

TabM: Advancing Tabular Deep Learning With Parameter-Efficient Ensembling<!-- omit in toc -->

:scroll: arXiv   :computer: Usage   :books: Other tabular DL projects

TL;DR: TabM is a simple and powerful tabular DL architecture that efficiently imitates an ensemble of MLPs.

[!TIP] For a quick overview of the paper, see the abstract, Figure 1 and Page 7 in the PDF.

Using TabM in practice

To use TabM outside of this repository, you only need the following:

To use tabm_reference.py, install the following dependencies:


Then, either clone this repository and add its path to PYTHONPATH, or simply copy tabm_reference.py. After that, the following will work:

from tabm_reference import Model

Table of contents


The repository provides:


The following models are available in this repository.

[!TIP] Among the TabM models, the following variations are recommended as a starting point:

$\mathrm{MLP}$The plain multilayer perceptron (MLP)
$\mathrm{MLP^\dagger}$MLP with the piecewise-linear embeddings
$\mathrm{MLP^\ddagger}$MLP with the periodic embeddings (also known as MLP-PLR)
$\mathrm{MLP^{\ddagger(lite)}}$MLP with the lite periodic embeddings
$\mathrm{TabM_{mini}^\dagger}$TabM-mini with the piecewise-linear embeddings
$\mathrm{TabM^\dagger}$TabM with the piecewise-linear embeddings


This section covers default hyperparameters and hyperparameter tuning.

Default hyperparameters

While there are no "official" default hyperparameters, the available tuned hyperparameters on 40+ dataset allow obtaining a reasonable configuration for the first run.

<details> <summary>Show how</summary>
import json
from pathlib import Path

import pandas as pd

model = 'tabm'  # Or any other model from the exp/ directory.

# Load all training runs.
df = pd.json_normalize([
    for x in Path('exp').glob(f'{model}/**/0-evaluation/*/report.json')
print(df.shape)  # (1290, 181)

def get_dataset_name(dataset_path: str) -> str:
    >>> get_dataset_name('data/california')
    >>> get_dataset_name('data/regression-num-large-0-year')
    name = dataset_path.removeprefix('data/')
    return (
        name.split('-', 4)[-1]  # The "why" benchmark.
        if name.startswith(('classif-', 'regression-'))
        else name

df['Dataset'] = df['config.data.path'].map(get_dataset_name)

# The hyperparameters.
hyperparameters = [

# When summarizing hyperparameters (but not metrics),
# it is enough to keep only one seed per dataset.
dfh = df.loc[df['config.seed'] == 0, ['Dataset', *hyperparameters]]

# Add additional "hyperparameters".
dfh['has_dropout'] = (dfh['config.model.backbone.dropout'] > 0).astype(float)
dfh['has_weight_decay'] = (dfh['config.optimizer.weight_decay'] > 0).astype(float)

# Some datasets have multiple splits, so they must be aggregated first.
dfh = dfh.groupby('Dataset').mean()

# Finally, compute the statistics.
# NOTE: it is important to take all statistics into account, especially the quantiles,
# not only the mean value, because the latter is not robust to outliers.

Additional notes

First, the above approach is not expected to result in a universally powerful configuration. Generally, the more robust to hyperparameters the model is, the higher is the chance to compose a configuration that will be a reasonable starting point on a larger number of datasets.

Second, when computing the above statistics, a seemingly natural idea is to use only those datasets that are more similar to the task at hand. Also, not all used datasets are equally representative for the real world usage. However, deciding if a given dataset is relevant for the target task is not trivial. For example, generally, filtering datasets by size may not be a reliable criteria.

One idea is to split datasets into different groups, compute statistics separately for each group, and thus get better intuition on hyperparameters. Examples of groups:


Based on the above approach, the following configurations can be suggested as a starting point for TabM with the AdamW optimizer:

[!NOTE] The suggested hyperparameters may change in the future.

Learning rate0.002TODO
Weight decay0.0003TODO

Hyperparameter tuning

[!NOTE] This section only provides general advice on hyperparameter tuning. Running the hyperparameter tuning code used in the paper is discussed later in this document, and requires setting up the environment.

If achieving the highest possible performance is not critical, then 30-50 iterations of the TPE sampler from Optuna should result in a somewhat reasonable configuration. It the paper:


The published results allow easily summarizing the metrics of the models on all datasets.

<details> <summary>Show how</summary>
import json
from pathlib import Path

import pandas as pd

def get_dataset_name(dataset_path: str) -> str:
    >>> get_dataset_name('data/california')
    >>> get_dataset_name('data/regression-num-large-0-year')
    name = dataset_path.removeprefix('data/')
    return (
        name.split('-', 4)[-1]  # The "why" benchmark.
        if name.startswith(('classif-', 'regression-'))
        else name

model = 'tabm'  # Or any other model from the exp/ directory.

