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This is a Slack clone app built with Jetpack Compose and Stream Chat SDK for Compose following clean architecture principles.

The purpose of this repository is to demonstrate below:

:bulb: Additional Repositories

If you're interested in additional repositories that were built with Jetpack Compose and Stream SDK, check out the repositories below:

📲 Download

Go to the Releases to download the latest APK.

<a href="https://getstream.io/chat/sdk/compose?utm_source=Github&utm_medium=Jaewoong_OSS&utm_content=Developer&utm_campaign=Github_May2022_SlackAndroidClone&utm_term=DevRelOss"> <img src="https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/24237865/138428440-b92e5fb7-89f8-41aa-96b1-71a5486c5849.png" align="right" width="12%"/> </a>

🛥 Stream Chat SDK

Stream Slack Android clone was built with Stream Chat SDK for Compose to implement messaging systems. If you’re interested in adding powerful In-App Messaging to your app, check out the Android Chat Messaging Tutorial!

📷 Previews

<p align="center"> <img src="art/art0.gif" alt="drawing" width="270" /> <img src="art/art1.png" alt="drawing" width="270" /> <img src="art/art2.png" alt="drawing" width="270" /> <img src="art/art3.png" alt="drawing" width="270" /> <img src="art/art4.png" alt="drawing" width="270" /> <img src="art/art5.png" alt="drawing" width="270" /> <img src="art/art6.png" alt="drawing" width="270" /> <img src="art/art7.png" alt="drawing" width="270" /> <img src="art/art8.png" alt="drawing" width="270" /> </p>

🛠 Tech Stack & Open Source Libraries

🏛️ Architecture

Stream Slack Clone Android follows the principles of Clean Architecture with Android Architecture Components.

Architecture's layers & boundaries:

<img src="art/architecture.png" />

For more information, check out the The 2022 Android Developer Roadmap: Part 3, Architecture Components.

✍️ Blog Post

Check out Bringing Anmol Verma’s Jetpack Compose Slack Project to Life for learning the details of how to integrate chat features into the Slack clone project.

💯 MAD Score


Copyrights & Credits

All copyrights of the resources, logo, branding, content, concepts, and phrases that are used in this open-source project belong to Slack. Also, this project was forked from SlackAndroidClone and the original credit goes to Anmol92verma.

<a href="https://getstream.io/chat/sdk/compose?utm_source=Github&utm_medium=Jaewoong_OSS&utm_content=Developer&utm_campaign=Github_May2022_SlackAndroidClone&utm_term=DevRelOss"> <img src="https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/24237865/138428440-b92e5fb7-89f8-41aa-96b1-71a5486c5849.png" align="right" width="12%"/></a>

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