

<p align="center"> <h1 align="center">Awesome-Single-Image-Reflection-Removal(SIRR) </h1> <p align="center">A collection of Single image reflection removal. <br /> <br /> <a href="https://github.com/Liar-zzy/Awesome-Single-Image-Reflection-Removal/issues/new">Suggest new item</a> <br /> <a href="https://github.com/Liar-zzy/Awesome-Single-Image-Reflection-Removal/issues/new">Report Bug</a> </p> <p align="center"> <a href="https://github.com/Liar-zzy/Awesome-Single-Image-Reflection-Removal"> <img src= "https://img.shields.io/github/stars/Liar-zzy/Awesome-Single-Image-Reflection-Removal"></a> <img style="border-radius:5px;width:120px;" src="https://badges.toozhao.com/badges/01HGGJYNZ9DFR8JC1TPZEJJ2YQ/blue.svg" alt="Count"> </p> </p> <p align="center">:star2: If Awesome-SIRR is helpful to your images or projects, please help star this repo. Thanks! :hugs:</p>

This repository provides a summary of deep learning-based SIRR algorithms. All of these methods have been verified through the DBLP.

:rocket: To-Do-List

Table of contents

:boom: SIRR

2023CVPR:fire: :fire: :fire: Robust Single Image Reflection Removal Against Adversarial Attacks[paper]<br />[code]
2022WACVImproving Single-Image Defocus Deblurring: How Dual-Pixel Images Help Through Multi-Task Learning[paper]<br />[code]
2022PAMIBenchmarking Single-Image Reflection Removal Algorithms[paper]<br />[website]
2021WACVSingle image reflection removal with edge guidance[paper]<br/>[code]
2021ICCVLocation-aware single image reflection removal[paper]<br />[code]
2021NIPSTrash or Treasure? An Interactive Dual-Stream Strategy for Single Image Reflection Separation[paper]<br />[code]
2021CVPRSingle Image Reflection Removal with Absorption Effect[paper]<br />[code]
2021CVPRRobust Reflection Removal with Reflection-free Flash-only Cues[paper]<br />[code]
2021ICCVV-DESIRR: Very Fast Deep Embedded Single Image Reflection Removal[paper]<br />[code]✖️
2021TIPDeep-Masking Generative Network: A Unified Framework for Background Restoration from Superimposed Images[paper]<br />[code]
2020CVPRSingle Image Reflection Removal Through Cascaded Refinement[paper]<br />[code]
2020CVPRSingle Image Reflection Removal with Physically-Based Training Images[paper]<br />[code]
2020CVPRDeep Adversarial Decomposition: A Unified Framework for Separating Superimposed Images[paper]<br />[code]
2019CVPRSingle image reflection removal exploiting misaligned training data and network enhancements[paper]<br />[code]
2019CVPRSingle Image Reflection Removal Beyond Linearity[paper]<br />[code]
2019PAMICoRRN: Cooperative Reflection Removal Network[paper]<br />[code]
2018ECCVSeeing deeply and bidirectionally: A deep learning approach for single image reflection removal[paper]<br />[code]
2018CVPRSingle image reflection separation with perceptual losses[paper]<br />[code]
2018CVPRCRRN: Multi-Scale Guided Concurrent Reflection Removal Network[paper]<br />[code](not official)
2017ICCVBenchmarking Single-Image Reflection Removal Algorithms[paper]<br />[website]
2017ICCVA Generic Deep Architecture for Single Image Reflection Removal and Image Smoothing[paper]<br />[code]
2014CVPRSingle image layer separation using relative smoothness[paper]<br />[code]

:hugs: Image Quality Assessment

PSNR (Peak Signal-to-Noise Ratio)Full-Reference[code]
SSIM (Structural Similarity Index Measurement)Full-Reference[code]
LPIPS (Learned Perceptual Image Patch Similarity)Full-Reference[code]

:+1: Benchmark Datasets

Recommended Datasets

DatasetUsageImage num
Real20Training & Test89 & 20

:sparkles: Acknowledgement

This work is inspired by awesome-reflection-removal and Awesome-Reflection-Removal.