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🇧🇴 A list of cool projects made in Bolivia
:star2: | Name | Description | 🌍 |
19899 | @balena-io/etcher | Etcher is a powerful OS image flasher built with web technologies | :arrow_upper_right: |
13 | @boriscy/enano | Enano is a small CMS written in Ext JS and Ruby on Rails for the backend with and cool FileManager | |
11 | @boriscy/backbone-rivetsjs | Two way data binding example for Backbone.js with rivets.js | :arrow_upper_right: |
9 | @boriscy/grider | jQuery plugin to enable calculations and modifications in a table with data input | :arrow_upper_right: |
6 | @luixaviles/curso-angular | ||
5 | @kapit4n/react-seller | Web environment to register products, sell products, and handler the stock of the products. ReactJS | :arrow_upper_right: |
5 | @boriscy/almacen | Sistema de control de almacenes | |
4 | @paolo/smithy-describe | A simple describe like syntax for testing meteor packages with Tinytest | |
3 | @severo/well-formed | ||
3 | @carlos-olivera/reactioncommerce-jso… | JSON parser and importer for Reactioncommerce | |
3 | @juliosguz/initial-layout | Initial layout with Gulp | |
3 | @kapit4n/mockupero | Collaborative platform to manage mockups, angular 1.3 | :arrow_upper_right: |
2 | @boriscy/bonsaiweb | Web site for bonsaiERP | :arrow_upper_right: |
2 | @chitopolo/React-Node-Starter | ||
2 | @boriscy/atixtutorextjs | Tutor de ExtJS para la revistar ATIX | :arrow_upper_right: |
2 | @boriscy/gaspet | Gapet | |
2 | @Veuge/little_projects | Practicing Javascript, too late | |
2 | @kapit4n/lb-school-events | School events API | |
2 | @wolf-mtwo/node-rest-es6 | A simple seed for web applications, just backend stack, in es6 | |
2 | @kapit4n/mockupero-api | REST full api to manage mockups | |
2 | @boriscy/motoEx | Herramienta fácil para importar de datos desde hoja electrónicas | :arrow_upper_right: |
:star2: | Name | Description | 🌍 |
17 | @alvareztech/BottomNavigationView… | BottomNavigationView Sample | :arrow_upper_right: |
12 | @alvareztech/android-facebook-log… | Demo Facebook Login Android Application | :arrow_upper_right: |
10 | @alvareztech/firebase-ui-android-… | Demo FirebaseUI Android phone authentication | :arrow_upper_right: |
8 | @Gusn8/CodeLab-Kotlin | Ejemplo de unión de código java con kotlin | |
8 | @Gusn8/StudyJam_II_Views_II | Ejemplo 2 Sobre Vistas. | |
8 | @alvareztech/Pokedex | An application that uses Retrofit to consume the Pokeapi API, in addition to loading images with Glide. | :arrow_upper_right: |
7 | @Gusn8/StudyJam_II_Animatio… | Repositorio de animaciones básicas a través de XML con uso de la clase Animation. | |
6 | @alvareztech/android-crud-room-mv… | Android CRUD MVP Demo | :arrow_upper_right: |
6 | @alvareztech/TowerOfHanoi | Graphical solution to the Towers of Hanoi from 1 to 8 pieces in Java. | :arrow_upper_right: |
6 | @andres-vasquez/LegoTbbTIot | Android App for Firebase Lego Codelab | |
5 | @Gusn8/StudyJam_II_CustomVi… | Repositorio de ejemplo personalizando algunas vistas. | |
5 | @andres-vasquez/AndroidArchTodo | Android Architecture Example: TODO | |
5 | @alvareztech/EjemploFCM | Proyecto del video de Firebase Cloud Messaging | :arrow_upper_right: |
4 | @Gusn8/StudyJam_II_Views | Ejemplo 1 Study Jam | |
4 | @viniciusDSL/CameraView | Android Camera Library to use a camera like a simple widget | |
4 | @viniciusDSL/Google-I-O-extended | ||
4 | @andres-vasquez/android-mvvm-attenda… | Codelab with android Architecture Components | |
4 | @Gusn8/StudyJam_II_Java_2 | ||
4 | @alvareztech/FirebaseGoogleSignIn… | Google Sign-In for Android in Firebase | |
4 | @timoteoponce/gitconfig4j | Configuration management of git-like properties for Java (git gitconfig java). | :arrow_upper_right: |
3 | @alvareztech/GoogleSignInAndroid | Google Sign-In for Android. | :arrow_upper_right: |
3 | @Gusn8/StudyJam_II_Java_1 | ||
3 | @alvareztech/ChatBluetooth | Un chat haciendo uso de la API Bluetooth basado en la aplicación de ejemplo de la documentación oficial de Android. | |
