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Android App Pentesting Checklist

Welcome to the "Android App Penetration Testing Checklist" Repository!

Explore the ultimate companion for Android app penetration testing, meticulously crafted to identify vulnerabilities in network, data, storage, and permissions effortlessly. This repository merges a comprehensive checklist of tasks and cutting-edge techniques, providing security professionals with a robust framework for a thorough security assessment of Android applications.

The checklist covers a range of topics, including:

Static analysis: reviewing the app's source code and resources for potential vulnerabilities

Dynamic analysis: analyzing the app's behavior and interactions with the device and network during runtime

Network analysis: analyzing the app's communication with servers and other external resources over the network

Permission analysis: reviewing the app's requested permissions and assessing whether they are appropriate and secure

Cryptographic analysis: reviewing the app's use of cryptography and ensuring that it is implemented securely

Data storage analysis: analyzing the app's handling of sensitive data, including how it is stored and transmitted

This checklist is intended as a starting point for penetration testers and bug bounty hunters to identify common security issues in Android applications. It is not a comprehensive guide to all possible security issues and should be used in conjunction with other resources and best practices.

Table of Content

Android Applications Penetration Testing Checklist (v1.1)

C01SSL PinningDiscoveredUndiscovered
An SSL pinning vulnerability in an Android app occurs when the app does not properly verify the server's SSL certificate or public key during the SSL/TLS handshake process, allowing a man-in-the-middle attacker to intercept and decrypt the app's communication.
1Missing SSL Pinning<ul><li>[ ] </li></ul><ul><li>[ ] </li></ul>
2Check if is it bypassable or not using Frida/Objection<ul><li>[ ] </li></ul><ul><li>[ ] </li></ul>
3Check code manipulation possible or not<ul><li>[ ] </li></ul><ul><li>[ ] </li></ul>
C02Root DetectionDiscoveredUndiscovered
A root detection vulnerability in an Android app occurs when the app does not properly detect and prevent access by rooted devices, allowing users to potentially gain unauthorized access to the app's data or functionality.
1Missing Root Detection<ul><li>[ ] </li></ul><ul><li>[ ] </li></ul>
2Check if is it bypassable or not using frida/Objection<ul><li>[ ] </li></ul><ul><li>[ ] </li></ul>
3Check that internal logic flow can be modified or not<ul><li>[ ] </li></ul><ul><li>[ ] </li></ul>
C03Emulator DetectionDiscoveredUndiscovered
An emulator detection vulnerability in an Android app occurs when the app does not properly detect and prevent access by emulators, allowing users to potentially bypass security controls or access unauthorized functionality.
1Missing Emulator Detection<ul><li>[ ] </li></ul><ul><li>[ ] </li></ul>
2Check if is it bypassable or not using frida<ul><li>[ ] </li></ul><ul><li>[ ] </li></ul>
C04Sensitive data in ADB Logcat LogsDiscoveredUndiscovered
A sensitive data in ADB Logcat vulnerability in an Android app occurs when the app logs sensitive data, such as passwords or personal information, to the system log using Android Debug Bridge (ADB), potentially exposing the data to attackers or unauthorized users.
1Check Logcat logs for sensitive information/data<ul><li>[ ] </li></ul><ul><li>[ ] </li></ul>
2Check if is it bypassable or not using frida/Objection<ul><li>[ ] </li></ul><ul><li>[ ] </li></ul>
3Check for any unencrypted request/data in Logcat logs<ul><li>[ ] </li></ul><ul><li>[ ] </li></ul>
C05Sensitive data/info stored in Local StorageDiscoveredUndiscovered
A sensitive data stored in local storage vulnerability in an Android app occurs when the app stores sensitive data, such as passwords or personal information, in unencrypted or unsecured local storage on the device, potentially exposing the data to attackers or unauthorized users.
1Check for sensitive information/data store on Shared Preferences or not<ul><li>[ ] </li></ul><ul><li>[ ] </li></ul>
2Check for any information/data stored in temporary files or not<ul><li>[ ] </li></ul><ul><li>[ ] </li></ul>
3Check if sensitive information/data is stored in the local storage database using strong encryption on or not<ul><li>[ ] </li></ul><ul><li>[ ] </li></ul>
4Check for any information/data stored in any other files or not<ul><li>[ ] </li></ul><ul><li>[ ] </li></ul>
C06Sensitive data/info in Application MemoryDiscoveredUndiscovered
A sensitive data in application memory vulnerability in an Android app occurs when the app stores sensitive data, such as passwords or personal information, in memory in an unencrypted or unsecured manner, potentially exposing the data to attackers or unauthorized users who have access to the device's memory.
1Check for any sensitive information/data temporarily stored on Application Memory or not[ Use fridump.py (https://github.com/Nightbringer21/fridump/blob/master/fridump.py) ]<ul><li>[ ] </li></ul><ul><li>[ ] </li></ul>
C07Weak Signer CertificateDiscoveredUndiscovered
A weak signer certificate vulnerability in an Android app occurs when the app is signed with a weak or compromised certificate, potentially allowing attackers to modify the app or gain unauthorized access to the app's functionality.
1Check if the app signed with a weak algorithm such as "SHC1withRSA"<ul><li>[ ] </li></ul><ul><li>[ ] </li></ul>