# Load all training runs.
df = pd.json_normalize([
    for x in Path('exp').glob(f'{model}/**/0-evaluation/*/report.json')
df['Dataset'] = df['config.data.path'].map(get_dataset_name)

# Aggregate the results over the random seeds.
print(df.groupby('Dataset')['metrics.test.score'].agg(['mean', 'std']))

The output exactly matches the metrics reported in the very last section of the paper:

                                             mean         std
Ailerons                                -0.000157    0.000002
Bike_Sharing_Demand                    -42.108096    0.501597
Brazilian_houses                        -0.044310    0.021299
KDDCup09_upselling                       0.800227    0.010331
MagicTelescope                           0.860680    0.005765
Mercedes_Benz_Greener_Manufacturing     -8.221496    0.894050
MiamiHousing2016                        -0.148294    0.003001
MiniBooNE                                0.950001    0.000545
OnlineNewsPopularity                    -0.858395    0.000325
SGEMM_GPU_kernel_performance            -0.015809    0.000385
adult                                    0.858158    0.001100
analcatdata_supreme                     -0.077736    0.009874
bank-marketing                           0.790799    0.006795
black-friday                            -0.687502    0.001464
california                              -0.450932    0.003154
churn                                    0.861300    0.002463
cooking-time                            -0.480330    0.000587
covtype2                                 0.971188    0.000800
cpu_act                                 -2.193951    0.052341
credit                                   0.775121    0.004241
delivery-eta                            -0.550962    0.001511
diamond                                 -0.134209    0.001725
ecom-offers                              0.594809    0.000557
elevators                               -0.001853    0.000025
fifa                                    -0.797377    0.014414
higgs-small                              0.738256    0.002775
homecredit-default                       0.858349    0.001019
homesite-insurance                       0.964121    0.000401
house                               -30002.387181  181.962989
house_sales                             -0.169186    0.001056
isolet                                  -1.883108    0.119444
jannis                                   0.806610    0.001525
kdd_ipums_la_97-small                    0.884546    0.006317
maps-routing                            -0.161169    0.000120
medical_charges                         -0.081265    0.000052
microsoft                               -0.743353    0.000265
nyc-taxi-green-dec-2016                 -0.386578    0.000596
otto                                     0.826756    0.001436
particulate-matter-ukair-2017           -0.368573    0.000628
phoneme                                  0.870065    0.016701
pol                                     -3.359482    0.401706
road-safety                              0.794583    0.001253
sberbank-housing                        -0.246943    0.003539
sulfur                                  -0.019162    0.003538
superconduct                           -10.337929    0.033769
visualizing_soil                        -0.124183    0.018830
weather                                 -1.478620    0.003926
wine                                     0.796127    0.013558
wine_quality                            -0.616949    0.012259
year                                    -8.870127    0.011037

Set up the environment


Clone the repository:

git clone https://github.com/yandex-research/tabm
cd tabm

Install any of the following tools, and follow the remaining instructions.

ToolSupported OSSupported devices
PixiLinux, macOSCPU, GPU
<details> <summary>What is Pixi?</summary>

Pixi is a high-level tool built on top of Conda environments.

The main benefits:

Technical details:

For more details, see the official Pixi documentation.


With Pixi, the environment will be created automatically when you do pixi run or pixi shell for the first time. For example, try:

# Running commands in the environment with GPU
pixi run -e cuda python -c "import torch; print(torch.cuda.is_available())"

# Running commands in the CPU-only environment
pixi run python --version

Or, if you prefer the Conda style workflow:

# Activate the environment with GPU
pixi shell -e cuda

# Activate the CPU-only environment
pixi shell

# Running commands (without `pixi run`)
python --version

# Deactivate the environment

With Micromamba:

micromamba create -f environment.yaml
micromamba activate tabm

With Mamba:

mamba create -f environment.yaml
mamba activate tabm

With Conda:

conda create -f environment.yaml -n tabm
conda activate tabm


License: we do not impose any new license restrictions in addition to the original licenses of the used dataset. See the paper to learn about the dataset sources.

The data consists of two parts.