2 | @viniciusDSL/One-Cachito | Android videogame based on traditional Bolivian game "Cacho Alalay" | |
2 | @viniciusDSL/NavigationView-Demo | Simple demo of NavigationView android widget | |
2 | @andres-vasquez/curso-android-2016 | Ejemplos del Curso Android Ine 2016 | |
2 | @alvareztech/SimiDic | Diccionario de lenguas para dispositivos Android. | |
2 | @timoteoponce/totai3capas | aplicacion 3 capas | |
2 | @viniciusDSL/AngryTux | Example with andengine of a Simple Level Game for Android | |
2 | @Gusn8/StudyJam_II_CustomLi… | Ejemplo basico de uso de ListView antes de ingresar al manejo de RecyclerView. | |
2 | @Gusn8/SJ_A_1_17_Java_3_Int… | Ejemplo básico de manipulación de Intents dentro una aplicación Android. | |
2 | @Gusn8/PokeLitho | Demo básica de creación de interfaces de usuario con Litho de Facebook. | |
2 | @Gusn8/StudyJam_II_Multimed… | Simple demo con las características de SoundPool que me permite reproducir sonidos cortos. | |
2 | @Gusn8/SJ_A_1_17_Java_2 | Ejemplo básico de integración de Java en una aplicación Android. | |
2 | @alvareztech/CNA-Friends | Android networking course demo application. Facebook Fresco, RecyclerView. | :arrow_upper_right: |
2 | @timoteoponce/paginator | Generic stateless paginator component for Java | :arrow_upper_right: |
2 | @Gusn8/StudyJam_II_Multimed… | Simple demo para mostrar las características de la clase MediaPlayer para reproducción de sonidos largos. | |
2 | @Gusn8/kotlin-codelab | Ejemplo impartido en un CodeLab del Google I/O Extended Cochabamba 2017. | |
2 | @timoteoponce/portable-AddressBook | MacOs like AddressBook application written in Java | |
2 | @Gusn8/StudyJam_II_Persiste… | Ejemplo Basico de uso de SharedPreferences, Archivos internos y externos. | |
2 | @tiveor/android-advanced | ||
2 | @Gusn8/StudyJam_II_Intents | Uso de Intents explícitos e implícitos. | |
2 | @tiveor/android-intermediate | ||
2 | @Gusn8/SJ_A_1_17_Views_2 | Segundo demo del Curso de Android - Android Development for Beginners | |
2 | @tonny/slide | implementar patrones de disenio en los Slides | :arrow_upper_right: |
2 | @Gusn8/StudyJam_II_Multimed… | Demo de uso de MediaPlayer y SoundPool, implementado en una aplicación con sonidos y remixes de sonidos con la frase 'hit' del momento en Bolivia: "Pero no es que te ralles asi". | |
2 | @tonny/patternsinjava | This is a collection of patterns designs examples in java | :arrow_upper_right: |
2 | @Gusn8/VisionAPIdemo | ||
2 | @robertop87/sf-calendario | ejercicio de calendario | |
2 | @robertop87/solid-course | Source code for the SOLID principles course | |
2 | @Gusn8/SJ_A_1_17_Java_1 | Ejemplo básico de integración de Java en una aplicación Android. |
:star2: | Name | Description | 🌍 |
14 | @MyAPKapp/VistaUIFramework | All possibilities of WinAPI into .NET Framework | |
2 | @uialberto/asm | ASM. Agente Salvavidas de Mascotas. Aplicación web para gestionar el proceso de publicación y adopción de mascotas. |
:star2: | Name | Description | 🌍 |
2 | @gustof1/paraba | webs app |
:star2: | Name | Description | 🌍 |
2 | @hiro2233/tachus_pi | Tachus PI compute pi world record. Source from |
:star2: | Name | Description | 🌍 |
99 | @alphaonex86/Ultracopier | Ultracopier is free and open source software licensed under GPL3 that acts as a replacement for files copy dialogs.Main features include: play/pause, speed limitation, on-error resume, error/collision management ... | :arrow_upper_right: |
40 | @alphaonex86/CatchChallenger | CatchChallenger openSource oldschool MMORPG | :arrow_upper_right: |
9 | @alphaonex86/debug-devel | Testing tools (binary/text) for RS232, QTcpSocket, QLocalSocket | |
7 | @binouz/node-skia | Skia based renderer for nodejs with EGL | |
5 | @alphaonex86/Copy-handler | Like ultracopier | :arrow_upper_right: |
4 | @alexpizarroj/competitive-programm… | My solutions to competitive programming exercises. | |
4 | @jhtan/cp | Competitive Programming | |
4 | @alphaonex86/EasyMiner | EasyMiner | |
3 | @alexpizarroj/acm-icpc-trd | ACM-ICPC Team Reference Document | |