2Check for Janus Vulnerability<ul><li>[ ] </li></ul><ul><li>[ ] </li></ul>
3Check for the application if is it signed with debug certificate or not<ul><li>[ ] </li></ul><ul><li>[ ] </li></ul>
C08Vulnerable Android ActivitiesDiscoveredUndiscovered
Android activities are components of an Android app that represent a screen or part of the app's user interface. A vulnerable Android activity is one that contains vulnerabilities, such as insecure coding practices or the use of third-party libraries with known vulnerabilities, that could be exploited by attackers to gain unauthorized access to the app's data or functionality.
1Check for the protected activity that can be accessible by calling the activity from the ADB bypassing the Authentication activity (Authentication Bypass)Example: An application having a login screen if login is successful the app launch the second activity, and any user has to authenticate herself. But that can bypass though ADB by calling the second activity directly from ADB<ul><li>[ ] </li></ul><ul><li>[ ] </li></ul>
2Check for exported android activity is set false, and check for the android activity can activity can be launched by any other applications or not<ul><li>[ ] </li></ul><ul><li>[ ] </li></ul>
3Check if any of the application activities can be hijacked through ADB or any others tools<ul><li>[ ] </li></ul><ul><li>[ ] </li></ul>
4Check if any of the application activities cause the Denial of Service or App crash<ul><li>[ ] </li></ul><ul><li>[ ] </li></ul>
Android WebView is a component of an Android app that allows the app to display web content within the app's user interface. It can contain vulnerabilities, such as insecure coding practices improper validation, etc.
1Check for Cross sites scripting vulnerability in android activity WebView<ul><li>[ ] </li></ul><ul><li>[ ] </li></ul>
2Check for Local File Inclusion (LFI) vulnerability in android activity WebView<ul><li>[ ] </li></ul><ul><li>[ ] </li></ul>
3Check for insecure JavaScript enabled for WebView<ul><li>[ ] </li></ul><ul><li>[ ] </li></ul>
C10Intent FiltersDiscoveredUndiscovered
Intent redirection is an embedded intent it can be implicit or explicit Intent which is used to move one android component to another component. This vulnerability occurs when the developer does not retrieve the intent data via filtering. This vulnerability is similar to OpenRedirect for web security.
1Check for intent spoofing or intent sniffing vulnerabilities (those can occur when the developer does not retrieve the intent data via filtering)<ul><li>[ ] </li></ul><ul><li>[ ] </li></ul>
C11Broadcast ReceiversDiscoveredUndiscovered
A vulnerable Android Broadcast Receiver is a component of an Android app that allows the app to receive and respond to system-wide broadcasts, such as the receipt of a text message or the disconnection of a charger. It can be exploited
1Check the manifest file for the receiver tag and the exported attribute if it is True and if there is no other permission is set. It can be exploited.<ul><li>[ ] </li></ul><ul><li>[ ] </li></ul>
C12Content ProviderDiscoveredUndiscovered
Content providers in Android are used to share data between applications. They use standard insert, update, delete, and query methods to access data and are assigned a special URI starting with "content://". If proper security controls are not implemented, it can lead to the leakage of information. An example of a content provider is the built-in SMS application, which can be accessed by other apps using a specific URI and the READ_SMS permission. There may be cases where content providers are not implemented for sharing data or where access is restricted to apps with proper permissions.
1If security controls are not properly implemented, content providers can lead to SQL injection.<ul><li>[ ] </li></ul><ul><li>[ ] </li></ul>
2If security controls are not properly implemented, content providers can lead to Path Traversal.<ul><li>[ ] </li></ul><ul><li>[ ] </li></ul>
3If security controls are not properly implemented in content providers, it may lead to internal data access vulnerability<ul><li>[ ] </li></ul><ul><li>[ ] </li></ul>
C13Source Code ObfuscationDiscoveredUndiscovered
Source code obfuscation in Android is the process of making the source code of an Android app difficult to understand or reverse engineer, typically to protect intellectual property or prevent unauthorized modifications.
1Check for Code Obfuscation(PRO Guard) implemented or not<ul><li>[ ] </li></ul><ul><li>[ ] </li></ul>
2If Code Obfuscation is implemented partially check for the main sensitive codes is properly obfuscated<ul><li>[ ] </li></ul><ul><li>[ ] </li></ul>
C14Sensitive Information/Auth-Keys HardcodedDiscoveredUndiscovered
Hardcoded information vulnerability is the practice of storing sensitive data, such as passwords or security keys, directly in the source code of an application, potentially exposing the data to attackers or unauthorized users who have access to the source code.
1Check the Source Code for any hardcoded API Key/Token, Auth-Key, Passwords, Credentials, etc.(This task can be automated by using tools like MobSF)<ul><li>[ ] </li></ul><ul><li>[ ] </li></ul>
C15Insecure Coding PracticeDiscoveredUndiscovered
Insecure coding practice refers to the use of coding techniques or practices that do not adequately protect an application or system from security vulnerabilities or threats, such as using weak passwords or failing to properly validate user input. Insecure coding practices can make an application or system more susceptible to attacks or data breaches. To prevent insecure coding practices, developers should follow best practices for secure coding and regularly review and test their code for vulnerabilities.
