


PNG Data Vehicle (PowerShell Edition) for X/Twitter

Embed any file type within a tweetable and "executable" PNG image.

Demo Image
{Encrypted JPG image embedded within this PNG image}

Video Demo

(*PowerShell required. Always use the latest version of PowerShell).

pdvps is similar to my other program pdvzip. The two main differences in this edition are:

1) It uses a default PNG image for where your data file is encrypted & embedded.
The image is small in size, which maximises the amount of data you can embed.

Using a default image simplifies the program, with less code required.
If you want to use different images for embedding files, then stick with pdvzip.

2) There is a PowerShell script embedded within the default PNG image, that is used to decrypt,
extract and open your embedded file, when you "execute" the PNG file.

For more information on the embedded scripts within the default PNG image,
see the scripts_info.txt file supplied with this repo.

For information about PNG image settings and arbitrary data preservation for X/Twitter,
visit the relevant link on pdvzip

Always use file extensions for your data file: my_doc.pdf, my_video.mp4, my_program.py, etc.

Compile and run the program under Windows or Linux.

Usage (Linux)

$ g++ main.cpp -O2 -s -o pdvps
$ ./pdvps

Usage: pdvps <your_file>
       pdvps --info

$ ./pdvps my_document.pdf

Encrypting and embedding data file within PNG image.


Created output file ".\pdvps_image.png" 4232948 bytes.

All Done.

You can post this embedded image on X/Twitter.

Once your file has been embedded within the PNG image, it's ready to be shared or "executed" whenever you want to extract & open your embedded file.

Extracting Your File From the PNG Image

Linux (PowerShell required)
Make sure image file has executable permissions.

$ chmod +x pdvps_image.png
$ ./pdvps_image.png 

First, rename the '.png' file extension to '.cmd'

G:\demo> ren pdvps_image.png pdvps_image.cmd
G:\demo> .\pdvps_image.cmd

My other programs you may find useful:-