3 | @alphaonex86/Catchcopy | To send/receive copy/move list | |
3 | @alphaonex86/QtSignalsSlotsBenchm… | QtSignalsSlotsBenchmark | |
2 | @ebasconp/classeine | classeine is a C++ framework implementing several tools to code and run native RESTful apps. | |
2 | @alphaonex86/OpenTradingPlatform | Open trading platform |
:star2: | Name | Description | 🌍 |
23 | @carliros/Simple-San-Simon-Fun… | A Web Browser written with Haskell | :arrow_upper_right: |
4 | @carliros/Selector | Tesiting selectors of CSS | :arrow_upper_right: |
2 | @carliros/dbjava | A serializer and deserializer of the Jvm classfile format. | |
2 | @carliros/Tree-Box | Tree-Box Css | :arrow_upper_right: |
:star2: | Name | Description | 🌍 |
200 | @PTEz/LumberjackConsole | On-device CocoaLumberjack console with support for search, adjust levels, copying and more. | :arrow_upper_right: |
71 | @PTEz/PTEHorizontalTableVi… | Horizontal UITableView inspired by EasyTableView. | :arrow_upper_right: |
5 | @AndyIbanez/silight | A small AssistantExtension to make Siri turn on and off your flashlight with voice commands | |
4 | @F3r-n4nd0/ios-compression-vide… | ||
3 | @AndyIbanez/Sideswitch-Toggles | Hook into the iPhone's ringer to let people do whatever they want with it. | |
3 | @AndyIbanez/TutorialProjects | All the projects for the tutorials I have written. | |
2 | @devcarlos/UIColor-HexUtils | UIColor Hex Utils Category | |
2 | @devcarlos/MyClockAlarm | MyClockAlarm is an iOS (iPhone and iPad) based clock alarm with retina display support |
:star2: | Name | Description | 🌍 |
2 | @DanielTorres1/Webhacks |
:star2: | Name | Description | 🌍 |
34 | @edsonmgoz/asignaciones | Proyecto de asignacion de tareas desarrollado durante el curso del framework Symfony 2 | |
14 | @edsonmgoz/restaurante | Repositorio oficial del proyecto Restaurante desarrollado en el Curso de CakePHP | |
13 | @kplian/pxp | Framework PXP for agile web development | |
11 | @seguce92/fullcalendar-laravel | Implements bootstrap fullcalendar with laravel 5.3 | |
7 | @kplian/sis_contabilidad | ||
5 | @JDavidVR/magento2_david_es_mx | Magento 2 language pack latin spanish es_MX | |
5 | @edsonmgoz/pocake | Aplicación para guardar enlaces preferidos desarrollado en el curso de CakePHP 3 | |
5 | @yracnet/php-sms-3g | Send Sms in PHP with modem 3G | |
4 | @edsonmgoz/curso-cakephp | Curso de desarrollo de aplicaciones web con el framework CakePHP | |
4 | @kplian/sis_ventas_facturaci… | ||
4 | @kplian/sis_operman | Sistema de Operaciones y Mantenimiento | |
4 | @kplian/sis_adquisiciones | ||
4 | @kplian/sis_kactivos_fijos | Gestión de Activos Fijos Kplian | |
3 | @jorgenils/zend-framework | A git clone of the popular PHP framwork Zend Framework | :arrow_upper_right: |
3 | @kplian/sis_cuenta_documenta… | ||
3 | @kplian/sis_almacenes | ||
3 | @kplian/sis_tesoreria | ||
3 | @rensi4rn/CCBADMIN | sistema de administración de la CCB | |
3 | @kplian/sis_presupuestos | PRE | |
2 | @ronytic/colegio | Sistema de Académico Administrativo de Colegios - Bolivia | |
2 | @kplian/sis_costos | sistema de costeo , vaintegrado con sis_contabilidad | |
2 | @kplian/sis_empresas | sistema para envio de publicidad |
:star2: | Name | Description | 🌍 |
236 | @carlitux/deoplete-ternjs | deoplete.nvim source for javascript | |
18 | @Snifer/GPT | Gadget Pentesting Tool Scripts | :arrow_upper_right: |
11 | @Snifer/SniferL4bs | Todos los scripts y locuras del Blog SniferL4bs que sean desarrollados vendran en esta pequeña sección dedicada | |
6 | @carlitux/djbuild | Buildout recipe based on djangorecipe, | |
6 | @arielvega/python-mobile | A python module that handles communication between your app and mobile devices | :arrow_upper_right: |
3 | @nely/solmujeres | Código fuente de | :arrow_upper_right: |
3 | @carlitux/denite-cool-grep | Better grep source for denite | |
2 | @hmen89/odoo-addons | Odoo additional addons | |
2 | @nnrcschmdt/congreso | A simple congress/conference management system in Django. | |
2 | @nnrcschmdt/geistesblitze | a simple Flask application | |
2 | @nnrcschmdt/festival | A simple installfest management system in Django | |
