

<p align="center"> <a href="https://github.com/zclzone/qs-admin"> <img alt="Vue Naive Admin Logo" width="200" src="./src/assets/images/logo.png"> </a> </p> <p align="center"> <a href="https://github.com/zclzone/qs-admin/actions"><img allt="checks" src="https://badgen.net/github/checks/zclzone/qs-admin"/></a> <a href="https://github.com/zclzone/qs-admin"><img allt="stars" src="https://badgen.net/github/stars/zclzone/qs-admin"/></a> <a href="https://github.com/zclzone/qs-admin"><img allt="forks" src="https://badgen.net/github/forks/zclzone/qs-admin"/></a> <a href="./LICENSE"><img allt="MIT License" src="https://badgen.net/github/license/zclzone/qs-admin"/></a> </p> <p align='center'> <b>English</b> | <a href="https://github.com/zclzone/qs-admin/blob/main/README.zh-CN.md">简体中文</a> </p>

Due to the author's limited energy, the ts version is no longer maintained. Rrecommended to use the js version.

js version: https://github.com/zclzone/vue-naive-admin


Qs Admin is a completely open source free and commercially allowed admin template,Based on the latest technology stack of front-end such as Vue3、Vite3、TypeScript、Pinia、Unocss and Naive UI. Compared with other more popular backend management templates, this project is more concise, lightweight, fresh style, very low learning costs, ideal for small and medium-sized projects or personal projects.





Getting Started

# Recommended setup git autocrlf 为 false
git config --global core.autocrlf false

# Clone Project
git clone https://github.com/zclzone/qs-admin.git

cd qs-admin

# Install dependencies(Recommended use pnpm: https://pnpm.io/zh/installation)
npm i -g pnpm # Installed and can be ignored
pnpm i # or npm i

# Start
pnpm dev

Build and Release

# Test Environment
pnpm build:test

# Github Environment
pnpm build:github

# Prod Environment
pnpm build


# eslint check
pnpm lint

# eslint check and fix
pnpm lint:fix

# Preview(Need to build first)
pnpm preview

# Commit(husky+commitlint)
pnpm cz

JS Version: Vue Naive Admin

Source code


Communication group & About the author

<a href="https://blog.isme.top/about/"> <img src="https://static.isme.top/images/about.png" style="max-width: 400px" /> </a>