

TabR: Unlocking the Power of Retrieval-Augmented Tabular Deep Learning<!-- omit in toc -->

[!IMPORTANT] Check out the new tabular DL model: TabM

This is the official implementation of the paper "TabR: Unlocking the Power of Retrieval-Augmented Tabular Deep Learning" (arXiv).

Table of Contents:

The main results

After setting up the environment, use this notebook to browse the main results (for now, you can scroll to the last cell to get an idea of what it looks like).

How to reproduce the results

Set up the environment


For this project, we highly recommend using a conda-like environment manager instead of pip to get things right for the libraries that use CUDA, especially for Faiss. The available options:

Then, run the following commands (replace micromamba with mamba or conda if needed):

git clone https://github.com/yandex-research/tabular-dl-tabr
cd tabular-dl-tabr
micromamba create -f environment.yaml
micromamba activate tabr

If the micromamba create command fails, try using environment-simple.yaml instead of environment.yaml. If your machine does not have GPUs, use environment-simple.yaml, but replace faiss-gpu with faiss-cpu and remove pytorch-cuda.


(License: we do not impose any new license restrictions in addition to the original licenses of the used dataset. See the paper to learn about the dataset sources)

Navigate to the repository root and run the following commands:

wget https://huggingface.co/datasets/puhsu/tabular-benchmarks/resolve/main/data.tar -O tabular-dl-tabr.tar.gz
tar -xvf tabular-dl-tabr.tar.gz

After that, the data/ directory should appear.

Environment variables

When running scripts, the environment variable CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES must be explicitly set. So we assume that you do run the following command first before running other commands:


Quick test

To check that the environment is configured correctly, run the following command and wait for the training to finish (in this experiment, hyperparameters and results are extremely suboptimal, this is needed only to test the environment):

python bin/ffn.py exp/debug/0.toml --force

The last line of the output log should look like this:

[<<<] exp/debug/0 | <date & time>


Here, we reproduce the results for MLP on the California Housing dataset (in the paper, this dataset is referred to as "CA"). Reproducing the results for other algorithms and datasets is very similar with rare exceptions, which are commented in further sections.

The detailed description of the repository is provided later in the "Understanding the repository" section. Until then, simply copying and pasting the instructions should just work.

Technically, reproducing the results for MLP on the California Housing dataset means reproducing the content of these directories:

  1. exp/mlp/california/0-tuning is the result of the hyperparameter tuning
  2. exp/mlp/california/0-evaluation is the result of evaluation of the tuned configuration from the previous step. This configuration is evaluated under 15 random seeds, which produces 15 single models.
  3. exp/mlp/california/0-ensemble-5 is the result of ensembles of the single models from the previous step (three disjoint ensembles each consisting of five models).

To reproduce the above results, run the following commands (takes up to 30-60 minutes on a single GPU):

cp exp/mlp/california/0-tuning.toml exp/mlp/california/0-reproduce-tuning.toml
python bin/go.py exp/mlp/california/0-reproduce-tuning.toml

In fact, 0-reproduce-tuning is an arbitrary name and you can choose a different one, but it must end with -tuning. Once the run is finished, the following directories should appear:

After that, you can go to notebooks/results.ipynb and view your results (see the instructions just before the last cell of that notebook).

Note that bin/go.py is just a shortcut and the above commands are equivalent to this:

cp exp/mlp/california/0-tuning.toml exp/mlp/california/0-reproduce-tuning.toml
python bin/tune.py exp/mlp/california/0-reproduce-tuning.toml
python bin/evaluate.py exp/mlp/california/0-reproduce-tuning
python bin/ensemble.py exp/mlp/california/0-reproduce-evaluation

Reproducing other results

General comments:

Evaluating specific configurations without tuning. To evaluate a specific set of hyperparameters without tuning, you can use bin/go.py (to evaluate single models and ensembles) or bin/evaluate.py (to evaluate only single models). For example, this is how you can reproduce the results for the default XGBoost on the California Housing dataset:

mkdir exp/xgboost_/california/default2-reproduce-evaluation
cp exp/xgboost_/california/default2-evaluation/0.toml exp/xgboost_/california/default2-reproduce-evaluation/0.toml
python bin/go.py exp/xgboost_/california/default2-reproduce-evaluation --function bin.xgboost_.main

Note that now we have to explicitly pass the function that is being evaluated (--function bin.xgboost_.main). Again, default2-reproduce-evaluation is an arbitrary name, the only requirement is that it ends with -evaluation.