2 | @josuemontano/python_intro | Introducción a la computación científica con Python | |
2 | @josuemontano/API-platform | Full stack pyramid sample project ready to deploy with dokku | |
2 | @poiesisconsulting/openerp-restaurant | OpenERP addons for restaurant | |
2 | @carlitux/gaebuild | Buildout recipe based on djbuild for google app engine, | |
2 | @josben/annie | django 1.6 + django-bootstrap-toolkit + django-userena | |
2 | @carlitux/deoplete-flow | deoplete.nvim source for flowtype | |
2 | @arielvega/uremix-app-developer… | Uremix's helper code | :arrow_upper_right: |
:star2: | Name | Description | 🌍 |
46 | @mordaroso/guard-motion | Guard::Motion automatically run your RubyMotion specs (much like autotest) | |
45 | @mordaroso/rubymotion-keychain-… | Example RubyMotion App to show how to use the Keychain | |
36 | @mordaroso/rubymotion-settings | Example RubyMotion App to show how to create a settings view | |
13 | @mordaroso/guard-passenger | Guard::Passenger automatically restarts passenger when needed | |
10 | @carakan/pronto-credo | pronto runner for credo, a code analysis tool for Elixir programming language | |
8 | @owen2345/Camaleon-CMS-Sample | ||
7 | @carakan/j_tiny_mce | tiny mce whith jquery and paperclip for upload pictures | |
6 | @owen2345/camaleon_export_impo… | Permit to export and import the data of Camaleon CMS | |
4 | @mordaroso/carabiner | Rubymotion wrapper for easy access to the keychain | |
3 | @owen2345/camaleon_oauth | This is a plugin for Camaleon CMS that support oauth integration | |
3 | @mordaroso/guard-ego | Alter Ego for Guard | |
3 | @owen2345/camaleon-cms-seo | ||
2 | @owen2345/camaleon-post-order-… | Camaleon Gem that permit you to reorder your contents | |
2 | @owen2345/authie | Authie gem adapted for rails 4 | |
2 | @owen2345/cama_subscriber | ||
2 | @owen2345/cama_contact_form | ||
2 | @carakan/like_comments | plugin for enabled like and comments for objects, like facebook | |
2 | @rolo555/Jewelry | ||
2 | @carakan/scribe_polymorfic | A simple plugin that allows to keep track of the models activity, this a polymorfhic activity tracker | |
2 | @rolo555/consulta_pediatrica | Sistema para la consulta pediátrica | |
2 | @carakan/atix | Repositorio de tutorial escrito en la revista atix | |
2 | @rolo555/Pediatria | Colsultorio Pediatrico | |
2 | @Walsen/gconfpkg2dirs | Gentoo Portage Configuration Files to Directories | |
2 | @carakan/contacts | Simple site for manage contacts. |
:star2: | Name | Description | 🌍 |
2 | @Charles-Hatched/git-alias-bash | GIT Aliases Bash |
:star2: | Name | Description | 🌍 |
5 | @dev123dev123/JSQMessagesViewContr… | ||
4 | @dev123dev123/Ax | An organized way to control the flow of asynchronous executions in Swift. |
:question: Get Help
There are few ways to get help:
- Please post questions on Stack Overflow. You can open issues with questions, as long you add a link to your Stack Overflow question.
- For bug reports and feature requests, open issues. :bug:
- For direct and quick help, you can use Codementor. :rocket:
:yum: How to contribute
Have an idea? Found a bug? See how to contribute.
:sparkling_heart: Support my projects
I open-source almost everything I can, and I try to reply to everyone needing help using these projects. Obviously, this takes time. You can integrate and use these projects in your applications for free! You can even change the source code and redistribute (even resell it).
However, if you get some profit from this or just want to encourage me to continue creating stuff, there are few ways you can do it:
Starring and sharing the projects you like :rocket:
—I love books! I will remember you after years if you buy me one. :grin: :book:
—You can make one-time donations via PayPal. I'll probably buy a
coffeetea. :tea: -
—Set up a recurring monthly donation and you will get interesting news about what I'm doing (things that I don't share with everyone).
Bitcoin—You can send me bitcoins at this address (or scanning the code below):
Thanks! :heart: