

<h1 align="center">Material GTK Theme</h1> <p align="center"> <img = src="https://img.shields.io/badge/OS-Linux-FCC624?style=for-the-badge&logo=linux&logoColor=yelow"/> <img src="https://img.shields.io/badge/Style-CSS-blue?style=for-the-badge&logo=css3&logoColor=blue"/> <img src="https://img.shields.io/github/stars/Fausto-Korpsvart/Material-GTK-Themes?&style=for-the-badge&logoColor=red" /> <img src="https://img.shields.io/github/forks/Fausto-Korpsvart/Material-GTK-Themes?style=for-the-badge" /> <img src="https://img.shields.io/github/issues/Fausto-Korpsvart/Material-GTK-Themes?style=for-the-badge" /> <img src='https://img.shields.io/github/license/Fausto-Korpsvart/Material-GTK-Themes?style=for-the-badge&logo=GNU&label=License&color=bd0000&logoColor=white'/> </p>

A GTK theme based on the colours of Marko Cerovac's great theme: Material for Neovim, the VinceLiuice's awesome: Graphite GTK theme and the creativity of Gusbemacbe's: Suru Plus Icon Theme.<br /> Great to combine in your Gnome Desktop Environment and TWMs like: XmonadWM, AwesomeWM, BSPWM, etc... With support also for the desktop environments Cinnamon and XFCE.<br /> You can check Reddit: r/unixporn to get some ideas.


Installing Themes

Before installing, make sure to install the Murrine Engine and gnome-themes-extra packages for the correct rendering of themes.

Here are some commands to install on some distributions.

The themes work on versions 40 to 43 of the GNOME D.E. just follow the steps below for installation:

Applying the themes


Clarifying some doubts.

This is just to clarify doubts about the abbreviations of the Themes, as many found the names confusing.

Abbreviation exampleExplanation of abbreviations
Theme-Name-BTheme with Border decoration
Theme-Name-B-LBTheme with Border decoration and Legacy Buttons in Windows
Theme-Name-B-GSTheme with Border decoration for Gnome Shell
Theme-Name-BLTheme Borderless decoration
Theme-Name-BL-LBTheme Borderless decoration and Legacy Buttons in Windows
Theme-Name-BL-GSTheme Borderless decoration for Gnome Shell

Looking for other themes with Neovim colour schemes?

Neovim Colorschemes for GTKSourcePackage
Catppuccin GTK ThemeGithubPling
Everforest GTK ThemeGithubPling
Gruvbox Material GTK ThemeGithubPling
Kanagawa GTK ThemeGithubPling
Material Deep Ocean GTK ThemeGithubPling
Material Palenight GTK ThemeGithubPling
Nightfox Dusk GTK ThemeGithubPling
Rosé Pine GTK ThemeGithubPling
Tokyonight GTK ThemeGithubPling

Special thanks.

Thanks to @f1yn for the solution to the active and inactive borders in the new version of Cinnamon which no longer uses Metacity.

Thanks to @telometto for the alternative for the application of themes in Flatpak.


If you would like to support the project financially, you can do this through

<ENJOY IT!! :nerd_face:/>