

SwiftUI Animatable Gradients

A collection of SwiftUI View Modifiers for creating animated color gradients.

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AnimatableGradients can be used through the Swift Package Manager. You can add it as a dependency in your Package.swift file:

let package = Package(
    dependencies: [
        .package(url: "https://github.com/CypherPoet/AnimatableGradients", from: "0.1.1"),

Then simply import AnimatableGradients wherever you’d like to use it.


The view modifiers exposed by AnimatableGradients all conform to its AnimatableGradientModifier protocol. (You can view the implementation here.)

<details> <summary>AnimatableGradientModifier Protocol</summary>
protocol AnimatableGradientModifier: AnimatableModifier {
    associatedtype BaseShape: Shape
    associatedtype GradientShapeStyle: ShapeStyle

    var baseShape: BaseShape { get }
    var startColors: [UIColor] { get }
    var endColors: [UIColor] { get }

    var completionPercentage: CGFloat { get set }

    func gradientFill(in geometry: GeometryProxy) -> GradientShapeStyle


To use these modifiers, AnimatableGradients provides the following extensions on Views and Shapes:

(More detailed explanations of each can be found below.)

πŸ”‘ In order to achieve animation, your containing views will need to provide the aforementioned modifiers with a bound CGFloat state value that ranges between 0.0 and 1.0.

@State private var animationCompletion: CGFloat = 0.0

This is the "animation completion" percentage that each AnimatableGradientModifier will use to generate interpolated color values during each rendered frame.

Additionally, the same containing views will need to animate the change of the animation completion. A common pattern consists of animating the value repeatedly from the containing view's onAppear modifier to create a continuous animation effect:

.onAppear {
        Animation.easeInOut(duration: 1.0).repeatForever(autoreverses: true)
    ) {
        self.animationCompletion = 1.0

Taken together, a minimal functional example could look like this:

struct ContentView {
    @State private var animationCompletion: CGFloat = 0.0

    var body: some View {
        RoundedRectangle(cornerRadius: 24)
                startColors: [.red, .blue],
                endColors: [.green, .yellow],
                completionPercentage: animationCompletion
            .onAppear {
                    Animation.easeInOut(duration: 1.0).repeatForever(autoreverses: true)
                ) {
                    self.animationCompletion = 1.0

But now for some more detail...

Animatable Linear Gradients

Usage on Shapes

extension Shape {

    public func animatableLinearGradient (
        startColors: [UIColor],
        endColors: [UIColor],
        startPoint: UnitPoint = .topLeading,
        endPoint: UnitPoint = .bottomTrailing,
        completionPercentage: CGFloat
    ) -> some View {
<div align="center">What you're using πŸ‘†</div> </br>
RoundedRectangle(cornerRadius: 24)
        startColors: [.systemPurple, .systemBlue, .systemGreen, .white],
        endColors: [.systemGray, .systemPink, .systemOrange, .systemRed],
        completionPercentage: animationCompletion
<div align="center">How you might use it πŸ‘†</div> <br />

Usage on Views

extension View {

    public func animatableLinearGradient<BaseShape: Shape>(
        baseShape: BaseShape,
        startColors: [UIColor],
        endColors: [UIColor],
        startPoint: UnitPoint = .topLeading,
        endPoint: UnitPoint = .bottomTrailing,
        completionPercentage: CGFloat
    ) -> some View {
<div align="center">What you're using πŸ‘†</div> </br>
            baseShape: RoundedRectangle(cornerRadius: 24),
            startColors: [.systemPurple, .systemBlue, .systemGreen, .white],
            endColors: [.systemGray, .systemPink, .systemOrange, .systemRed],
            completionPercentage: animationCompletion
<div align="center">How you might use it πŸ‘†</div> <br />

πŸ“Έ Example

<div align="center"> <img src="./Assets/Screenshots/linear-gradient-example-recording-1.gif" width="400px"> </div>

