


Netlify Status

Explore OpenPGP as an alternative for seals (mitome-in). このファイルの内容の一部は日本語でご覧になれます。

This project makes use of VuePress to format the pages as well as provide in-page functions. The main repository is configured to interact with Netlify so that

Project setup

Install yarn following their installation instruction.

Install dependent packages with

yarn install


Create and edit the .md files under docs/. Add them to the side bar to the themeConfig.sidebar array in docs/.vuepress/config.js. Please add your name and contact (optional) to the contributor list in doc/README.md if you would like to.

Place images under docs/.vuepress/public/. They are available at the base path.

The mitomein logo and icon

Edit assets/mitomein.svg with Inkscape and export it as png images into docs/.vuepress/public/.

Serve the pages

Previews of your edit will be available at http://localhost:8080/ with the command below running locally:

yarn docs:dev

The command below generates static files to be served under ./docs/.vuepress/dist/.

yarn docs:build


It seems that Webpack version 4 doesn't support OpenSSL version 3 and commands like yarn docs:dev fail with the ERR_OSSL_EVP_UNSUPPORTED error. In that case, please supply the --openssl-legacy-provider option as NODE_OPTIONS environment variable, i.e.:

NODE_OPTIONS=--openssl-legacy-provider yarn docs:dev


The app code

Copyright 2020 by zunda <zundan at gmail.com> and the contributors, under MIT License.

Site content

Copyright 2020 by zunda <zundan at gmail.com> and the contributors, under CC BY 4.0.

Dependent packages

See LICENSES file.