


WebShell is a web-based shell.

It runs on any browser capable of JavaScript and AJAX. You can use it from any computer or iPhone/smartphone.

You'll get full access to a shell on the server, so you can use it e.g. to connect to other computers using ssh or use an terminal based chat client.

The server is written in Python and is very easy to set up on Linux, Mac OS X, BSD, Solaris, and any Unix that runs python 2.7.

WebShell is based on Ajaxterm.


Peter Feuerer <peter[at]piie.net>


Ensure python 2.7.X and OpenSSL are installed on your system. You will also have to install the pyOpenSSL python extensions to OpenSSL.

Get the WebShell code:

git clone https://github.com/xypiie/WebShell

Next, you need to generate a server certificate. From the WebShell directory. Therefor you need to open make_certificate.cfg in your favorite editor and replace following variables by real content:

Then enter this command to quickly generate a certificate:


Now issue this command to run the WebShell server:


To make sure that everything went well, go to this URL in your browser:

Voila, enjoy WebShell.



WebShell communications are as secure as a regular secure shell, as both ssh and WebShell are on top of the SSL/TLS layer.

The code has been tested against buffer overflow and denial of service. If you find any problem, please report it on the webpage.


It is a fork of WebShell created by

Thanks for your great work!