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ESPEasy (development branch)

Introduction https://espeasy.readthedocs.io/en/latest/ (and, mostly outdated, wiki: https://www.letscontrolit.com/wiki/index.php/ESPEasy#Introduction)

MEGA This is the development branch of ESPEasy. All new features go into this branch, and it has become the current stable branch. If you want to do a bugfix, do it on this branch.

Check here to learn how to use this branch and help us improving ESPEasy: Starter guide for (local) development on ESPEasy

Web based flasher (experimental)

To make it easier to get started, one may flash a build directly to the ESP from your browser. Currently only Chrome and Edge are supported.

See this flash page to try the new web flash feature.

The web flasher is using ESP Web Tools made by the people behind ESPHome and Home Assistant.

Binary releases

On demand, controlled by the repo owner, our build-bot will build a new binary release: https://github.com/letscontrolit/ESPEasy/releases

The releases are named something like 'mega-20220626' (last number is the build date)

Depending on your needs, we release different types of files:

The name is built up from a few key parts:


[build-type] can be any of:

Build typeDescriptionincluded plugins
climateAll plugins related to climate measurementStable + Climate
customCustom predefined set/Defined in Custom.hSpecific
normalStandard pluginsStable
collection_ANormal + plugin collection AStable + Collection base + set A
collection_BNormal + plugin collection BStable + Collection base + set B
collection_CNormal + plugin collection CStable + Collection base + set C
collection_DNormal + plugin collection DStable + Collection base + set D
collection_ENormal + plugin collection EStable + Collection base + set E
collection_FNormal + plugin collection FStable + Collection base + set F
collection_GNormal + plugin collection GStable + Collection base + set G
maxAll available pluginsAll available
energyAll plugins related to energy measurementStable + Energy measurement
displayAll plugins related to displaysStable + Displays
neopixelAll plugins related to neopixelStable + Neopixel
hardhardware specific buildsMinimal
minimalminimal plugins for specific use-casesSwitch and Controller
spec_*specialized technical buildsNot intended for regular use
IRextInfra-red hardware specificSending and receiving IR cmd
safeboot(Experimental) safeboot build to enable<br>most/all plugins on 4MB Flash boardsNone

[opt-arduino-library] (optional) can be any of:

Arduino libraryDescription
alt_wifiAlternative WiFi configuration
betaArduino Beta release
sdk3Arduino SDK v.3
core_274Arduino Core 2.7.4 release
core_302Arduino Core 3.0.2 release
core_274_sdk3Arduino Core 2.7.4 SDK v.3 release

[hardware-type] can be any of:

Hardware typeDescription
ESP8266Espressif ESP8266/ESP8285 generic boards
WROOM02Espressif ESP8266 WRoom02 boards
ESP32Espressif ESP32 generic boards
ESP32solo1Espressif ESP32-Solo1 generic boards
ESP32s2Espressif ESP32-S2 generic boards
ESP32c3Espressif ESP32-C3 generic boards
ESP32s3Espressif ESP32-S3 generic boards
ESP32c2Espressif ESP32-C2 generic boards
ESP32c6Espressif ESP32-C6 generic boards
ESP32-wrover-kitEspressif ESP32 wrover-kit boards
SONOFFSonoff hardware specific
other_POWSwitch with power measurement
Shelly_1Shelly 1 switch
Shelly_PLUG_SShelly plug S switch with power measurement
VentusVentus W266 weather station
LCtech_relayLC-tech serial switch

N.B. Starting 2022/07/23, 1M ESP8266 builds can also be used on ESP8285 units and thus there is no longer a specific ESP8285 build anymore.

[flash-size] can be any of:

Flash sizeDescription
1M1 MB with 128 kB filesystem
2M2 MB with 128 kB filesystem
2M2562 MB with 256 kB filesystem
2M320k2 MB with 320 kB filesystem
4M1M4 MB with 1 MB filesystem
4M2M4 MB with 2 MB filesystem
16M16 MB with 14 MB filesystem
4M316k4 MB with 316 kB filesystem
8M1M8 MB with 1 MB filesystem
16M1M16 MB with 1 MB filesystem
16M8M16 MB with 8 MB filesystem

N.B. Starting with release 2023/12/25, All ESP32 LittleFS builds use IDF 5.1, to support newer ESP32 chips like ESP32-C2 and ESP32-C6 and SPI Ethernet. Other SPIFFS based ESP32 builds will be migrated to LittleFS as SPIFFS is no longer available in IDF 5 and later. A migration plan will be made available in 2024.

[opt-build-features] can be any of:

Build featuresDescription
LittleFSUse LittleFS instead of SPIFFS filesystem (SPIFFS is unstable > 2 MB, and no longer supported in IDF > 5)
VCCAnalog input configured to measure VCC voltage (ESP8266 only)
OTAArduino OTA (Over The Air) update feature enabled
DomoticzOnly Domoticz controllers (HTTP) and plugins included
Domoticz_MQTTOnly Domoticz controllers (MQTT) and plugins included
FHEM_HAOnly FHEM/OpenHAB/Home Assistant (MQTT) controllers and plugins included
ETHEthernet interface enabled (ESP32-classic and IDF 5.x based builds)
OPI_PSRAMSpecific configuration to enable PSRAM detection, ESP32-S3 only
CDCSupport USBCDC/HWCDC-serial console on ESP32-C3, ESP32-S2, ESP32-S3 and ESP32-C6
noOTA/NO_OTADoes not support OTA (Over The Air-updating of the firmware) Use the flash page or ESPTool via USB Serial

Some example firmware names:

Firmware nameHardwareIncluded plugins
ESPEasy_mega-20230822_normal_ESP8266_1M.binESP8266/ESP8285 with 1MB flashStable
ESPEasy_mega-20230822_normal_ESP8266_4M1M.binESP8266 with 4MB flashStable
ESPEasy_mega-20230822_collection_A_ESP8266_4M1M.binESP8266 with 4MB flashStable + Collection base + set A
ESPEasy_mega-20230822_normal_ESP32_4M316k.binESP32 with 4MB flashStable
ESPEasy_mega-20230822_collection_A_ESP32_4M316k.binESP32 with 4MB flashStable + Collection base + set A
ESPEasy_mega-20230822_collection_B_ESP32_4M316k.binESP32 with 4MB flashStable + Collection base + set B
ESPEasy_mega-20230822_max_ESP32s3_8M1M_LittleFS_CDC_ETH.binESP32-S3 with 8MB flash, CDC-serial, EthernetAll available plugins
ESPEasy_mega-20230822_max_ESP32s3_8M1M_LittleFS_OPI_PSRAM_CDC_ETH.binESP32-S3 8MB flash, PSRAM, CDC-serial, EthernetAll available plugins
ESPEasy_mega-20230822_max_ESP32_16M1M.binESP32 with 16MB flashAll available plugins
ESPEasy_mega-20230822_max_ESP32_16M8M_LittleFS_ETH.binESP32 with 16MB flash, EthernetAll available plugins

The binary files for the different ESP32 variants (S2, C3, S3, C2, C6, 'Classic') are available in separate archives.

To see what plugins are included in which collection set, you can find that on the ESPEasy Plugin overview page

Documentation & more info

Our new, in-depth documentation can be found at ESPEasy.readthedocs.io. Automatically built, so always up-to-date according to the contributed contents. The old Wiki documentation can be found at letscontrolit.com/wiki.

Additional details and discussion are on the "Experimental" section of the forum: https://www.letscontrolit.com/forum/viewforum.php?f=18

Gitpod Ready-to-Code

Icons used

Icons on courtesy of ICONS8.