

Ascii Chart

Gem Travis Coveralls license

Nice-looking lightweight console ASCII line charts ╭┈╯. Port of kroitor/asciichart.


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'ascii_chart'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install ascii_chart


require 'ascii_chart'

AsciiChart.plot((0...90).map { |i|
 Math.cos(i * ((Math::PI * 8) / 90)).round(2) * 10

Some sample cases are provided, to see them, execute:

$ rake -T sample
rake sample:1       # Output the first case
rake sample:2       # Output the second case
rake sample:3       # Output the third case
rake sample:random  # Out put a random case

e.g. For an random case, execute:

$ rake sample:random
    5.00  ┼---╮                                     ╭------╮                                     ╭--
    4.00  ┤   ╰-╮                                 ╭-╯      ╰-╮                                 ╭-╯  
    3.00  ┤     ╰-╮                             ╭-╯          ╰-╮                             ╭-╯    
    2.00  ┤       ╰-╮                         ╭-╯              ╰-╮                         ╭-╯      
    1.00  ┤         ╰╮                       ╭╯                  ╰╮                       ╭╯        
    0.00  ┼          ╰╮                     ╭╯                    ╰╮                     ╭╯         
   -1.00  ┤           ╰-╮                 ╭-╯                      ╰-╮                 ╭-╯          
   -2.00  ┤             ╰╮               ╭╯                          ╰╮               ╭╯            
   -3.00  ┤              ╰-╮           ╭-╯                            ╰-╮           ╭-╯             
   -4.00  ┤                ╰--╮     ╭--╯                                ╰--╮     ╭--╯               
   -5.00  ┤                   ╰-----╯                                      ╰-----╯                  
    9.00  ┤        ╭╮                   ╭╮                   ╭╮          ╭╮   ╭╮
    8.00  ┤  ╭╮    ||                   ||       ╭-╮  ╭╮     || ╭╮       ||   ||                ╭╮
    7.00  ┤  ||    ||                   ||   ╭╮╭╮| |  ||╭╮  ╭╯| ||  ╭╮   ||   ||                ||
    6.00  ┤  ||    ||                   ||╭╮ ||||| |  ||||  | | ||  ||╭╮ |╰-╮ ||   ╭╮           ||
    5.00  ┤╭╮||    ||                   |||| ||||| | ╭╯|||  | | || ╭╯||| |  | |╰╮  ||         ╭╮||
    4.00  ┤||||    ||                   |||╰╮||||| | | |||  | | || | ||| |  | | |  ||         ||||
    3.00  ┤||||    ||                   ||| |||||| | | |||  | | || | ||╰╮|  | | |  || ╭╮      ||||
    2.00  ┤||||    ||                 ╭╮||| |||||| | | ||| ╭╯ | || | ╰╯ ||  | | ╰╮ || ||      ||||
    1.00  ┼╯||╰-╮  ||      ╭╮         ||||| |||||| |╭╯ ||╰╮|  |╭╯| |    ||  | |  | || ||      ||||
    0.00  ┼ ╰╯  |  ||╭╮    || ╭-╮     |||╰╯ ||╰╯|| ||  || ╰╯  ╰╯ | |    ||  | |  | || ||  ╭╮  |||| ╭
   -1.00  ┤     |  ||||    || | |     |||   ||  || ||  ||        ╰╮|    ||  | |  | || ||  |╰╮ |||| |
   -2.00  ┤     |  ||||    || | |     |||   ╰╯  || ||  ||         ||    ||  | |  | ||╭╯|  | | |╰╯| |
   -3.00  ┤     |╭╮||||    || | |     |||       || ||  ||         ╰╯    ||  | |  | |╰╯ ╰-╮| | |  | |
   -4.00  ┤     |||||||╭╮  || | |     |||       || ||  ||               ╰╯  | |  | |     || | |  | |
   -5.00  ┤     ╰╯|||||||╭-╯|╭╯ |    ╭╯||       || ||  ╰╯                   | |  | |     || ╰-╯  | |
   -6.00  ┤       ||||╰╯╰╯  ||  |    | ||       ╰╯ ||                       ╰-╯  | |     ||      | |
   -7.00  ┤       ||||      ||  |╭-╮ | ╰╯          ╰╯                            | |     ||      | |
   -8.00  ┤       ╰╯╰╯      ╰╯  ╰╯ | |                                           |╭╯     ||      | |
   -9.00  ┤                        ╰-╯                                           ╰╯      ╰╯      ╰-╯


Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at https://github.com/zhustec/ascii_chart. This project is intended to be a safe, welcoming space for collaboration, and contributors are expected to adhere to the Contributor Covenant code of conduct.


The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.