

Licence MIT Language C/C++ Open issue

Erriez Arduino libraries and examples

Erriez Arduino libraries and sketches contains examples and libraries for Arduino, tested on a various amount of hardware.


Please refer to the Wiki documentation how to use the libraries or follow the instructions in the README.md files of the libraries.

Installation with Git from the commandline:

git clone https://github.com/Erriez/ErriezArduinoLibraries.git
cd ErriezArduinoLibraries
git submodule update --init --recursive

Move the libraries/* to your Arduino/libraries/ directory

Arduino Examples

Arduino examples and projects for several boards.

MH-Z19B CO2 Sensor

MH-Z19B CO2 sensor library for Arduino with a small footprint. Hardware and software serial supported.


Oregon THN PlatformIO CI

Oregon THN128 433MHz temperature sensor transmit/receive C library for Arduino.


BMP280 / BME280 Sensor

BMP280/BME280 temperature / pressure / humidity sensor library for Arduino with I2C interface.


INA219 DC Power Sensor

INA219 I2C/SMB DC Voltage/Current/Power sensor.


TTP229 Touch Keypad

TTP229 touch sensitive 4x4 keypad with interrupt support. Available in single 16 keys or dual 32 keys.


MCP23017 16-pins I2C IO-expander

16-pin I2C IO expander with interrupt support.


BH1750 Light Sensor

I2C high-precision light sensor.



HC-SR04 Ultrasonic Distance sensor. Measurement range: 2..2000cm +/-1cm.



Target independent, flash and RAM size optimized CRC32 library for Arduino without CRC tables.


DHT22 Temperature/Humidity Sensor

One-wire temperature and humidity sensor with high precision.


NTP (Network Time Protocol) client

NTP client library for Arduino to get UNIX Epoch UTC time from time servers.

DS3231 high accurate I2C RTC (Real Time Clock)

DS3231 High accurate RTC (Real Time Clock).

DS3231 RTC (Real Time Clock)

DS1307 RTC (Real Time Clock)

DS1307 RTC (Real Time Clock).

DS1307 RTC (Real Time Clock)

DS1302 RTC (Real Time Clock)

DS1302 RTC (Real Time Clock).

DS1302 RTC (Real Time Clock)

LCD Keypad Shield

2x16 character and 5 buttons LCD shield for Arduino.


LM35 Analog Temperature Sensor

LM35 analog temperature sensor library for Arduino.


Memory Usage

Memory usage diagnostics library for Arduino.

Memory Usage

RobotDyn 4-digit display

RobotDyn 4-digit display library for Arduino with a two-wire TM1637 LED controller.

RobotDyn 4-digit display

RobotDyn Keypad 3x4 with analog output

RobotDyn Keypad 3x4 with analog output library for Arduino.

RobotDyn Keypad 3x4 Analog

Rotary Encoder full step

3 speed full step Rotary Encoder with button.

Rotary Encoder full step

Rotary Encoder half step

3 speed half step Rotary Encoder.

Rotary Encoder half step

Serial Terminal

A universal Serial Terminal library for Arduino to parse ASCII commands and arguments.

Serial Terminal


Timestamp library to measure execution duration, useful for benchmarks.


TM1637 Key/LED driver

2-wire 6x8 LED's and 8x2 key-scan controller.


TM1638 Key/LED driver

3-wire 10x8 LED's and 8x3 key-scan controller.


JY-MCU JY-LKM1638 board

8 digits, 8 dual color LED's and 8 switches JY-MCU JY-LKM1638 board with TM1638 chip library for Arduino.

JY-MCU JY-LKM1638 board

printf for AVR

printf() library for Arduino AVR targets.