


SUPPORT : <a name="support"></a>

Youtube chanel (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCSk4IfCR6swJYu3zPOEiGuw)

Interface maestro Detalle (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uUVevOzYDy4)

Support forum (request an invitation! to rensi@kplian.com or jaime@kplian.com)


DEMO : <a name="demo"></a>


user:      admin
password:  admin

INSTALLATION :<a name="installation"></a>

https://github.com/kplian/instalador_framework.pxp for centos 6.x and 7.x

(how to install ... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fIQbMXl5Jdg)

NEXT ... (if you want another instance):<a name="new_system"></a>

FOR CREATE A NEW INSTANCE:<a name="new_system"></a>

  1. Create folder for your project (example mypro)

  2. Inside the folder of your project clone this repository (This will create the pxp folder) #git clone https://github.com/kplian/pxp.git

  3. Create a empty database for your project 3.1 Create database user for connection:

    Example: CREATE ROLE db_conexion NOINHERIT LOGIN PASSWORD 'db_conexion';

  4. You must create soft-links inside your project root folder to:

    • lib
      ln -s pxp/lib lib (execute inside your project root folder)
    • index.php
      ln -s pxp/index.php index.php (execute inside your project root folder)
    • sis_seguridad
      ln -s pxp/sis_seguridad sis_seguridad (execute inside your project root folder)
    • sis_generador
      ln -s pxp/sis_generador sis_generador (execute inside your project root folder)
    • sis_parametros
      ln -s pxp/sis_parametros sis_parametros (execute inside your project root folder)
    • sis_organigrama ln -s pxp/sis_organigrama sis_organigrama (execute inside your project root folder)
    • sis_workflow ln -s pxp/sis_workflow sis_workflow (execute inside your project root folder)

    All these folders and files are inside pxp.

  5. Create two folders one named "reportes_generados" and other "uploaded_files" inside your project root folder with write access for Apache user.

  6. Create a file named "DatosGenerales.php" inside pxp/lib. This file could be a copy of DatosGenerales.sample.php wich already exists in the same folder. It's necesary to do some configurations in that file according to the database.

    -- ejm Create user dbweb_conexion in your database with superuser privileges $_SESSION["_BASE_DATOS"]= "dbweb"; $_SESSION["_USUARIO_CONEXION"] = "conexion" ; $_SESSION["_CONTRASENA_CONEXION"] = "pass_user_web_web_conexion" $_SESSION["_FOLDER"] = "/mypro/";

  7. As postgres user execute "pxp/utilidades/restaurar_bd/restaurar_todo.py" (This will generate the database). Postgres user needs execution access to restaurar_todo.py (./restaurar_todo.py)

    • ejm create user conexion in your database

      $_SESSION["_USUARIO_CONEXION"] = "conexion" ; $_SESSION["_CONTRASENA_CONEXION"] = "dbweb_conexion" ; ...

7.1. Configure postgres file, pg_hba.conf in direccion /var/lib/pgsql/9.1/data/, add next line:

    local	all		postgres, dbweb_conexion 		trust

7.2. Restart postgres service

    /etc/init.d/postgresql-9.1 restart

or service postgresql-9.1 restart

  1. You can use the framework now!!! (user:admin, password:admin)

TO CREATE A NEW SYSTEM:<a name="new_system"></a>

  1. Create a folder for the system. Inside it create this structure:
    • vista
    • control
    • modelo
    • base
      • funciones
      • schema.sql (name of database schema for the system)
      • data000001.sql (Scripts with initial data )
      • dependencies000001.sql (Scripts to create objects with dependency: create view, add foreing key constraints, etc.)
      • patch000001.sql (Scripts to create objects with no dependency: create table, add columns, etc.)
      • test_data.sql (Test data for the system)

The folder "funciones" must contain one file for every function in the system.

  1. Create or update a file named "sistemas.txt" inside your project root folder wich contains the path for every system of your project.Eg: "../../../sis_mantenimiento/" One path should be one line in the file

TO CLONE AN EXISTING SYSTEM:<a name="existing_system"></a>

For this, yo should have an instance already running and follow these steps:

  1. Go to your project root folder
  2. Clone your system git repository. If you have more than one system, you have to clone them all #git clone yourrepository.git
  3. Create or update a file named "sistemas.txt" inside your project root folder wich contains the path for every system of your project.Eg: "../../../sis_mantenimiento/" One path should be one line in the file
  4. Execute the script: "./restaurar_todo.py" It whould be in your project folder and pxp/utilidades/restaurar_bd (Execute it as postgres user)
  5. If you have data to loose in the system select option 2, if there is nothing to loose select option number 1

TO UPDATE THE DATABASE ON PULL OR MERGE:<a name="update_db"></a>

After pull, the code is updated,but database scripts are not executed yet. It's possible to execute folowing these steps:

  1. Go to "/pxp/utilidades/restaurar_bd/" folder
  2. Change user to postgres: "su postgres -"
  3. Execute the script: "./restaurar_todo.py"
  4. Now we have a menu with 4 options:
    • Option 1 Drops all tables and functions an restore them from scripts ¡¡¡You lose information here!!!!
    • Option 2 Keeps tables with data, drop functions and restore them from scripts and execute new script ¡¡¡You don't lose information here!!!!
    • Option 3 Generate a backup from the current database
    • Option 4 Exit the application

CODE GENERATOR:<a name="code_generator"></a>

This video explains to use code generator for PXP



See the LICENSE file for license rights and limitations (GPLv3).