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AvengersChat demonstrates modern Android development based on MVVM architecture and Stream Chat SDK for Android.

The purpose of this repository is to demonstrate below:

✍️ Tutorials


You can learn more about this project from the blog posts and Youtube videos. If you're interested in the materials, check out the Tutorials Page!

:bulb: Additional Repositories

If you're interested in additional repositories that were built with Jetpack Compose and Stream SDK, check out the repositories below:

📲 Download APK

Go to the Releases to download the latest APK.

<a href="https://getstream.io/tutorials/android-chat?utm_source=Github&utm_medium=Jaewoong_OSS&utm_content=Developer&utm_campaign=Github_Sept2022_AvengersChat&utm_term=DevRelOss"> <img src="https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/24237865/138428440-b92e5fb7-89f8-41aa-96b1-71a5486c5849.png" align="right" width="12%"/> </a>

⛴ Stream Chat SDK for Android

AvengersChat was built with Stream Chat SDK for Android for implementing messaging systems. You can learn more about the SDK with the materials below:

📷 Previews

If you find funny moments on this demo application, feel free to join and share the moment in this thread!

<p align="center"> <img src="/previews/preview0.gif" width="32%"/> <img src="/previews/preview1.gif" width="32%"/> <img src="/previews/preview2.gif" width="32%"/> </p> <p align="center"> <img src="https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/24237865/139976413-675a3b32-1edf-4bfc-b600-a8ffb734f1ec.jpeg" width="32%"/> <img src="https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/24237865/139976435-5da608b9-e453-47c0-be78-73f0039b4ab1.jpeg" width="32%"/> <img src="https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/24237865/139976345-dedc9c4c-2140-4fbc-9d02-7d815380d900.jpeg" width="32%"/> </p> <img src="/previews/preview0.gif" align="right" width="32%"/>

🛠 Tech stack & Open source libraries

<img src="/previews/preview3.gif" align="right" width="32%"/>

✅ Supported features


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🏛 Architecture

AvengersChat is based on the MVVM architecture and the Repository pattern, which follows the Google's official architecture guidance.


The overall architecture of AvengersChat is composed of two layers; the UI layer and the data layer. Each layer has dedicated components and they have each different responsibilities, as defined below:

AvengersChat was built with Guide to app architecture, so it would be a great sample to show how the architecture works in real-world projects.

Architecture Overview


With this loosely coupled architecture, you can increase the reusability of components and scalability of your app.

UI Layer


The UI layer consists of UI elements to configure screens that could interact with users and ViewModel that holds app states and restores data when configuration changes.

Data Layer


The data Layer consists of repositories, which include business logic, such as querying data from the local database and requesting remote data from the network. It is implemented as an offline-first source of business logic and follows the single source of truth principle.<br>

AvengersChat is an offline-first app is an app that is able to perform all, or a critical subset of its core functionality without access to the internet. So users don't need to be up-to-date on the network resources every time and it will decrease users' data consumption. For further information, you can check out Build an offline-first app.



AvengersChat adopted modularization strategies below:

For more information, check out the Guide to Android app modularization.

💯 MAD Score


<img src="https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/24237865/141415477-d1af2b48-2498-4ff0-8fdf-95dff092e317.png" align="right" width="22%"/>

Content Credits

All copyrights of the contents, concepts, and phrases that are used in this open-source project belong to Marvel Studios.

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