Combine: Asynchronous Programming with Swift
Projects, playgrounds, and other materials made while following along with the Ray Wenderlich book "Combine: Asynchronous Programming with Swift".
- Creating publishers and subscribing to them.
- Subjects
- Dynamically Adjusting Demand
- Type Erasure
- 🥅 Challenge: Create a Blackjack Card Dealer
Chapter 8: Combine in Practice: Building a Photo Collage App
- Using Combine publishers in custom views.
- Handling user events with Combine.
- Navigating between views and exchanging data via publishers.
- Using a variety of operators to create different subscriptions to implement your app's logic.
- Wrapping existing Cocoa APIs so you can conveniently use them in your Combine code.
Chapters 9-14: Networking with Combine
Chapters 15-19: Bulding an App with SwiftUI and Combine Networking
Chapter 20: Building A Complete App with Combine, SwiftUI, and CoreData