Part 1. Go to the root of the repository and run:

mkdir local
wget https://huggingface.co/datasets/rototoHF/tabm-data/resolve/main/data.tar -O local/tabm-data.tar.gz
mkdir data
tar -xvf local/tabm-data.tar.gz -C data

Part 2. Create the local directory and download the TabReD benchmark to local/tabred (you will need an account on Kaggle). Then, run:

python tools/prepare_tabred.py local/tabred data

Quick test

To check that the environment is configured correctly, run the following command and wait for the training to finish. Please, note:

# Pixi with GPU
pixi run -e cuda python bin/model.py exp/debug/0.toml --force

# Pixi without GPU
pixi run python bin/model.py exp/debug/0.toml --force

# Without Pixi
python bin/model.py exp/debug/0.toml --force

The last line of the output log should look like this:

[<<<] exp/debug/0 | <date & time>

Editor settings

To make the Python language server more responsive, it is recommended to hide the exp directory from the language server. For example, in Visual Studio Code, this can be achieved by adding the following to the local .vscode/settings.json file of this project:

    // NOTE
    // If this setting is already configured on the user level,
    // you may need to duplicate the user-level values here.
    "python.analysis.exclude": [ "**/exp" ],

Running the code

This section will be useful if you are planning any of the following:

Code overview

bin/model.pyThe implementation of TabM and the training pipeline
bin/tune.pyHyperparameter tuning
bin/evaluate.pyEvaluating a model under multiple random seeds
bin/ensemble.pyEvaluate an ensemble of models
bin/go.pybin/tune.py + bin/evaluate.py + bin/ensemble.py
libCommon utilities used by the scripts in bin
expHyperparameters and metrics of the models on all datasets
toolsAdditional technical tools

The exp directory is structured as follows:

    <dataset>/       # Or why/<dataset> or tabred/<dataset>
      0-tuning.toml  # The hyperparameter tuning config
      0-tuning/      # The result of the hyperparameter tuning
      0-evaluation/  # The evaluation under multiple random seeds


All available models are represented by the Model class from bin/model.py. They differ in the arch_type, k, num_embeddings and bins arguments. The values for these arguments can be inferred from the TOML configs in the exp directory, and from the bin/model.py script, where Model is used.

The following table is the mapping between the models and their subdirectories in exp.


Common guidelines

On your first reading, feel free to skip this section.

<details> <summary>Show</summary> </details>


To train a model once, compose a TOML config with hyperparameters and pass it to bin/model.py. For example, the following command reproduces one training run of TabM on the California Housing dataset:

mkdir -p exp/reproduce/train-once
cp exp/tabm/california/0-evaluation/0.toml exp/reproduce/train-once/
python bin/model.py exp/reproduce/train-once/0.toml

The output will be located in the 0 directory next to the TOML config.

Hyperparameter tuning

Use bin/tune.py to tune hyperparameters for bin/model.py. For example, the following commands reproduce the hyperparameter runing of TabM on the California Housing dataset (this takes around one hour on NVIDIA A100):

mkdir -p exp/reproduce/tabm/california
cp exp/tabm/california/0-tuning.toml exp/reproduce/tabm/california
python bin/tune.py exp/reproduce/tabm/california/0-tuning.toml --continue


Use bin/evaluate.py to train a model under multiple random seeds. For example, the following command evaluates the tuned TabM from the previous section:

python bin/evaluate.py exp/reproduce/tabm/california/0-tuning

To evaluate a manually composed config for bin/model.py, create a directory with a name ending with -evaluation, and put the config with the name 0.toml in it. Then, pass the directory as the argument to bin/evaluate.py. For example:

# The config is stored at exp/<any/path>/0-evaluation/0.toml
python bin/evaluate.py exp/<any/path>/0-evaluation


Use bin/ensemble.py to compute metrics for an ensemble of already trained models. For example, the following command evaluates an ensemble of the evaluated TabM from the previous section:

python bin/ensemble.py exp/reproduce/tabm/california/0-evaluation

Automating all of the above

Use bin/go.py to run hyperparameter tuning, evaluation and ensembling with a single command. For example, all the above steps can be implemented as follows:

mkdir -p exp/reproduce/tabm-go/california
cp exp/tabm/california/0-tuning.toml exp/reproduce/tabm-go/california

python bin/go.py exp/reproduce/tabm-go/california/0-tuning --continue

Adding new datasets

New datasets must follow the layout and NumPy data types of the datasets in data/.

Let's assume your dataset is called my-dataset. Then, create the data/my-dataset directory with the following layout:

    # Continuous features, if presented
    # NumPy data type: np.float32

    # Categorical features, if presented
    # NumPy data type: np.str_ (i.e. string)

    # Binary features, if presented
    # NumPy data type: np.float32

    # Labels
    # NumPy data type (regression): np.float32
    # NumPy data type (classification): np.int64

    # Dataset information in the JSON format:
    # {
    #     (required) "task_type": < "regression" or "binclass" or "multiclass"     >,
    #     (optional) "name":      < The full dataset name, e.g. "My Dataset"       >,
    #     (optional) "id":        < Any string unique across all datasets in data/ >
    # }

    # Just an empty file

How to cite

    title={{TabM: Advancing Tabular Deep Learning With Parameter-Efficient Ensembling}},
    author={Yury Gorishniy and Akim Kotelnikov and Artem Babenko},