Formats the path to the current working directory to be used by prompts.
Use the following zstyle to truncate the path to the git root when in a git repo:
zstyle ':zim:prompt-pwd' git-root yes
To truncate the number of trailing path components, use the following zstyle with a positive value:
zstyle ':zim:prompt-pwd:tail' length <value>
To customize the maximum number of characters per path component, use:
zstyle ':zim:prompt-pwd:fish-style' dir-length <value>
Setting the value to 0 will disable shortening entirely, which is the default behavior.
The default path separator is /
and it can be customized using:
zstyle ':zim:prompt-pwd:separator' format '<format>'
You can include prompt expansion escape sequences in your custom separator format.
Add a call to the prompt-pwd
function in your prompt code where you want the
current working directory to be displayed. Here's an example:
setopt nopromptbang prompt{cr,percent,sp,subst}
zstyle ':zim:prompt-pwd' git-root yes
zstyle ':zim:prompt-pwd:fish-style' dir-length 1
zstyle ':zim:prompt-pwd:separator' format '❯'
PS1='$(prompt-pwd)❯ '
If you want to use prompt-pwd
inside a function, call it passing the variable
name you want it to set. A dummy example:
prompt-pwd-len() {
local current_dir
prompt-pwd current_dir
print ${#current_dir}