


Android App for Firebase + Lego Codelab

Based on Firebase + Android Codelab at @GDG Global Summit 2016, San Francisco. <br/><br/> LegoTbbTIot (Lego The Big Bang Theory + IOT) is a sample that shows basic usage of FirebaseArduino to push sensor data to Firebase, and trigger actuators from Firebase through Android App.

<img src="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/andres-vasquez/LegoTbbTIot/master/screenshots/main.png" width="350"> <img src="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/andres-vasquez/LegoTbbTIot/master/screenshots/main_1.png" width="350">

Initial Setup

Please follow the CodeLab instructions: <br/> Firebase-Arduino Integration Repo: https://github.com/googlesamples/firebase-arduino/tree/master/examples/FirebaseRoom_ESP8266

Android Setup

Edit gradle.properties file with your Firebase url, if you want you can use my url: https://iotpanda.firebaseio.com/, Secret: JbYGhXEpIZkh61vYjpFO94YSKravwoShitvM7UDB <br/> Use this info carefully, please.


Play to launch the App.


This version include the following functionality:

  1. Vibrator ON/OFF Switch.
  2. Minifan ON/OFF Switch.
  3. Red Light ON/OFF Switch.
  4. Push Button ON/OFF ToggleButton.
  5. Light Sensor Progress Bar


I want to improve this app including other sensors and functionalities. <br/>

Please feel free to contribute and/or give me feedback about the project.
We can show this App and the Codelab in our GDGs events!!!
<br/> Regards<br/> Andrés Vasquez<br/> GDG La Paz, Bolivia<br/> andres.vasquez.agramont@gmail.com