


The official code of CVPR 2022 paper (Class Re-Activation Maps for Weakly-Supervised Semantic Segmentation). arXiv


  title={Class Re-Activation Maps for Weakly-Supervised Semantic Segmentation},
  author={Chen, Zhaozheng and Wang, Tan and Wu, Xiongwei and Hua, Xian-Sheng and Zhang, Hanwang and Sun, Qianru},
  booktitle={The IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR)},


conda env create -f environment.yml


Step 1. Prepare dataset.

Step 2. Train ReCAM and generate seeds.

CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 python run_sample.py --voc12_root ./VOCdevkit/VOC2012/ --work_space YOUR_WORK_SPACE --train_cam_pass True --train_recam_pass True --make_recam_pass True --eval_cam_pass True 

Step 3. Train IRN and generate pseudo masks.

CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 python run_sample.py --voc12_root ./VOCdevkit/VOC2012/ --work_space YOUR_WORK_SPACE --cam_to_ir_label_pass True --train_irn_pass True --make_sem_seg_pass True --eval_sem_seg_pass True 

Step 4. Train semantic segmentation network.

To train DeepLab-v2, we refer to deeplab-pytorch. We use the ImageNet pre-trained model for DeepLabV2 provided by AdvCAM. Please replace the groundtruth masks with generated pseudo masks.

Usage (MS COCO)

Step 1. Prepare dataset.

Step 2. Train ReCAM and generate seeds.

CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 python run_sample_coco.py --mscoco_root ../MSCOCO/ --work_space YOUR_WORK_SPACE --train_cam_pass True --train_recam_pass True --make_recam_pass True --eval_cam_pass True 

Step 3. Train IRN and generate pseudo masks.

CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 python run_sample_coco.py --mscoco_root ../MSCOCO/ --work_space YOUR_WORK_SPACE --cam_to_ir_label_pass True --train_irn_pass True --make_sem_seg_pass True --eval_sem_seg_pass True 

Step 4. Train semantic segmentation network.


This code is borrowed from IRN and AdvCAM, thanks Jiwoon and Jungbeom.