

Irssi Tor Docker Container

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A minimal Docker image (~18MB) to run the IRC client Irssi on Tor.

Supported Tags and Respective Dockerfile Links

How to Use This Image

Download the Image
$ docker pull zuazo/irssi-tor
Run Irssi
$ docker run zuazo/irssi-tor
Passing Options to Irssi
$ docker run -ti zuazo/irssi-tor \
  -c irc.twitch.tv -p 6667 \
  -n MYNICK -w oauth:MYTOKEN1234
Adding New Proxies to ProxyChains
FROM zuazo/irssi-tor

RUN echo 'socks4 myproxy.example.com 8080' >> $PROXYCHAINS_CONF

See the alpine-tor image documentation for more information.

Build from Sources

Instead of installing the image from Docker Hub, you can build the image from sources if you prefer:

$ git clone https://github.com/zuazo/irssi-tor-docker irssi-tor
$ cd irssi-tor
$ docker build -t zuazo/irssi-tor .

Read-only Environment Variables Used at Build Time