

MakeLongVideo - Pytorch

Implementation of long video generation based on diffusion model.

<table class="center"> <tr> <td style="text-align:center;" width="170">"Ironman is surfing"</td> <td style="text-align:center;" width="170">"a car is racing"</td> <td style="text-align:center;" width="170">"a cat eating food of a bowl, in von Gogh style"</td> <td style="text-align:center;" width="170">"a giraffe underneath the microwave"</td> </tr><tr> <td><img src="samples/Ironman is surfi-7P269S.gif" width="170"></td> <td><img src="samples/a car is racing-tm9rwR-4x.gif" width="170"></td> <td><img src="samples/a cat eating foo-IR47a4.gif" width="170"></td> <td><img src="samples/a giraffe undern-cAmGAc.gif" width="170"></td> </tr><tr> <td style="text-align:center;" width="170">"a glass bead falling into water with huge splash"</td> <td style="text-align:center;" width="170">"a video of Earth rotating in space"</td> <td style="text-align:center;" width="170">"A teddy bear running in New York City"</td> <td style="text-align:center;" width="170">"A stunning aerial drone footage time lapse of El Capitan in Yosemite National Park at sunset"</td> </tr><tr> <td><img src="samples/a glass bead fal-Uxxg0y.gif" width="170"></td> <td><img src="samples/a video of Earth-DzP1ma.gif" width="170"></td> <td><img src="samples/A teddy bear run-A17vOA.gif" width="170"></td> <td><img src="samples/A stunning aeria-WdIUoM.gif" width="170"></td> </tr> </table > <!-- <br> -->

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python3 -m pip install -r requirements.txt


Prepare Stable Diffusion v1-4 pretrained weights

download from huggingface and put it in directory 'checkpoints' which is configured in configs/makelongvideo.yaml

Download webvid dataset

download webvid dataset into directory 'data/webvid' using https://github.com/m-bain/webvid repo. Then prepare dataset using command

python3 genvideocap.py

Download LAION400M dataset

download laion400m into directory 'data/laion400m'


first train using resolution 128x128

accelerate launch --config_file ./configs/multigpu.yaml train.py --config configs/makelongvideo.yaml

then finetune in resolution 256x256, modify last line of configs/makelongvideo256x256.yaml according to your local epoch checkpoint

accelerate launch --config_file ./configs/multigpu.yaml train.py --config configs/makelongvideo256x256.yaml


Pretrained weights: https://huggingface.co/xiexiecn/MakeLongVideo

# unwrap checkpoint first
TORCH_DISTRIBUTED_DEBUG=DETAIL accelerate launch train.py --config configs/makelongvideo.yaml --unwrap ./outputs/makelongvideo/checkpoint-5200

inference directly

python3 infer.py  --width 256 --height 256 --prompt "a panda is surfing"

inference using latents initialized by sample video

python3 infer.py  --width 256 --height 256 --prompt "a panda is surfing" --sample_video_path your_sample_video

inference by sample frame rate 6 (actual frame rate is 24/6==4)

python3 infer.py  --width 256 --height 256 --prompt "a panda is surfing" --speed 6




    author  = {Uriel Singer},
    url     = {https://makeavideo.studio/Make-A-Video.pdf}
    title   = {Tune-A-Video: One-Shot Tuning of Image Diffusion Models for Text-to-Video Generation},
    author  = {Wu, Jay Zhangjie and Ge, Yixiao and Wang, Xintao and Lei, Stan Weixian and Gu, Yuchao and Hsu, Wynne and Shan, Ying and Qie, Xiaohu and Shou, Mike Zheng},
    journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2212.11565},
    year    = {2022},
    note    = {under review}