Custom versions of TabR. In bin/, there are several versions of the model. Each of them has a corresponding directory in exp/ with configs and results. See "Code overview" to learn more.

k Nearest Neighbors. To reproduce the results on the California Housing dataset:

cp exp/neighbors/california/0.toml exp/neighbors/california/0-reproduce.toml
python bin/neighbors.py exp/neighbors/california/0-reproduce.toml

mkdir exp/knn/california/0-reproduce-evaluation
cp exp/knn/california/0-evaluation/0.toml exp/knn/california/0-reproduce-evaluation/0.toml
python -c "
path = 'exp/knn/california/0-reproduce-evaluation/0.toml'
with open(path) as f:
    config = f.read()
with open(path, 'w') as f:
python bin/knn.py exp/knn/california/0-reproduce-evaluation/0.toml

DNNR. First, you need to run bin/dnnr_precompute_scaling.py and obtain results similar to exp/dnnr/precomputed_scaling ("loo" and "ohe" differ only in how the categorical features are encoded; we choose the best of the two approaches on the next step based on the performance on the validation set). Then, you need to run bin/dnnr.py, the corresponding configs are located in exp/dnnr/<dataset name>

NPT. To evaluate NPT, we use the official repository with modifications to allow using our datasets and preprocessing.

Understanding the repository

Read this if you are going to do more experiments/research in this repository.

Code overview

Running scripts

For most scripts in bin, the pattern is as follows:

python bin/some_script.py exp/a/b/c.toml

When the run is successfully finished, the result will be the exp/a/b/c folder. In particular, the exp/a/b/c/DONE file will be created. Usually, the main part of the result is the exp/a/b/c/report.json file.

If you want to run the script with the same config again and overwrite the existing results, use the --force flag:

python bin/some_script.py exp/a/b/c.toml --force

Some scripts (bin/tune.py and bin/go.py) support the --continue flag.

The following scripts have command line interface instead of configs:

Technical notes

Adding new datasets and metrics

How to add a new dataset

To apply the scripts from this repository to your custom dataset, you need to create a new directory in the data/ directory and use the same file names and data types as in our datasets. A good example is the data/adult dataset where all supported feature types are presented (numerical, binary and categorical). The .npy files are NumPy arrays saved with the np.save function (documentation).

Let's say your dataset is called my-dataset. Then, create the data/my-dataset directory with the following content:

At this point, your dataset is ready to use!

How to optimize a custom metric

The "main" metric which is optimized in this repository is referred to as "score". Score is always maximized. By default:

In the _SCORE_SHOULD_BE_MAXIMIZED dictionary in lib/data.py, you can find other supported scores. To use any of them, set the "score" field in the [data] section of a config:


seed = 0
path = ":data/california"
score = "r2"


To implement a custom metric, add its name to the _SCORE_SHOULD_BE_MAXIMIZED dictionary and compute it in the lib/metrics.py:calculate_metrics function.

How to add a new task type

We do not provide instructions for that. While adding new task types is definitely possible, overall, the code is written without other task types in mind. For example, there may be places where the code implicitly assumes that the task is either regression or classification. So adding a new task type will require carefully reviewing the whole codebases to find places where the new task type should be taken into account.

How to cite<!-- omit in toc -->

    title={TabR: Unlocking the Power of Retrieval-Augmented Tabular Deep Learning},
        Yury Gorishniy and
        Ivan Rubachev and
        Nikolay Kartashev and
        Daniil Shlenskii and
        Akim Kotelnikov and
        Artem Babenko