


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  title={Vit-comer: Vision transformer with convolutional multi-scale feature interaction for dense predictions},
  author={Xia, Chunlong and Wang, Xinliang and Lv, Feng and Hao, Xin and Shi, Yifeng},
  booktitle={Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition},


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If you have any questions while using ViT-CoMer or would like to further discuss implementation details with us, please leave a message on issues or contact us directly via email: xiachunlong@baidu.com. We will reply as soon as possible.