1Check for use of Insecure Random Number Generator functions (Like generating guessable OTP)<ul><li>[ ] </li></ul><ul><li>[ ] </li></ul>
2Check for use of Insecure functions or insure functions/objects calling<ul><li>[ ] </li></ul><ul><li>[ ] </li></ul>
3Uses of weak cryptography or easily reversible encryption method (like MD5 Hash, Base64 Encoding)<ul><li>[ ] </li></ul><ul><li>[ ] </li></ul>
4Check for any other Insecure Coding Weakness presence<ul><li>[ ] </li></ul><ul><li>[ ] </li></ul>
C16Insecure DeeplinksDiscoveredUndiscovered
Insecure deeplinks in Android can allow attackers to access sensitive data or functionality within an app. Developers can prevent this by validating and securing deeplinks and implementing appropriate security controls.
1Check for any explicit deeplink that PendingIntent to a specific location within the application<ul><li>[ ] </li></ul><ul><li>[ ] </li></ul>
2Check for any implicit deeplink that refers to a specific destination in an app when the deeplink is invoked<ul><li>[ ] </li></ul><ul><li>[ ] </li></ul>
C17Missing Integrity ChecksDiscoveredUndiscovered
Integrity checks in Android refer to the process of verifying the authenticity or integrity of an app's source code, to ensure that it has not been tampered with or modified by an unauthorized party. This can help protect against attacks that aim to inject malicious code or modify the app's functionality, such as man-in-the-middle attacks or repackaging attacks.
1Decompile the application, modify its code, recompile it, and sign it to check if it still functions properly or not.<ul><li>[ ] </li></ul><ul><li>[ ] </li></ul>
C18Insecure Android PermissionsDiscoveredUndiscovered
Android applications have a number of permissions that can be set in the "AndroidManifest.xml" file. If these permissions are not properly filtered or validated, they can be exploited.
1Check for clear text traffic option enable or not in "AndroidManifest.xml" file<ul><li>[ ] </li></ul><ul><li>[ ] </li></ul>
2Check for debug mode option enable or not in "AndroidManifest.xml" file<ul><li>[ ] </li></ul><ul><li>[ ] </li></ul>
3Check for dataExtractionRules properly defined or not in "AndroidManifest.xml" file<ul><li>[ ] </li></ul><ul><li>[ ] </li></ul>
4Check for backup mode option enable or not in "AndroidManifest.xml" file<ul><li>[ ] </li></ul><ul><li>[ ] </li></ul>
5Check for any other Unnecessary Permission in "AndroidManifest.xml" file<ul><li>[ ] </li></ul><ul><li>[ ] </li></ul>
C19Background Screen CachingDiscoveredUndiscovered
Screen caching is a mobile vulnerability, caused due to a performance/usability feature present in mobile OS’s.
1Check for screenshots are taken when the application is sent to background<ul><li>[ ] </li></ul><ul><li>[ ] </li></ul>
C20Insecure Firebase DatabaseDiscoveredUndiscovered
Firebase Database is a cloud-based real-time database service that allows developers to store and sync data across multiple devices and platforms.
1Append ".json" payload at the end of Firebase instance to see if "read" permission are enable or not<ul><li>[ ] </li></ul><ul><li>[ ] </li></ul>
2Also try replacing "firebaseio.com" with "appspot.com" with "/.json" appended at the end may allow you to access appspot instance. (Check for CORS in Firebase)<ul><li>[ ] </li></ul><ul><li>[ ] </li></ul>
C21Android Lock/Biometric Authentication BypassDiscoveredUndiscovered
Some applications use the Android Screen Lock/Biometric Authentication to validate the user before providing any specific service or before launching the application's main interface.
1If the application uses Android Lock/Biometric Authentication check for that can be bypassed or not in runtime by runtime hooking or code level modification<ul><li>[ ] </li></ul><ul><li>[ ] </li></ul>
C22Key-Checks in Dynamic AnalysisDiscoveredUndiscovered
Some applications use the Android Screen Lock/Biometric Authentication to validate the user before providing any specific service or before launching the application's main interface.
1Checks for all possible the possible test cases that’s are applicable on API Check (Use a comprehensive API checklist)<ul><li>[ ] </li></ul><ul><li>[ ] </li></ul>
2Check for Broken Access Controls and Authentications (Checks mainly in server side)<ul><li>[ ] </li></ul><ul><li>[ ] </li></ul>
3Checks for Server-Side Injections and Security misconfigurations<ul><li>[ ] </li></ul><ul><li>[ ] </li></ul>
4Check for Sensitive Data exposer<ul><li>[ ] </li></ul><ul><li>[ ] </li></ul>
5Fuzzing<ul><li>[ ] </li></ul><ul><li>[ ] </li></ul>
C-Some Other ChecksDiscoveredUndiscovered
1Check for the application doesn't reuse the same cryptographic key for multiple purposes<ul><li>[ ] </li></ul><ul><li>[ ] </li></ul>
2Check for any sensitive data or information exposed through the user interface or leaks to screenshots or not<ul><li>[ ] </li></ul><ul><li>[ ] </li></ul>
3Check for whether the keyboard cache for the application is disable or not<ul><li>[ ] </li></ul><ul><li>[ ] </li></ul>
4Check the application does not allow users to copy/paste any secret data (like passwords, credit card info, etc)<ul><li>[ ] </li></ul><ul><li>[ ] </li></ul>
5Check if the sensitive data is not masked when performing app switching<ul><li>[ ] </li></ul><ul><li>[ ] </li></ul>
6Check for the Third-Party Keyboard applications that are disabled specifically in the sensitive fields<ul><li>[ ] </li></ul><ul><li>[ ] </li></ul>

