

This is the code for the paper

Learning to Warp for Style Transfer

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<p align='center'> <img src='images/teaser.jpg' height="140px"> </ p>

Our method performs non-parametric warping to match artistic geometric style. The above shows content, style (geometry+texture), and output images for a Picasso style transfer (left) and a Salvaor Dali style transfer (right).


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  author={Xiao-Chang Liu and Yong-Liang Yang and Peter Hall},
  title={Learning to Warp for Style Transfer},
  booktitle={IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR)},



Pre-trained Models:

cd geometric_warping
mkdir model
cd texture_rendering
python models/download_model.py


1. Run geometric style transfer to warp the content image:

cd geometric_warping
run geo_warping.m [--STYLE_IMAGE] [--CONTENT_IMAGE]

After warping, empty background regions (if appear) are inpainted with pixels nearby.

2. Run texture style transfer to render the warped image:

cd texture_rendering
run multi_scale_st.sh [--STYLE_IMAGE] [--CONTENT_IMAGE] [--STYLE_WEIGHT]