


When posted on its platform, X/Twitter will remove the metadata from your image file.

jzp is a command-line tool used to embed small files (up to 10KB) into a JPG image,
that will not be removed by X/Twitter. Your embedded data file "travels" with the image.

To maximise the amount of data you can embed, it is recommended to compress (ZIP/RAR) your data file.

Demo Image_a
{Original image source}

Compile and run the program under Windows or Linux

Usage (Linux Example)

$ g++ main.cpp -O2 -s -o jzp
$ ./jzp

Usage: jzp <cover_image> <data_file>
       jzp --info

$ ./jzp image.jpg sdxl_workflow_json.rar

 Created output file: "jzp_img.jpg 9256 Bytes"

 You can now post this data-embedded image file on X/Twitter.

Extracting Your Embedded File(s)

To get access to and extract your data file for a ZIP or RAR embedded file with a Linux desktop,
just rename the .jpg file extension to .zip, then click the file icon to open & extract the ZIP/RAR contents.

For just a RAR file under Linux, you don't need to rename the file extension. From a Linux terminal enter the following command:

 $ unrar e jzp_img.jpg

For an embedded ZIP file under Windows, rename the .jpg file extension to .zip.
From a console type the following command:

 PS C:\Demo> Expand-Archive .\jzp_img.zip .

For a RAR file under Windows, you will need to use a program such as WinRar to extract your file from the image.

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