NB: This list does not follow the OWASP vulnerability indexing order.

Important Tools

Tools Installation/Setup

[!WARNING] As you explore this repository further, please be aware that certain actions, such as bootloader unlocking, Magisk installation, and rooting techniques, come with inherent risks. Your device's warranty may be voided, and there's a potential for data loss, instability, or even "bricking" your device.
Rooting exposes your device to security risks, and it may no longer receive official updates, leaving it vulnerable. This information is shared for educational purposes only, and I take no responsibility for any damage, data loss, or malfunctions that may occur.
By proceeding, you acknowledge and accept all risks involved, and it is advisable to fully understand the consequences before implementing any changes.


Hardware requirements

Software/Tools prerequisites

Before you start testing Android apps, make sure to install the necessary tools on both your computer (Linux/Windows) and the Android device itself.

1. Java (Jdk) (Link)
2. Python/Python3 (Link)

Python3 installation for Debian or Ubuntu based linux distributions:

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get -y install python3 python3-pip

Python installation for Windows:

3. Genymotion (Link)
4. Docker (Link)

Docker installation for Debian or Ubuntu based linux distributions:

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get -y install docker.io
systemctl start docker

NB: If you are using other than Debian or Ubuntu based Linux, read this instruction to install docker according to your operating system.

Docker installation for Windows:

5. Android Debug Bridge (adb) (Link)

adb installation for Debian or Ubuntu based linux distributions:

sudo apt install adb
wget -c https://dl.google.com/android/repository/platform-tools-latest-linux.zip
unzip platform-tools-latest-linux.zip
cd platform-tools

give executable permission

chmod +x ./adb
chmod +x ./fastboot

Check adb working or not

./adb version

adb installation for Windows:

6. Magisk (Link)


Magisk installation for unlocked bootloader devices:

Mobile Security Framework (MobSF)

[!IMPORTANT] MobSF's Docker installation does not currently support dynamic analysis. If you only require static analysis, the Docker installation is straightforward. However, for dynamic analysis, it is recommended to install MobSF on a physical device.
In case of Windows installation MobSF requires some additional external dependencies. Please make your installation choice accordingly.

MobSF Installation on Docker


let's assume your docker engine up and running let's continue with MobSF installation

Install MobSF:

docker pull opensecurity/mobile-security-framework-mobsf

Run MobSF:

docker run -it --rm --name mobsf -p 8000:8000 opensecurity/mobile-security-framework-mobsf

MobSF Installation on Physical Machine


let's assume you have installed Python/Python3 let's continue with MobSF installation on your desktop

Install MobSF (linux):

# Give executable permission to setup.sh and run.sh file
chmod +x ./setup.sh && chmod +x ./run.sh
# run setup.sh
sudo ./setup.sh

Run MobSF (linux):

# run MobSF

Install MobSF (Windows):

# run setup.bat

Run MobSF (Windows):

# run MobSF

Congratulation your MobSF is installed and running navigate to localhost:8000 using your preferred web browser.

Drozer (on desktop)


let's assume your docker engine up and running let's continue with Drozer installation on your desktop

Install Drozer:

docker pull fsecurelabs/drozer

Run Drozer:

docker run -it --rm --name drozer fsecurelabs/drozer

Congratulation your Drozer is installed on your desktop now we need to install Drozer Agent Apk agent-debug.apk



let's assume your docker engine up and running let's continue with APKLeaks installation

Install APKLeaks:

docker pull dwisiswant0/apkleaks:latest

Run APKLeaks:

docker run -it --rm -v /tmp:/tmp dwisiswant0/apkleaks:latest -f /tmp/file.apk



let's assume you have installed Java JDK let's continue with Apktool installation on your desktop

Install Apktool (linux):

#  Clone apktool script
wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/iBotPeaches/Apktool/master/scripts/linux/apktool -O apktool
# Give executable permission to apktool script
chmod +x apktool && cp apktool /usr/local/bin/apktool
# Clone latest version of apktool
wget https://bitbucket.org/iBotPeaches/apktool/downloads/apktool_2.9.1.jar -O apktool.jar
# Give executable permission to apktool and move to bin file
chmod +x apktool.jar && cp apktool.jar /usr/local/bin/apktool.jar

Install Apktool (Windows):

Run Apktool:




let's assume you have installed Java JDK let's continue with APKToolGUI installation on your desktop

Install APKToolGUI (Windows):

Run APKToolGUI (Windows):

N.B: Please note that APKToolGUI is currently only available for Windows OS.



let's assume you have installed Java JDK let's continue with JADX installation on your desktop

Install JADX (linux):

cd ./JADX/bin
# Give executable permission to jadx and jadx-gui script
chmod +x jadx && chmod +x jadx-gui

Run JADX (linux):

# run jadx cli
# run jadx gui

Install JADX (Windows):

Run JADX (Windows):



let's assume you have installed Java JDK let's continue with JD-GUI installation on your desktop

Install JD-GUI (linux):

# Give executable permission to jd-gui-x.x.x.deb file
chmod +x ./jd-gui-x.x.x.deb
# Install jd-gui
sudo apt install ./jd-gui-x.x.x.deb

Run JD-GUI (linux):

# Run jd-gui

Install JD-GUI (Windows):

Run JD-GUI (Windows):



let's assume you have installed Java JDK let's continue with Dex2Jar installation on your desktop

Install Dex2Jar (linux):

sudo apt install -y dex2jar

Install Dex2Jar (Windows):



let's assume Python/Python3 is installed let's continue with objection installation on your desktop

Install Objection (Linux):

pip3 install objection

Install Objection (Windows):

pip install objection

Burp Suite


let's assume you have installed Java JDK let's continue with Burp Suite installation on your desktop

Run Burp Suite:

java "--add-opens=java.desktop/javax.swing=ALL-UNNAMED" "--add-opens=java.base/java.lang=ALL-UNNAMED" "--add-opens=java.base/jdk.internal.org.objectweb.asm=ALL-UNNAMED" "--add-opens=java.base/jdk.internal.org.objectweb.asm.tree=ALL-UNNAMED" "--add-opens=java.base/jdk.internal.org.objectweb.asm.Opcodes=ALL-UNNAMED" "-noverify" "-jar" .\burpsuite.jar


Install Postman (Linux):

# Install dependencies
sudo apt-get -y install libgconf-2-4 openssl
# Extract the archive
tar zxf /path/to/downloaded/archive/Postman-linux-xXX-X.XX.X.tar.gz
# Move postman to apps
sudo mv Postman /opt/apps/
# Create shortcut
sudo ln -s /opt/apps/Postman/Postman /usr/local/bin/postman

Run Postman (Linux):


Install & Run Postman (Windows):


