Tip and tricks for VCF files
- Usefull tools
- Use R VariantAnnotation bioconductor package
- Manually processing VCF in R
- Manually processing VCF in bash
Usefull tools
Samtools organisation and repositories
- File format specification
- Bcftools github page
- Bcftools webpage
- Bcftools man page
Compilation (from here):
git clone --branch=develop git://
git clone --branch=develop git://
git clone --branch=develop git://
cd bcftools; make
cd ../samtools; make
cd ../htslib; make
Other tools
- R bioconductor package Rsamtools
- vcflib github page
- vt wiki and github page
- bedtools documentation and github page
- PyVCF github page
- VCFtools webpage and github page. It has been mostly replaced with bcftools but some commands are still only available in VCFtools (in particular vcf-annotate)
Use R VariantAnnotation bioconductor package
All the commands below assume the package VariantAnnotation
has been loaded into R using library(VariantAnnotation)
Replace INFO/DP field with GENO/DP field
vcf <- readVcf("test.vcf", "hg19")
Create a new INFO field
Here it's called DP_T
and filled with .
(dot represent missing values in VCF files) but it could be anything you like.
vcf <- readVcf("test.vcf", "hg19")
newInfo <- DataFrame(Number=1, Type="Integer",Description="DP in normal",row.names="DP_N")
info(header(vcf)) <- rbind(info(header(vcf)), newInfo)
Split a multi-sample VCF into n-single sample VCFs
vcf_file = "test.vcf"
for (cur_sample in samples(scanVcfHeader(vcf_file))) {
writeVcf(readVcf(vcf_file, "hg19",ScanVcfParam(sample = cur_sample)),paste(cur_sample,".vcf",sep = ""))
Manually processing VCF in R
Look at these functions too:
Extract expected Q-value from a needlestack calling
Once a needlestack calling has been launch, user can want to compute what would be the Q-value of a particular sample at a particular position.
This could help controlling the false negative rate.
Given a VCF chunk from VariantAnnotation bioconductor package, a sample ID and a particular mutation, this function extract the corresponding Q-value.
Loading a VCF file as a data frame
On Unix systems (Mac or Linux), automatically pipe it with grep
and sed
to remove the header.
my_vcf=read.table(pipe("grep -v '^##' test.vcf | sed s/^#//"),stringsAsFactors=F,header=T,sep="\t")
On Windows, you can manually remove the header lines (starting with ##
) and also the #
character from the line containing the column names. After that you can read it using:
Two R functions to extract values from INFO or GENOTYPE fields
get_info=function(info,field,num=T) {
get_single_info=function(single_info,field) {
if (length(grep_res)>0) strsplit(grep_res,"=")[[1]][2] else NA
if (num) as.numeric(res) else res
get_genotype=function(genotype,format,field,num=T) {
get_single_genotype=function(single_genotype,format,field) {
if (length(single_res)>0) single_res else NA
if (num) as.numeric(res) else res
Both function are vectorized (i.e. you can give them a vector of INFO
fields or a vector of GENOTYPE
fields. The genotype field requires that you give the format of the field (for example "GT:AO:DP"
). In both functions the field
argument indicates which field you want to extract. By default the result is converted to a numeric value, unless you specify num=FALSE
when you call the functions.
Get genotype columns and sample names:
# list of columns containing sample specific data
# extract sample names
Get number of variants for each position in a VCF file
Following function returns, for each position in the input VCF file, the number of samples having a QVALUE
higher than the input threshold (QVAL_thr
, default=50), i.e. the number of variants.
# after reading a VCF with read.table(), see last example
get_number_of_variants <- function(vcf, QVAL_thr = 50){
unlist(lapply(1:nrow(vcf), function(i) {
all_QVAL = unlist(lapply((which(colnames(vcf)=="FORMAT")+1) : ncol(vcf),
function(id) get_genotype(vcf[i,id], vcf[i,"FORMAT"], field = "QVAL") ))
Using all the above
This assumes that you have a my_vcf
data frame loaded, the two functions above and the objects GT_cols
and SM
Extract the variant type (
) from all lines from the INFO field:get_info(my_vcf$INFO,"TYPE",num=F)
Use it to fikter only variants with
Extract coverage (
) of each sample at a given line (1 here):get_genotype(my_vcf[1,GT_cols],my_vcf$FORMAT[1],"DP")
Extract coverage of all lines of a given sample (
You can replace "MY_SAMPLE"
with SM[1]
to take the first sample without typing manually its name (usefull if you have only one for example).
Plot the distribution of allelic fraction from the first sample (assuming
fields are available in the genotype column):AO=get_genotype(my_vcf[,SM[1]],my_vcf$FORMAT[1],"AO") DP=get_genotype(my_vcf[,SM[1]],my_vcf$FORMAT[1],"DP") hist(AO/DP)
Built a TSV file, from VCF to extract a particular field from FORMAT
extract_FORMAT_vcf.r is a script which extract, for each variant in the VCF, and for each sample, the value of a field
Example of command line:
Rscript extract_FORMAT_vcf.r --input_vcf=testepic.vcf.gz --field=DS
Manually processing VCF in bash
Split a n-samples VCF
This bash script splits a big VCF from n samples into n VCF with file name = sample name (save these lines into
Gist :
if [ $# -eq 0 ]; then #if no provided parameters
echo 'usage : ./ <input big VCF> <result folder>'
mkdir -p $2
IFS= read -a array <<< $(grep "#CHROM" $1 | head -1 | awk '{for(i=10;i<=NF;++i)print $i}')
for i in `seq 1 $(echo "$samples" | wc -w)`;
bcftools view -s $(echo "$samples" | cut -d" " -f$i) $1 > $2"/"$(echo "$samples" | cut -d" " -f$i).vcf
Generate a sorted and merged BED file from positions in a VCF
awk '{ if (!/^#/) print $1" "$2" "$2+1}' input.vcf | sort -k1,1 -k2,2n | bedtools merge -i stdin
Compute number of positions in a bed file
cat mybedfile.bed | awk -F'\t' 'BEGIN{SUM=0}{ SUM+=$3-$2+1 }END{print SUM}'
Get the samples ID from a VCF
grep "^#CHROM" input.vcf | tr '\t' '\n' | grep -v -E '#CHROM|POS|ID|REF|ALT|QUAL|FILTER|INFO|FORMAT'
Downsample a VCF
Here a zipped one (assuming the header is less than 10000 lines), from which we randomly extract 1 million lines:
(zcat human_9606_b150_GRCh38p7.vcf.gz | head -n 10000 | zgrep ^# ; zgrep -v ^# human_9606_b150_GRCh38p7.vcf.gz | shuf -n 1000000 | LC_ALL=C sort -k1,1V -k2,2n) | gzip > human_9606_b150_GRCh38p7_small.vcf.gz