Animatable Radial Gradients

Usage on Shapes

extension Shape {

   public func animatableRadialGradient (
        startColors: [UIColor],
        endColors: [UIColor],
        centerPoint: UnitPoint = .center,
        startRadius: CGFloat? = nil,
        endRadius: CGFloat? = nil,
        completionPercentage: CGFloat
    ) -> some View {
<div align="center">What you're using πŸ‘†</div> </br>
RoundedRectangle(cornerRadius: 24)
        startColors: [.systemPurple, .systemBlue, .systemGreen, .white],
        endColors: [.systemGray, .systemPink, .systemOrange, .black],
        completionPercentage: animationCompletion
<div align="center">How you might use it πŸ‘†</div> </br>

Usage on Views

extension View {

    public func animatableRadialGradient<BaseShape: Shape>(
        baseShape: BaseShape,
        startColors: [UIColor],
        endColors: [UIColor],
        centerPoint: UnitPoint = .center,
        startRadius: CGFloat? = nil,
        endRadius: CGFloat? = nil,
        completionPercentage: CGFloat
    ) -> some View {
<div align="center">What you're using πŸ‘†</div> </br>
        baseShape: RoundedRectangle(cornerRadius: 24),
        startColors: [.systemPurple, .systemBlue, .systemGreen, .white],
        endColors: [.systemGray, .systemPink, .systemOrange, .black],
        completionPercentage: animationCompletion
<div align="center">How you might use it πŸ‘†</div> </br>

πŸ“Έ Example

<div align="center"> <img src="./Assets/Screenshots/radial-gradient-example-recording-1.gif" width="400px"> </div>

Animatable Angular Gradients

Usage on Shapes

extension Shape {

    /// - Parameters:
    ///   - fullSpanStartAngle: Setting this property will cause the gradient to being at
    ///         the specified offset, and then span the entire circumference. (Default: `nil`)
    public func animatableAngularGradient (
        startColors: [UIColor],
        endColors: [UIColor],
        centerPoint: UnitPoint = .center,
        fullSpanStartAngle: Angle,
        completionPercentage: CGFloat
    ) -> some View {

    public func animatableAngularGradient (
        startColors: [UIColor],
        endColors: [UIColor],
        centerPoint: UnitPoint = .center,
        startAngle: Angle = .zero,
        endAngle: Angle = .radians(2 * .pi),
        completionPercentage: CGFloat
    ) -> some View {
<div align="center">What you're using πŸ‘†</div> </br>
RoundedRectangle(cornerRadius: 24)
        startColors: [.systemPurple, .systemBlue, .systemGreen, .white],
        endColors: [.systemGray, .systemPink, .systemOrange, .systemRed],
        completionPercentage: animationCompletion
<div align="center">How you might use it πŸ‘†</div> </br>

Usage on Views

extension View {

    /// - Parameters:
    ///   - fullSpanStartAngle: Setting this property will cause the gradient to being at
    ///         the specified offset, and then span the entire circumference. (Default: `nil`)
    public func animatableAngularGradient<BaseShape: Shape>(
        baseShape: BaseShape,
        startColors: [UIColor],
        endColors: [UIColor],
        centerPoint: UnitPoint = .center,
        fullSpanStartAngle: Angle,
        completionPercentage: CGFloat
    ) -> some View {

    public func animatableAngularGradient<BaseShape: Shape>(
        baseShape: BaseShape,
        startColors: [UIColor],
        endColors: [UIColor],
        centerPoint: UnitPoint = .center,
        startAngle: Angle = .zero,
        endAngle: Angle = .radians(2 * .pi),
        completionPercentage: CGFloat
    ) -> some View {
<div align="center">What you're using πŸ‘†</div> </br>
        baseShape: RoundedRectangle(cornerRadius: 24),
        startColors: [.systemPurple, .systemBlue, .systemGreen, .white],
        endColors: [.systemGray, .systemPink, .systemOrange, .systemRed],
        completionPercentage: animationCompletion
<div align="center">How you might use it πŸ‘†</div> </br>

πŸ“Έ Example

<div align="center"> <img src="./Assets/Screenshots/angular-gradient-example-recording-1.gif" width="400px"> </div>

⚠️ Edge Cases


Contributions to AnimatableGradients are most welcome. Check out some of the issue templates for more info.



AnimatableGradients is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.