Install Radare2 (Linux):

sudo apt-get -y install radare2

Install Radare2 (Windows):

Run Radare2 (Linux):

radare2 -h

Run Radare2 (Windows):




let's assume your docker engine up and running let's continue with Nuclei installation

Install Nuclei:

docker pull projectdiscovery/nuclei:latest

Run Nuclei:

nuclei -h


Install Zipalign (Linux):

sudo apt-get -y install zipalign

Run Zipalign (Linux):


Install Zipalign (Windows):

Run Zipalign (Windows):


DB Browser for SQLite

Install DB Browser on Debian based linux distros:

sudo apt-get install sqlitebrowser

Install DB Browser on Ubuntu and Ubuntu based linux distros:

# Add PPA to repo list
sudo add-apt-repository -y ppa:linuxgndu/sqlitebrowser
# Update the repo list
sudo apt-get update
# Install sqlitebrowser
sudo apt-get install sqlitebrowser

Install DB Browser on Windows:

Run DB Browser (Linux):


Frida Tools


let's assume Python/Python3 is installed let's continue with Frida Tools installation on your desktop

Install Frida Tools (Linux):

pip3 install frida
pip3 install frida-tools

Install Frida Tools (Windows):

pip install frida
pip install frida-tools

Frida Server (Magisk-Frida)


let's assume Magisk is installed on your Android device let's continue with Frida Server installation

Always Trust User Certs & Burp-cert Magisk Modules


let's assume Magisk is installed on your Android device let's continue with Always Trust User Certs & Burp-cert Magisk Modules installation



let's assume Python/Python3, Frida is installed on your desktop and Frida Server is installed on your android device let's continue with Fridump installation

Install Fridump (Linux):

git clone https://github.com/Nightbringer21/fridump.git

Run Fridump (Linux):

python3 fridump.py -h

Install Fridump (Windows):

Run Fridump (Windows):

python fridump.py -h

Useful Commands & Tools Usage

ADB Commands

Start the adb server:

adb start-server

Stop the adb server:

adb kill-server

List attached adb devices:

adb devices

Reboot the device using adb:

adb reboot

Backup device using adb:

# Basic backup of the device
adb backup -f <some_file_name>.ab

# Take backup of a specific app
adb backup -nosystem -noapk -noshared -f <some_file_name>.ab <package_name_of_the_apk>

# For a full device backup, including certain apps, system data, and files
adb backup -apk -obb -shared -all -system -f <some_file_name>.ab

# e.g.:
# adb backup -f testbackup.ab
# adb backup -nosystem -noapk -noshared -f diva_backup.ab jakhar.aseem.diva
# adb backup -apk -obb -shared -all -system -f testbackup_full.ab

# Other Options
# -f <filename> specify filename default: creates backup.ab in the current directory
# -apk|noapk enable/disable backup of .apks themself default: -noapk
# -obb|noobb enable/disable backup of additional files default: -noobb
# -shared|noshared backup device's shared storage / SD card contents default: -noshared
# -all backup all installed applications
# -system|nosystem include system applications default: -system
# <packages> a list of packages to be backed up (e.g. jakhar.aseem.diva) (not needed if -all is specified)

Restore device backup using adb:

adb restore <some_file_name>.ab

# e.g.:
# adb restore testbackup_full.ab

[!NOTE] Keep in mind that, restoring sensitive information or user logged-in sessions after restoring a backup taken via ADB could be considered a potential vulnerability.

Use adb over tcp:

# Use this command when you already connected to a device using USB
adb tcpip <desired_port_number>

# Disconnect the USB and run
adb connect <android_device_ip>:<desired_port_number>

# e.g.:
# adb tcpip 5555
# adb connect

Entering android shell as user:

adb shell

Entering android shell as root:

adb shell su

List android packages:

# List all installed packages
adb shell pm list packages

# List only user installed packages:
adb shell pm list packages -3 | cut -f 2 -d ":"

# Other options:
# -f: see their associated file
# -d: filter to only show disabled packages
# -e: filter to only show enabled packages
# -s: filter to only show system packages
# -3: filter to only show third party packages
# -i: see the installer for the packages
# -U: also show the package UID

Find an android package:

# Lists packages containing the specified keyword
adb shell pm list packages 'keyword' | cut -d ':' -f2

# e.g.:
# adb shell pm list packages 'diva' | cut -d ':' -f2

Get Process ID (pid) of Apps:

# List all running apps pid:
adb shell ps

# List a particular app pid:
adb shell ps | <package_name_of_the_apk>

# e.g.:
# adb shell ps | jakhar.aseem.diva

Install an apk using adb:

adb install <name_of_apk_file>

# Install the apk to removable storage (-s)
adb install -s <name_of_apk_file>

# e.g.:
# adb install diva.apk
# adb install -s diva.apk

Launch an apk using adb:

# Method 1: Launch using Monkey tool
adb shell monkey -p <package_name_of_the_apk> -c 1

# Method 2: Launch using dumpsys tool
adb shell dumpsys package <package_name_of_the_apk>

# e.g.:
# adb shell monkey -p jakhar.aseem.diva -c 1
# adb shell dumpsys package jakhar.aseem.diva

Monkey tool method means pretending to be a user and starting the app by clicking on its icon.
Monkey tool method will only worked when Main activity is exported in the AndroidManifest.xml.

