

Not Maintained



The CICM wrapper is a C interface for Tcl/Tk and Pure Data that aims to facilitate the creation of objects for Pure Data. One of the main axis is the creation of graphical user interfaces. It also facilitates the implementation of dynamic multisignal processing and it improves the compatibility with Max.

Macros to convert code (event GUI) from Max to Pd and from PD to Max and a lot of other stuff, I can't enumerate everything !

Repository :


Documentation :

Documentation and examples

Projects :

Author :

Pierre Guillot

Thanks :

Antoine Villeret for Autotools and feedbacks.
Thomas Le Meur for the corrections.
Miller Puckette for Pure Data.

Licence :

Copyright (C) 2013-2015 Pierre Guillot - CICM - Universite Paris 8
The Cream Library in under the BSD2 License.