Implementation of two few-shot method (Baseline and Meta Baseline) for MedFMC
- The following setup has been tested on Python 3.9, Ubuntu 20.04.
- mmpretrain (recommended 1.0.0rc8): please refer to for installation details.
- sklearn (recommended 1.2.2): pip install sklearn
- Run the script of '' to extract the features via pretrained models (e.g. swin-base) of all the test images in each dataset (ChestDR, Endo, NeoJaudice, ColonPath, Retino). The extracted features would be stored as '.npy' format file in the sub-folder 'test_feats/' of the dataset path (e.g. ./data/ChestDR/test_feats/swin-base.npy).
- Run the script of '' to test the results of Baseline and Meta Baseline method using 1, 5, 10 shot samples per class under 10 iterations for each dataset.
Dataset Split
- In our experiments, image list used for randomly picking support set of each dataset is saved as 'fewshot-pool.txt', meanwhile image list consisted of the remaining testing images as 'test.txt'. These two image list files can also be found in data folder (e.g. ./data/ChestDR/test.txt).
- When you start to test this baseline, please place all the preprocessed images of each dataset into the sub-folder 'images/' beforehand (e.g. ./data/ChestDR/images/).
Cite this article
Wang, D., Wang, X., Wang, L. et al. A Real-world Dataset and Benchmark For Foundation Model Adaptation in Medical Image Classification. Sci Data 10, 574 (2023).