Launch an apk activity directly using adb:

adb shell am start -n <package_name_of_the_apk>/.<activity_name>

# e.g.:
# adb shell am start -n jakhar.aseem.diva/.MainActivity

Uninstall an apk using adb:

adb uninstall <package_name_of_the_apk>

# Keep data and cache directories of the apk (-k)
adb uninstall -k <package_name_of_the_apk>

# e.g.:
# adb uninstall jakhar.aseem.diva
# adb uninstall -k jakhar.aseem.diva
<!-- **Extract an android package:** ```bash # Pull an apk to current location by specified keyword app_name="keyword"; local_location="./"; pkg=$(adb shell pm list packages "${app_name}" | head -n 1 | cut -d ':' -f2); apk_path=$(adb shell pm path "${pkg}" | cut -d ':' -f2 | grep 'base.apk'); adb shell cp "${apk_path}" /storage/emulated/0/ && adb pull "/storage/emulated/0/$(basename "${apk_path}")" "${local_location}/" && adb shell rm "/storage/emulated/0/$(basename "${apk_path}")" # e.g.: # Extract diva app in the current directory # app_name="diva"; local_location="./"; pkg=$(adb shell pm list packages "${app_name}" | head -n 1 | cut -d ':' -f2); apk_path=$(adb shell pm path "${pkg}" | cut -d ':' -f2 | grep 'base.apk'); adb shell cp "${apk_path}" /storage/emulated/0/ && adb pull "/storage/emulated/0/$(basename "${apk_path}")" "${local_location}/" && adb shell rm "/storage/emulated/0/$(basename "${apk_path}")" ``` -->

Copy/Push a File/Directory to an Android device using ADB:

# Copy a file to android device
adb push <file_path_and_name> <location_on_device>

# Copy a directory to android device
adb push <directory_path_and_name> <location_on_device>

# e.g.:
# adb push Demo.txt /storage/emulated/0/
# adb push DemoFolder /storage/emulated/0/
<!-- ***Bypassing permission denied issue while Copy/Push a File/Directory to an Android device using ADB:*** ```bash # Copy a file to android device src="somefile.txt"; dst="/data/data/com.someapp.dev/"; tmp="/data/local/tmp/"; base=$(basename "${src}"); adb push "${src}" "${tmp}"; adb shell su -c "cp -r \"${tmp}${base}\" \"${dst}\" && rm -rf \"${tmp}${base}\"" # adb push <file_path_and_name> <location_on_device> # Copy a directory to android device adb push <directory_path_and_name> <location_on_device> # e.g.: # adb push Demo.txt /storage/emulated/0/ ``` -->

Get/Pull a File/Directory from an Android device using ADB:

# Get a file from android device
adb pull <file_path_and_name> <location_on_computer>

# Get a directory to android device
adb pull <directory_path_and_name> <location_on_computer>

# e.g.:
# adb pull /storage/emulated/0/Demo.txt ./
# adb pull /storage/emulated/0/DemoFolder ./

Bypassing permission denied issue while Get/Pull a File from an Android device using ADB:

# Solution 1:
adb shell su -c 'cat <file_path_and_name>' > <location_on_computer>

# Solution 2: Useful when to check, SharedPreferences is accessible as non-root (low-privileged) user or not
adb exec-out run-as <package_name_of_the_apk> cat /data/user/0/<package_name_of_the_apk>/shared_prefs/<file_name> > <location_on_computer>

# Solution 3: Useful when you need to access a apps internal files or a file that owned by the particular app (root required)
adb shell su -c 'run-as <package_name_of_the_apk> cat <file_path_and_name>' > <location_on_computer>

# e.g.:
# adb shell su -c 'cat /data/user/0/jakhar.aseem.diva/files/Test.txt' > Test.txt
# adb exec-out run-as jakhar.aseem.diva cat /data/user/0/jakhar.aseem.diva/shared_prefs/settings.xml > settings.xml
# adb shell su -c 'run-as jakhar.aseem.diva cat /data/user/0/jakhar.aseem.diva/files/Test.txt' > Test.txt

[!TIP] run-as is a command that facilitates the execution of other commands with the permissions of a specific app on an Android device. This is essential for accessing app-specific data and resources that are normally restricted.

Syntax: adb shell run-as <package-name> <command> <args>
Example: adb shell run-as com.example.myapp cat /data/data/com.example.myapp/databases/mydatabase.db

Bypassing permission denied issue while Get/Pull a Directory from an Android device using ADB:

# Get a Directory from android device
dir="<directory_path_and_name>"; IFS=$'\n'; for subdir in $(adb shell su -c "find \"${dir}\" -type d"); do mkdir -p ".${subdir}"; done; for file in $(adb shell su -c "find \"${dir}\" -type f"); do adb shell su -c "cat \"${file// /\\\ }\"" > ".${file}"; done;

# e.g.:
# dir="somedir"; IFS=$'\n'; for subdir in $(adb shell su -c "find \"${dir}\" -type d"); do mkdir -p ".${subdir}"; done; for file in $(adb shell su -c "find \"${dir}\" -type f"); do adb shell su -c "cat \"${file// /\\\ }\"" > ".${file}"; done;
<details> <summary>Breakdown of the command: <i>(Click to expand)</i></summary>

Set Directory: dir="<directory_path_and_name>" assigns user provided value to the variable dir.

Set Separator: IFS=$'\n' sets the Internal Field Separator (IFS) to a newline for proper handling of filenames.

Create Directories: For subdir in $(adb shell su -c "find \"${dir}\" -type d") Iterates over subdirectories found by find on the Android device, creating corresponding directories (with dot prefix) in the current directory.

Copy Files: For file in $(adb shell su -c "find \"${dir}\" -type f") Iterates over files found by find, reads their contents using cat, and writes them to files with dot prefixes in the current directory.

</details> <!-- end of the Breakdown -->

[!NOTE] Keep in mind that, when using ADB, empty directories will not be copied from or to an Android device.

