

Rx React Container

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Helper utilities allowing to transparently connect RxJS logic to React Component.

Works by wrapping React Component into container that:

If you are interested in history behind this - look at gist about it.

First project where it was used: reactive-widgets


npm install rx-react-container --save


Currently there are two ways of using it:

High order components:

const ContainerComponent = connect(
  controller: (propsHelper) => Observable<ResultProps>


Warning: hooks version is very new, consider it experimental

const resultProps = useRxController(
  controller: (propsHelper) => Observable<ResultProps>,

In theory, both are equivalent, while hooks one is more compact/flexible.

In both cases controller is function creating observable of properties to be rendered.

propsHelper argument of it provides few helper methods to access props as observables:

also there are fields with current properties(in some cases this is useful, but generally - better to use helper methods above):

To help combining various things into result observable, library also provides helper function to combine data into single observable:

combineProps(observables, observers, otherProps)



import React from 'react';
import { render } from 'react-dom';

import { Subject, merge } from 'rxjs';
import { connect, combineProps, useRxController } from 'rx-react-container';
import { map, scan, switchMap, startWith } from 'rxjs/operators';

function App({ onMinus, onPlus, totalCount, step }) {
  return (
      <button onClick={onMinus}>-{step}</button>[<span>{totalCount}</span>]
      <button onClick={onPlus}>+{step}</button>

function appController(container) {
  const onMinus$ = new Subject();
  const onPlus$ = new Subject();

  const click$ = merge(
    onMinus$.pipe(map(() => -1)),
    onPlus$.pipe(map(() => +1))
  const step$ = container.getProp('step');

  const totalCount$ = step$.pipe(
    switchMap(step => click$.pipe(map(v => v * step))),
    scan((acc, x) => acc + x, 0)

  return combineProps(
    { totalCount: totalCount$, step: step$ },
    { onMinus: onMinus$, onPlus: onPlus$ }

const AppContainer = connect(appController)(App);

// same thing with hooks
function HookApp(props) {
  const state = useRxController(appController, props);
  if(!state) return null;
  const { onMinus, onPlus, totalCount, step } = state;
  return (
      <button onClick={onMinus}>-{step}</button>[<span>{totalCount}</span>]
      <button onClick={onPlus}>+{step}</button>

const appElement = document.getElementById('app');
render(<AppContainer step="1" />, appElement);