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What's for

SDWebImageLottiePlugin is a plugin for SDWebImage framework, which provide the Lottie animation loading from JSON file.

You can find more resource about Lottie in their Official Site.



Swift Package Manager

SDWebImageWebPCoder is available through Swift Package Manager.

let package = Package(
    dependencies: [
        .package(url: "https://github.com/SDWebImage/SDWebImageLottiePlugin.git", from: "1.0.0")


SDWebImageLottiePlugin is available through CocoaPods. To install it, simply add the following line to your Podfile:

pod 'SDWebImageLottiePlugin', '~> 1.0'

Carthage (Deprecated)

SDWebImageLottiePlugin is available through Carthage.

github "SDWebImage/SDWebImageLottiePlugin", ~> 1.0


  1. Carthage macOS integration contains issue, because the module name is Lottie_macOS but not Lottie, wait the issue here been fixed 👀

Lottie 2 && Objective-C

Lottie 3.4 version's LottieConfiguration.shared.renderingEngine = .coreAnimation solve the huge performance regression in the issue here 🚀

So from SDWebImageLottiePlugin v1.0.0, we drop the Lottie 2 support, as well as the Objective-C support because Lottie 3 use pure Swift. And therefore, we drop the iOS 9-10 support because the upstream dependency need iOS 11+.

For user who still use Lottie 2 and Objective-C, please check the 0.x version updated to 0.3.0


Load Lottie from remote JSON

let animationView: Lottie.AnimationView
let lottieJSONURL: URL
animationView.sd_setImage(with: lottieJSONURL)


animationView.sd_setImage(with: lottieUrl, completed: { _,_,_,_ in
    self.animationView.play(fromProgress: 0, toProgress: 1, loopMode: .repeat(5)) { finished in
        // ...
let bundle = Bundle(for: MyBundleClass.self)
animationView.imageProvider = BundleImageProvider(bundle: bundle, searchPath: nil)
animationView.sd_setImage(with: lottieUrl)

Advanced usage

This Lottie plugin use a wrapper class LottieImage because of SDWebImage's customization architecture design. Typically you should not care about this, however this can allows some advanced usage.

let animation = try? JSONDecoder().decode(Animation.self, from: data)
let animatedImage = LottieImage(animation: animation)
// Optional, custom image bundle
animatedImage.imageProvider = BundleImageProvider(bundle: bundle, searchPath: nil)
// Snapshot Lottie animation frame
let posterFrame = animatedImage.animatedImageFrame(at: 0)
let duration = animatedImage.animatedImageDuration(at: 0)



If you have some issue about usage, SDWebImageLottiePlugin provide a demo for iOS && macOS platform. To run the demo, clone the repo and run the following command.

cd Example/
pod install
open SDWebImageLottiePlugin.xcworkspace

After the Xcode project was opened, click Run to build and run the demo.


<img src="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/SDWebImage/SDWebImageLottiePlugin/master/Example/Screenshot/LottieDemo.gif" width="300" /> <img src="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/SDWebImage/SDWebImageLottiePlugin/master/Example/Screenshot/LottieDemo-macOS.gif" width="300" />

The lottie json files are from lottie-web example




SDWebImageLottiePlugin is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.