Frida Commands

List android packages using Frida:

# List all packages with PID, Names & Identifiers
frida-ps -Uai

# List PID, Name, Identifiers that match the input string
frida-ps -Uai | grep -i '<part_of_the_package_name>'

# e.g.:
# frida-ps -Uai | grep -i 'diva'

[!TIP] -D : Use this flag Connect Frida to the specific device (the device identifier you gate by running adb devices command)

Syntax: frida-ps -D <device_identifier>
Example: frida-ps -Uai -D 27d1d6d3a03 | grep -i 'diva'

Discover an app internal methods/calls using frida:

# Discover internal methods/calls of an app and save the output in a file
frida-discover -U -f <package_name_of_the_apk> | tee <file_path_and_name>

# e.g.:
# frida-discover -U -f jakhar.aseem.diva | tee frida_discover.txt

N.B: Here tee command part is optional, I recommended this for display and also save the output in a file which may required letter.

Trace an app internal methods/calls using frida:

# Trace all internal methods/calls of an app
frida-trace -p <pid_of_an_app>

# Trace specific(s) internal methods/calls of an app
frida-trace -p <pid_of_an_app> -i '<function_name>*'

# e.g.:
# frida-trace -p 852
# frida-trace -p 852 -i 'log*'

[!TIP] You can use -i flag multiple times as per your needs.
For example: frida-trace -p 852 -i 'log*' -i 'recv*' -i 'send*'

For more frida-trace commands please read the official documentation.

Run Frida Scripts:

N.B: Frida automatically paused the target app when attaching. Using
--no-pause to prevent this, allowing the app to start normally while Frida injected the scripts.

For more Frida commands please read the official documentation.

For more Frida please visit Codeshare.

Objection Commands

Connect an app to Objection:

objection --gadget <package_name_of_the_apk> explore

# e.g.:
# objection --gadget jakhar.aseem.diva explore

Connect an app to Objection and load Frida script:

import <some_frida_script_file>
objection --gadget <package_name_of_the_apk> explore --startup-script <some_frida_script_file>

# e.g.:
# import emulator_detection_bypass.js
# objection --gadget jakhar.aseem.diva explore --startup-script emulator_detection_bypass.js

Re-attach to an app, if in case Objection detaches from the app:

# Get the pid by using `frida-ps -Uai` command
objection --gadget <pid_of_app> explore

# e.g.:
# objection --gadget 7814 explore

Extract useful information from an app using Objection:

# Some interesting information like passwords, paths could be find inside the environment.

Bypass SSL Pinning<sup>[?]</sup> using Objection:

# Method 1: Run after connect an app to Objection
android sslpinning disable --quiet

# Method 2: Connect an app to Objection with SSL pinning disabled
objection --gadget <package_name_of_the_apk> explore --startup-command 'android sslpinning disable --quiet'

# objection --gadget jakhar.aseem.diva explore --startup-command 'android sslpinning disable --quiet'

Bypass Root detection using Objection:

# Method 1: Run after connect an app to Objection
android root disable --quiet

# Method 2: Connect an app to Objection with Root detection disabled
objection --gadget <package_name_of_the_apk> explore --startup-command 'android root disable --quiet'

# objection --gadget jakhar.aseem.diva explore --startup-command 'android root disable --quiet'

List KeyStore<sup>[?]</sup> using Objection:

android keystore list

List Memory modules using Objection:

List activities, receivers and services using Objection:

# List activities
android hooking list activities <package_name_of_the_apk>

# List services
android hooking list services <package_name_of_the_apk>

# List receivers
android hooking list receivers <package_name_of_the_apk>

# e.g.:
# android hooking list activities jakhar.aseem.diva
# android hooking list services jakhar.aseem.diva
# android hooking list receivers jakhar.aseem.diva

Get current activity name using Objection:

android hooking get current_activity
# List all memory modules
memory list modules

# Grab particular module
memory list modules | grep '<app_name_or_part_of_app_name>'

# e.g.:
# memory list modules | grep 'diva'

Take Memory Dump<sup>[?]</sup> using Objection:

# Dump all memory
memory dump all '<local_file_name_and_path>'

# Dump a part of memory
memory dump from_base <base_address> <size_to_dump> '<local_file_name_and_path>'

# e.g.:
# memory dump all 'all_memory.dmp'
#memory dump from_base 0x77bbc000 4096 'all_memory.dmp'

Search inside Memory using Objection:

memory search '<keyword_to_search>' --string

# e.g.:
# memory search 'api' --string

[!TIP] Base address can be obtain by running memory list modules command.

The size_to_dump is the amount of memory to extract, in bytes (e.g., 4096 for 4 KB).

Monitor user clipboard using Objection:

android clipboard monitor

List classes that were loaded inside the current application:

android hooking list classes

Search classes inside the current application:

android hooking search classes '<keyword_to_search>'

# e.g.:
# android hooking search classes 'jakhar.aseem.diva'

List declared Methods of a class with their parameters in the current application:

android hooking list class_methods <package_name_of_the_apk>.<activity_or_class_name>

# e.g.:
# android hooking list class_methods jakhar.aseem.diva.MainActivity

List methods inside classes:

methods inside the class <package_name_of_the_apk> <activity_or_class_name>

# e.g.:
# android hooking search classes jakhar.aseem.diva MainActivity

Hooking (watching) a method:

# Read source code in static analysis face to aware about function names
android hooking watch class_method <package_name_of_the_apk>.<activity_or_class_name>.<function_or_method_name> --dump-args --dump-backtrace --dump-return

# e.g.:
# android hooking watch class_method jakhar.aseem.diva.MainActivity.xyz --dump-args --dump-backtrace --dump-return

Hooking (watching) an entire class:

android hooking watch class <package_name_of_the_apk>.<activity_or_class_name> --dump-args --dump-return

# e.g.:
# android hooking watch class jakhar.aseem.diva.MainActivity --dump-args --dump-args --dump-return

Alter boolean return value of a function:

