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A Flutter plugin for XUpdate -- Android Update Library。See the use Chinese Document for details。

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Video tutorial

How to use flutter_xupdate

Stargazers over time

Stargazers over time

Getting Started

You should ensure that you add the flutter_xupdate as a dependency in your flutter project.

// pub 集成
  flutter_xupdate: ^3.0.0

//github  集成
      url: git://github.com/xuexiangjys/flutter_xupdate.git
      ref: master



   void initXUpdate() {
     if (Platform.isAndroid) {
         debug: true,
         isPost: false,
         isPostJson: false,
         timeout: 25000,
         isWifiOnly: false,
         isAutoMode: false,
         supportSilentInstall: false,
         enableRetry: false
       ).then((value) {
         updateMessage("初始化成功: $value");
       }).catchError((error) {

           onUpdateError: (Map<String, dynamic> message) async {
         setState(() {
           _message = "$message";
     } else {

JSON Format

  "Code": 0, //0代表请求成功,非0代表失败
  "Msg": "", //请求出错的信息
  "UpdateStatus": 1, //0代表不更新,1代表有版本更新,不需要强制升级,2代表有版本更新,需要强制升级
  "VersionCode": 3,
  "VersionName": "1.0.2",
  "ModifyContent": "1、优化api接口。\r\n2、添加使用demo演示。\r\n3、新增自定义更新服务API接口。\r\n4、优化更新提示界面。",
  "DownloadUrl": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/xuexiangjys/XUpdate/master/apk/xupdate_demo_1.0.2.apk",
  "ApkSize": 2048
  "ApkMd5": "..."  //md5值没有的话,就无法保证apk是否完整,每次都会重新下载。框架默认使用的是md5加密。


  void checkUpdateDefault() {
    FlutterXUpdate.checkUpdate(url: _updateUrl);

  ///默认App更新 + 支持后台更新
  void checkUpdateSupportBackground() {
    FlutterXUpdate.checkUpdate(url: _updateUrl, supportBackgroundUpdate: true);

  void checkUpdateRatio() {
    FlutterXUpdate.checkUpdate(url: _updateUrl, widthRatio: 0.6);

  void checkUpdateForce() {
    FlutterXUpdate.checkUpdate(url: mUpdateUrl2);

  ///自动模式, 如果需要完全无人干预,自动更新,需要root权限【静默安装需要】
  void checkUpdateAutoMode() {
    FlutterXUpdate.checkUpdate(url: _updateUrl, isAutoMode: true);

  void enableChangeDownLoadType() {
      url: _updateUrl,
      overrideGlobalRetryStrategy: true,
      enableRetry: true,
      retryContent: "Github下载速度太慢了,是否考虑切换蒲公英下载?",
      retryUrl: "https://www.pgyer.com/flutter_learn");

Custom JSON Format

1.Setting up a custom update parser

FlutterXUpdate.setCustomParseHandler(onUpdateParse: (String json) async {
//Here is the custom JSON parsing
return customParseJson(json);

///Resolve the custom JSON content to the UpdateEntity entity class
UpdateEntity customParseJson(String json) {
  AppInfo appInfo = AppInfo.fromJson(json);
  return UpdateEntity(
      hasUpdate: appInfo.hasUpdate,
      isIgnorable: appInfo.isIgnorable,
      versionCode: appInfo.versionCode,
      versionName: appInfo.versionName,
      updateContent: appInfo.updateLog,
      downloadUrl: appInfo.apkUrl,
      apkSize: appInfo.apkSize);

2.Set the parameter isCustomParse to true

FlutterXUpdate.checkUpdate(url: _updateUrl3, isCustomParse: true);

Update By UpdateEntity Directly

void checkUpdate8() {
    FlutterXUpdate.updateByInfo(updateEntity: customParseJson(_customJson));

Custom Update Prompt Style

Currently, only theme color and top picture customization are supported!

1.Configure top picture, Path: android/app/src/main/res/values/drawable, For example:

2.Set the parameter themeColortopImageRes and buttonTextColor

void customPromptDialog() {
    FlutterXUpdate.checkUpdate(url: _updateUrl, themeColor: '#FFFFAC5D', topImageRes: 'bg_update_top', buttonTextColor: '#FFFFFFFF');

【Note】: When you use the command flutter build apk to make a release package, If you use the topImageRes property, you must configure shrinkResources to false, otherwise the pop-up window will display an exception!

Property value


debugboolfalseWhether Output log
isPostboolfalseWhether use post request
isPostJsonboolfalseWhether post request upload json format
timeoutint20000(ms)Request response timeout
isWifiOnlybooltrueWhether update only under WiFi
isAutoModeboolfalseWhether to turn on automatic mode
supportSilentInstallboolfalseWhether to support silent installation requires that the device has root permission
enableRetryboolfalseIn the process of downloading, if you click Cancel, whether the pop-up window for retrying to switch the download mode will pop up
retryContentString''Try the prompt content of the prompt pop-up window again
retryUrlString''Retrying prompt pop-up URL to jump after clicking
paramsMap/Public parameters to be set


urlString/URL of version check
supportBackgroundUpdateboolfalseWhether to support background updates
isAutoModeboolfalseWhether to turn on automatic mode
isCustomParseboolfalseIs it a custom resolution protocol
themeColorString''Apply pop-up theme color
topImageResString''The name of the top picture resource in the pop-up window
buttonTextColorString''The color of the button text
widthRatiodouble/Proportion of version update Prompter width to screen
heightRatiodouble/Proportion of version update Prompter height to screen
overrideGlobalRetryStrategyboolfalseWhether to override the global retry policy
enableRetryboolfalseIn the process of downloading, if you click Cancel, whether the pop-up window for retrying to switch the download mode will pop up
retryContentString''Try the prompt content of the prompt pop-up window again
retryUrlString''Retrying prompt pop-up URL to jump after clicking