


A fork of the (first deprecated, now extinct) minimal prompt by S1cK94.

<img width="706" src="https://zimfw.github.io/images/prompts/s1ck94@2.png">

What does it show?

Let's breakdown the left prompt (from left to right):

On the right prompt:


This theme can be customized with the following environment variables. If the variable is not defined, the respective default value is used.

VariableDescriptionDefault value
PROMPT_CHARPrompt character
ON_COLOROn colorgreen
OFF_COLOROff colordefault
ERR_COLORError colorred

Advanced settings

You can customize how the current working directory is shown with the prompt-pwd module settings.

These advanced settings must be overridden after where the theme is initialized.


Requires Zim's prompt-pwd module to show the current working directory, and git-info to show git information.