# From the source code you can determine which function returns a boolean, and make the function always return true or false:
android hooking set return_value <package_name_of_the_apk>.<activity_or_class_name>.<function_or_method_name> <bool>

# e.g.:
# android hooking set return_value jakhar.aseem.diva.MainActivity.xyz false

List instances of a specific Java class inside current app using Objection:

android heap print_instances <class_name>

# e.g.:
# android heap print_instances MainActivity

Screenshots protection bypass in current app using Objection:

# Enable screenshot with hardware key
android ui FLAG_SECURE false

Connect/execute/sync/disconnect SQLite command with current app database(s) using Objection:

# First identify current app database(s) location, then go to the location and connect to the database:
sqlite connect <sqlite_database_location_and_file_name>

# Check the status of the SQLite connection
sqlite status

# Get the database schema for the currently connected SQLite database
sqlite execute schema

# Execute sql query
sqlite execute query <sql query>

# Sync the locally cached SQLite database with remote database
sqlite sync

# Disconnect from the currently connected SQLite database file
sqlite disconnect

# e.g.:
# sqlite connect credentials.db
# sqlite execute query select * from data

[!NOTE] The sqlite command utility in Objection allows you to connect to a SQLite database. On connecting to a remote device database Objection copy the remote database file to a local temporary directory. When a user executes any SQL query, it is initially performed on the cached database file locally. If the user employs the sqlite sync command, the file is then validated. Once the local cached SQLite database is validated, it is synchronized with the remote database.

Drozer Commands

Connect to Drozer:

Find an android package:

# Lists all packages using Drozer
run app.package.list

# Lists packages containing the specified keyword using Drozer
run app.package.list -f adb shell pm list packages 'keyword'

# e.g.:
# run app.package.list -f adb shell pm list packages 'diva'

List basic information about an android package:

run app.package.info -a <package_name_of_the_apk>

# e.g.:
# run app.package.info -a jakhar.aseem.diva

Show AndroidManifest.xml of an android package:

run app.package.manifest <package_name_of_the_apk>

# e.g.:
# run app.package.manifest jakhar.aseem.diva

Show Attack surface (common weakness) of an android package:

run app.package.attacksurface <package_name_of_the_apk>

# e.g.:
# run app.package.attacksurface jakhar.aseem.diva

Lists packages which the Backup flag is enabled:

run app.package.backup

Lists packages which the Debuggable flag is enabled:

run app.package.debuggable

List activities and intent filters of an android package using Drozer:

# List activities
run app.activity.info -a <package_name_of_the_apk>

# List intent filters
run app.activity.info -i <package_name_of_the_apk>

# List booth
run app.activity.info -i -a <package_name_of_the_apk>

# e.g.:
# run app.activity.info -a jakhar.aseem.diva
# run app.activity.info -i jakhar.aseem.diva
# run app.activity.info -i -a jakhar.aseem.diva

Launch an activity of an android package using Drozer:

# List activities
run app.activity.start --component <package_name_of_the_apk> <activity_name>

# e.g.:
# run app.activity.start --component jakhar.aseem.diva jakhar.aseem.diva.MainActivity

List exported and unexported content providers of an android package using Drozer:

# List exported content providers
run app.provider.info -a <package_name_of_the_apk>

# List unexported content providers
run app.provider.info -u -a <package_name_of_the_apk>

# e.g.:
# run app.provider.info -a jakhar.aseem.diva
# run app.provider.info -u -a jakhar.aseem.diva

Investigate Android package content providers for potential vulnerabilities using Drozer:

run scanner.provider.finduris <package_name_of_the_apk>

# e.g.:
# run scanner.provider.finduris jakhar.aseem.diva

Investigate Android package content providers for potential SQL Injections vulnerabilities using Drozer:

run scanner.provider.injection <package_name_of_the_apk>

# e.g.:
# run scanner.provider.injection jakhar.aseem.diva

Find tables accessible through SQL injection in a Android package using Drozer:

run scanner.provider.sqltables <package_name_of_the_apk>

# e.g.:
# run scanner.provider.sqltables jakhar.aseem.diva

Investigate Android package content providers for basic directory traversal vulnerabilities using Drozer:

run scanner.provider.traversal <package_name_of_the_apk>

# e.g.:
# run scanner.provider.traversal jakhar.aseem.diva

Investigate Android package for browsable activities that can be invoked from the web browser using Drozer:

run scanner.activity.browsable <package_name_of_the_apk>

# e.g.:
# run scanner.activity.browsable jakhar.aseem.diva

Investigate Android package native components for potential vulnerabilities using Drozer:

run scanner.misc.native <package_name_of_the_apk>

# e.g.:
# run scanner.misc.native jakhar.aseem.diva

Investigate Android package for secret codes that can be used from the dialer using Drozer:

run scanner.misc.secretcodes <package_name_of_the_apk>

# e.g.:
# run scanner.misc.secretcodes jakhar.aseem.diva


SSL Pinning

SSL (Secure socket layer) pinning in Android is a security measure where a mobile app validates a server's SSL certificate against a pre-defined certificate or public key embedded within the app. This helps prevent man-in-the-middle attacks by ensuring a secure and trusted connection.


In Android, a keystore is a secure storage system used to store and manage cryptographic keys and certificates. It provides a secure environment for tasks like SSL/TLS pinning, app authentication, and data encryption, enhancing the overall security of Android applications.

Memory Dump

In Android, a memory dump is a snapshot of the device's current system memory. It captures the contents of RAM, including running processes and their data. Check memory dump for any sensitive information stored in memory.

Important Links

Intentionally Vulnerable Applications For Practice

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I tried my best to enrich this checklist. Please feel free to share your key findings and knowledge. Thank you🙏