


Hoding my CA scripts
<br /> README <br /> _________________________________________________________________________________________<br /> <br /> NOTE 1: Pls make sure that all the '.m' scripts are under a same directory. <br /> NOTE 2: You can add your own testing images under the path of /test_images; <br /> Please classify them into two classes, i.e., images for intrinsic <br /> images decomposition purpose (under /test_images/intrinsic_images, <br /> and should be 'png’ format) and images for reflection removal purpose <br /> (under /test_images/reflection_removal, and should be 'jpg' format). <br /> NOTE 3: To use MIT’s Local Mean Square Error (LMSE)[5] method to test the <br /> the 'quality' of output images, please refer the ATTACHMENT. <br /> <br /> RUN THE CODE: <br /> 1) Open 'main.m' in MATLAB; <br /> 2) Change the value of lambda which control the smoothness if you want; <br /> 3) Run 'main.m', wait for 'ALL DONE' shown in the command window;<br /> 4) Check the detailed results in 'results_log.txt' & 'results_images' folder.<br /> <br /> Copyrights info:<br /> 1) This code is written by myself and it is adapted from algorithms published<br /> in "Single Image Layer Separation using Relative Smoothness" (Y. Li et al.,<br /> CVPR 2014) and "Ground truth dataset and baseline evaluations for intrinsic<br /> image algorithms" (R. Grosse et al., ICCV 2009).<br /> 2) Some testing images under "test_images" folder are copied from MIT intrinsic <br /> image dataset and from the testing dataset of " Exploiting Reflection Change <br /> for Automatic Reflection Removal" (Y. Li et al., ICCV 2013).<br /> <br /> CHI JI<br /> E0001795@u.nus.edu<br /> _________________________________________________________________________________________<br /> <br /> ATTACHMENT<br /> _________________________________________________________________________________________<br /> <br /> NOTE: Copied from MIT intrinsic image dataset.<br /> <br /> The code is under the 'MIT-intrinsic' folder.<br /> The data are available at: <br /> http://people.csail.mit.edu/rgrosse/intrinsic/intrinsic-data.tar.gz<br /> <br /> Unpack the tarballs and merge if necessary. The top-level folder, named<br /> MIT-intrinsic by default, should contain the README, four python<br /> files, the data folder, and two empty results folders.<br /> <br /> The four python files are:<br /> comparison.py: the script for performing hold-one-out cross-validation.<br /> intrinsic.py: all of the intrinsic image algorithms, along with functions<br /> for reading the data and computing the error scores<br /> poisson.py: functions for solving the Poisson equation using least-squares or L1.<br /> html.py: a utility for saving results to HTML.<br /> <br /> After installing the required packages (see below), you should be able to<br /> reproduce most of the results from the paper by running comparison.py:<br /> <br /> cd MIT-intrinsic<br /> python comparison.py<br /> <br /> This will evaluate the algorithms using hold-one-out cross-validation. It prints<br /> results to the console, and also saves the shading/reflectance decompositions and<br /> their error scores to the HTML file results/index.html. If you set the USE_L1<br /> variable (defined in comparison.py) to True, it will use the L1 penalty for reconstruction<br /> rather than least squares. In this case, the outputs will be saved to results_L1/index.html.<br /> <br /> We have done our best to provide a code base which is readable, compact, and easy to<br /> extend.<br /> <br /> Please send your questions and comments to Roger Grosse (rgrosse@mit.edu).<br /> <br />

_________________________________ Installation __________________________________<br /> To run the code, you will need Python as well as the following<br /> Python libraries:<br /> NumPy<br /> SciPy<br /> PyPNG<br /> PyAMG<br /> __________________________________________________________________________________ <br /> <br />