

Cream Library for Pure Data

A set of PD externals for those who like vanilla... but also want some chocolate cream.
The Cream Library uses the CICM Wrapper developed to facilitate the creation of signal objects and GUI and to improve user interactions to offer a set of externals that improve the user interraction in Pure Data.

Compatibilty :

The lastest release has been tested Pure Data Vanilla (0.46.6 - 32/64 bits) & Pure Data Extended (0.43.4) on Linux, Mac Os, Windows .

Installation :

With Pure Data Vanilla, copy the <em>Cream</em> folder in your package folder and add <em>Cream</em> in the PD's statup window if you use the default package folder*, otherwise add <em>Cream/Cream</em>.

With Pure Data Extended, copy the <em>Cream</em> folder in your package folder and add <em>-lib externals/Cream</em> in the statup falgs if you use the default package folder*, otherwise add <em>-lib Cream/Cream</em>.

* The default package folder are generally <em>/usr/local/lib/pd-externals</em> on Linux, <em>/Library/Pd</em> on Mac Os and <em>C:\Program Files\Common Files\Pd</em> on Windows.

Documentation :

Helps and tutorials are availables in the <em>Cream</em> folder of the <em>help browser</em>.

Compilation :

./autogen.sh (if needed)
./configure (useful options --with-pd=</path/to/pd>)
make install (optional)

XCode, CodeBlock and Visual Studio projects are also available.

Dependencies :

Cicm Wrapper.

Authors :

Pierre Guillot

Licence :

Copyright (C) 2013-2015 Pierre Guillot - CICM - Universite Paris 8
The Cream Library in under the BSD2 License.