

Mobile Security Framework (MobSF)

Mobile Security Framework (MobSF) is a security research platform for mobile applications in Android, iOS and Windows Mobile. MobSF can be used for a variety of use cases such as mobile application security, penetration testing, malware analysis, and privacy analysis. The Static Analyzer supports popular mobile app binaries like APK, IPA, APPX and source code. Meanwhile, the Dynamic Analyzer supports both Android and iOS applications and offers a platform for interactive instrumented testing, runtime data and network traffic analysis. MobSF seamlessly integrates with your DevSecOps or CI/CD pipeline, facilitated by REST APIs and CLI tools, enhancing your security workflow with ease.

Made with Love in India

Docker Pulls python PyPI version platform License MobSF tests Quality Gate Status GitHub closed issues CII Best Practices

ToolsWatch Best Security Tools 2016 ToolsWatch Best Security Tools 2017 Blackhat Arsenal Asia 2015 Blackhat Arsenal Asia 2018 Blackhat Arsenal Europe 2023

MobSF is also bundled with Android Tamer, BlackArch and Pentoo.

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Long live open source!


Quick setup with docker

docker pull opensecurity/mobile-security-framework-mobsf:latest
docker run -it --rm -p 8000:8000 opensecurity/mobile-security-framework-mobsf:latest

# Default username and password: mobsf/mobsf

See MobSF Documentation


Ajin Abraham india | Magaofei china | Matan Dobrushin israel | Vincent Nadal france

e-Learning Courses & Certifications

MobSF Course Automated Mobile Application Security Assessment with MobSF -MAS

Android Security Tools Course Android Security Tools Expert -ATX

MobSF Support

Contribution, Feature Requests & Bugs

Static Analysis - Android


Static Analysis - iOS


Dynamic Analysis - Android APK


Web API Viewer


Dynamic Analysis - iOS IPA


Past Collaborators

Honorable Contributors & Shoutouts