


Original location: https://github.com/ToniA/arduino-heatpumpir

For concrete examples, see the MySensors (Arduino + nRF24 radio) and ESPEasy (ESP8266 modules) integrations:

An Arduino library to control pump/split unit air conditioner. Currently supporting at least these models:


ESP8266 support

This library also supports ESP8266. Just change the IR send method from 'IRSenderPWM' to 'IRSenderESP8266':

IRSenderESP8266 irSender(1);     // IR led on ESP8266 digital pin 1

This method are updated to use ESP8266 SDK built-int startWaveform() function which utilizes Timer1 for more accurate waveform generation.

As an alternative methods these are available:

Note that depending on your board, certain GPIO's might not be available. For example on NodeMCU, the usable GPIO's are D1 (GPIO5), D2 (GPIO4), D6 (GPIO12), D7 (GPIO13) and D3 (GPIO0).

ESPEasy on ESP8266 board

This library (together with the HeatpumpIR plugin) is integrated into the ESP Easy firmware. Take a look here: https://github.com/letscontrolit/ESPEasy

ESP32 support

This library also supports ESP32. Just change the IR send method from 'IRSenderPWM' to 'IRSenderESP32':

IRSenderESP32 irSender(2, 0);     // IR led on ESP22 digital pin 2, 0 - ESP32 LEDC channel. 

Arduino example


How to contribute

All these heatpump / A/C models have been reverse-engineered, by decoding the IR signal from the remote control. See the sketch https://github.com/ToniA/Raw-IR-decoder-for-Arduino for more information.

First the protocol needs to be understood

Once a working decoder module has been written, writing a transmitter module into HeatpumpIR is easy. I can help in coding the modules, and I'm also happy to receive pull requests.