

Swifty Portfolio

With over a decade of experience developing and designing and user experiences for mobile and web applications, my main focus has steadily gravitated towards Swift and Apple-platforms development.

I find the language to be the ultimate sweet spot of performance, safety, expressivity, simplicity, and general beauty. And the ecosystem growing around it is one of infinite possibilities and potential.

Anyways!... this repo is meant as a high-level preview for the substrates of those skillz (so far).

If you're looking for an experienced, remote-based, entrepreneurial software engineer who's been diving deep into just a few of the following...

... and freelancing with a number of iOS and React Native development teams over the past few years (and who welcomes being paid in Bitcoin 🙂), please feel free to reach out ✌️.

<details> <summary>Bonus 🎁</summary> </br>

As someone who also does graphic art and UI/UX design, I can be integrated with any of those needs as well.

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⚡️ Production Apps

These are apps that I personally designed, developed, and shipped.

Satoshi VS

Built with SwiftUI to visualize the value of Satoshis against a wide selection of other currencies.

<div> <img src="./assets/recordings/satoshi-vs-preview.gif" width="400px"> </div> </br> </br>

🎓 Projects and Code from Courses

Just of a sampling of GitHub repositories for projects, playgrounds, and notes made while following along with various courses.

<!-- - [SwiftUI Masterclass Course](https://github.com/CypherPoet/course--swiftui-masterclass) --> </br> </br>

📚 Projects and Code from Books

Just of a sampling of GitHub repositories for projects, playgrounds, and notes made while following along with various books.

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⚙️ Open-Source Contributing

Just of a sampling of the open-source Swift/iOS projects that I currently maintain and/or contribute to (or have done so in the past).


See even moar

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⚗️ Miscellaneous Labs, Projects, & Experiments

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✍️ Writing

The Swiftness

My own personal blog on Swift and Apple-platforms development.

Maintainable User Interface Testing with Ember

Not iOS, but many of the principles in this article I wrote regarding testing best practices in EmberJS can be applied throughout software engineering.


I don't always tweet, but when I do, Swift & SwiftUI are common topics.