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Goal: Creating the best Vuetify 3 Admin open-source template.

Built upon the elegant themes of Vuetify, we have established a clear and efficient project structure, integrating the latest technology frameworks. This project aims to address a wide range of common technical requirements and features, while incorporating an AI assistant for a more intelligent experience. Additionally, we ensure that all pages are adaptive across multiple devices, achieving a seamless cross-platform compatibility.

📖Other Versions

SPA Version

Full Version: lux-nuxt3

Simplified I18n Version: lux-vuetify3-i18n

Simplified Chinese Version lux-vuetify3-zh

Nuxt3 Version

Nuxt3 Full Version lux-nuxt3

Nuxt3 Simplified Version lux-nuxt3-template



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👻Try it now!

git clone https://github.com/yangjiakai/lux-nuxt3.git

cd lux-nuxt3

yarn install

yarn dev