


Blog link: working on it.

Github Link: https://github.com/Kara-4search/SysCall_ShellcodeLoad_Csharp


  1. I updated the SysCall_ShellcodeLoad, now it's gonna find the syscall ID automatically(Check the file - Auto_NativeCode.cs).
  2. If you want to test the old verison SysCall_ShellcodeLoad,
    • You just need to remove all the "Auto_NativeCode" from Program.cs
    • And Replace the syscall ID with your own.
  3. Replace the "buf1" with your own shellcode. avatar
  4. Replace the syscall ID with your own in NativeCode.cs(Only when you use NativeCode in steal of Auto_NativeCode).

TO-DO list

  1. Working on both x64 and x86

  2. Make the syscall array more flexible

Reference link:

  1. https://github.com/SolomonSklash/SyscallPOC

  2. https://jhalon.github.io/utilizing-syscalls-in-csharp-1/

  3. https://jhalon.github.io/utilizing-syscalls-in-csharp-2/

  4. https://www.solomonsklash.io/syscalls-for-shellcode-injection.html

  5. https://www.pinvoke.net/default.aspx

  6. https://github.com/jhalon/SharpCall/blob/master/Syscalls.cs

  7. https://github.com/badBounty/directInjectorPOC

  8. https://j00ru.vexillium.org/syscalls/nt/64/

  9. http://undocumented.ntinternals.net/index.html?page=UserMode%2FUndocumented%20Functions%2FMemory%20Management%2FVirtual%20Memory%2FNtAllocateVirtualMemory.html