

This is the code repository implementing the paper "Predicting Animation Skeletons for 3D Articulated Models via Volumetric Nets".

Dependecy and Setup

The project is developed on Ubuntu 16.04 with cuda9.2 + cudnn7.5. We suggest to use conda virtual environment, which can be set up as following:

conda create -n AnimSkelVolNet python=3.6
. activate AnimSkelVolNet
pip install numpy, scipy, future, tensorboard, h5py, open3d, tqdm, opencv-python
pip install torch==1.2.0 torchvision==0.4.0 -f https://download.pytorch.org/whl/torch_stable.html


Our dataset ModelResource has 3,193 models. We split it into 80% for training (2,554 models), 10% for validation (319 models), and 10% for testing. All models in fbx format can be downloaded here.

To use this dataset in this project, we need some pre-processing, including calculating curvature and shape diameter, converting models into SDF voxels, calculating feature size as control parameter. Most of these works are done in C++. If you are interested in that part, you can implement with the help of trimesh and Thea. We put the data after pre-processing here. The folder includes several sub-folders:

To create the data used directly by the code, see and run our script:

python gen_dataset.py

Remember to change the root_folder to the directory you uncompress the pre-processed data.


To run forward inference only, you can download a trained model from here. Then you put it into REPO_PATH/checkpoints/volNet/, and run the following command:

python run_trainval.py -e --resume 'checkpoints/volNet/trained_model_volNet.pth.tar' --arch 'v2v_hg' --train-batch 4 --test-batch 4 --output_dir volNet --data_path 'DATA_PATH/model-resource-volumetric.h5' --json_file 'DATA_PATH/model-resource-volumetric.json' --input_feature curvature sd vertex_kde --num_stack 4

This will output the predicted joint&bone heatmaps, as well as the binary input voxels, into a folder called 'results/OUTPUT_DIR'.

To generate the skeleton, you need to run our script:

python mst_generate.py

Remember to modify the result folder name and output folder name.

You can run maya_bind.py in Maya to bind the predicted skeleton with the mesh. The skinning weights is generated by geodesic voxel binding in Maya.


To train a model by yourself, run the following command

python run_trainval.py --arch 'v2v_hg' --data_path 'DATA_PATH/model-resource-volumetric.h5' --json_file 'DATA_PATH/model-resource-volumetric.json' --checkpoint 'checkpoints/volNet' --logdir 'logs/volNet' --lr 1e-4 --train-batch 4 --test-batch 4 --input_feature curvature sd vertex_kde --num_stack 4 --epochs 50