

GeneFace: Generalized and High-Fidelity Audio-Driven 3D Talking Face Synthesis | ICLR'23

Zhenhui Ye, Ziyue Jiang, Yi Ren, Jinglin Liu, Jinzheng He, Zhou Zhao | Zhejiang University, ByteDance

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This repository is the official PyTorch implementation of our ICLR-2023 paper, in which we propose GeneFace for generalized and high-fidelity audio-driven talking face generation. The inference pipeline is as follows:

<p align="center"> <br> <img src="assets/GeneFace.png" width="1000"/> <br> </p>

Our GeneFace achieves better lip synchronization and expressiveness to out-of-domain audios. Watch this video for a clear lip-sync comparison against previous NeRF-based methods. You can also visit our project page for more details.

🔥GeneFace++ Released

We have released the code of GeneFace++ (https://github.com/yerfor/GeneFacePlusPlus/), which is a upgraded version of GeneFace and achieves better lip-sync, video qaulity, and system efficiency.


Quick Started!

We provide pre-trained models and processed datasets of GeneFace in this release to enable a quick start. In the following, we show how to infer the pre-trained models in 4 steps. If you want to train GeneFace on your own target person video, please reach to the following sections (Prepare Environments, Prepare Datasets, and Train Models).

After the above steps, the structure of your checkpoints and data directory should look like this:

> checkpoints
    > lrs3
        > lm3d_vae_sync
        > syncnet
    > May
        > lm3d_postnet_sync
        > lm3d_radnerf
        > lm3d_radnerf_torso
> data
    > binary
        > videos
            > May
bash scripts/infer_postnet.sh
bash scripts/infer_lm3d_radnerf.sh
# bash scripts/infer_radnerf_gui.sh # you can also use GUI provided by RADNeRF

You can find a output video named infer_out/May/pred_video/zozo.mp4.

Prepare Environments

Please follow the steps in docs/prepare_env.

Prepare Datasets

Please follow the steps in docs/process_data.

Train Models

Please follow the steps in docs/train_models.

Train GeneFace on other target person videos

Apart from the May.mp4 provided in this repo, we also provide 8 target person videos that were used in our experiments. You can download them at this link. To train on a new video named <video_id>.mp4, you should place it into the data/raw/videos/ directory, then create a new folder at egs/datasets/videos/<video_id> and edit config files, according to the provided example folder egs/datasets/videos/May.

You can also record your own video and train a unique GeneFace model for yourself!


  title={GeneFace: Generalized and High-Fidelity Audio-Driven 3D Talking Face Synthesis},
  author={Ye, Zhenhui and Jiang, Ziyue and Ren, Yi and Liu, Jinglin and He, Jinzheng and Zhao, Zhou},
  journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2301.13430},


Our codes are based on the following repos: