


by Andrew G. Crowell

Wiz is a high-level assembly language for writing homebrew software for retro console platforms.



Wiz is intended to cross-compile programs that run on specific hardware, as opposed to an abstract machine which requires a runtime library to support it. This means programs must be written with the feature set and limitations of the system being targeted in mind (registers, addressing modes, limitations on instructions), and programs are highly platform-dependent.

Here are some features that Wiz supports:

Wiz supports several different CPU architectures, with hopes to support more platforms in the future!

Wiz has built-in support for many ROM formats, and provides conveniences for configuring headers, and for automatically filling in checksums and rounding up ROM sizes. In some case the CPU architecture can be automatically detected by the output format. It currently exports the following output formats:

Using Wiz


wiz [options] <input>


Example invocation:

wiz hello.wiz --system=6502 -o hello.nes

Getting Started

For now, please consult the example folder to see how Wiz can be used, or failing that, the compiler source code. Additional documentation isn't ready yet. In the future, there are plans to have a language reference, a reference for the instruction capabilities of each target, and tutorials showing how to make stuff. Help here is greatly appreciated!

For help with editing Wiz files:

Building Source

NOTE: All build instructions require a C++14, C++17, or later compiler. It will not build with an earlier version of the standard.

Windows (Visual Studio)

Windows (mingw)

Windows (Cygwin)

Mac OS X


Web / Emscripten


You don't need to install Wiz in order to use it. But if you want, you can install the compiler binary to your system path so that you can more easily use it. Wiz is currently only a single executable, and there are no standard libraries yet. It just has optional examples that are used by some test programs but they're not essential to running the compiler. Maybe down the road, this will change. In any case, here's some help.


Mac OS X, Linux

Language Quick Guide

This is a quick run-down of language features. This section is largely unfinished, so please consult example programs for better documentation!


Banks are sections or segments that are used to hold the different pieces of the program, such as variables, constants, or executable code.

A bank declaration reserves a bank of memory with a given type and address. It has the following syntax:

bank name @ address, name @ address, name @ address : [type; size];

The type of bank of bank determines what kind of declarations can be placed there.

The size of a bank is the number of bytes that it will hold. Exceeding this size limitation is considered an error.

The address of a bank after the @ is optional but if it appears, it must be an integer literal. Without an address, the bank can cannot contain label declarations.

After a bank is declared, it must be selected to be used by an in directive.

in bank {
    // ...

An address can also be provided to an in directive. If a bank previously had no address, then the address becomes the origin of the bank. However, if a bank previously had an address, the block is seeked ahead for to given address.

in bank @ address {
    // ...


bank zeropage @ 0x00 : [vardata; 256];

in zeropage {
    var timer : u8;


A constant declaration reserves pre-initialized data that can't be written to at run-time. A constant can appear in a ROM bank, such as prgdata, constdata, or chrdata.

const name : type = value;


const hp : u8 = 100;
const wow : [u8] = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6];
const egg : [u16; 5] = [12345, 54321, 32333, 49293];

If the type is provided, the initializer is narrowed to the type provided. This means that integer initializers of type iexpr that have no size can be implicitly narrowed to sized integer types like u8, and array initializers of type [iexpr] can be narrowed to [u8], and so on.

Note that The size of an array type can be left off, if the tyep.

If the type of a constant can be inferred from the value, then the type can be left off. However, only types with a known size can be constants. iexpr has unknown size, so type-suffixes on integers may be required.


const length = 100u8;
const message = "HELLO WORLD";
const table = embed "table.bin";

The name of a constant is also optional, when placing data in the ROM is desired but a label to it isn't needed.


const = embed "hero.chr";

Array comprehensions are a nice way to generate tables of data.

const tripled_values : [u8] = [x * 3 for let x in 0 .. 49];


A variable declaration reserves a space for mutable storage. A variable can appear either in RAM bank such as vardata, or varinitdata.

var x : u8;

A variable declared in a varinitdata bank is allowed to have a initializer.

var x = 100;

If an initializer is given, the type can be omitted if the initializer expression has a type of known size.

var x =
var message = "hello";

A variable declared in a vardata bank, on the other hand, is reserved in uninitialized RAM, so it cannot have an initializer and can only be assigned a value at run-time.

Extern Variables (Memory Mapped I/O Registers)

An extern variable can be used to declare a piece of external storage that exists at a specific address. Its primary use is for defining memory-mapped I/O registers on a system, so that they can referenced by name.


extern var reg @ 0xF000; // read/write
extern writeonly reg2 @ 0xF001; // write-only
extern const reg3 @ 0xF002; // read-only

Let Definitions

A let definition can be used to bind a name to a constant expression. This can reduce the amount of magic numbers appearing in code. These don't require any ROM space where they're defined, but are instead are substituted into whatever expressions that use them.

let name = expression;

The expression of a let definition can be any valid expression. It is recommended to not pass expressions that contain side-effects. In the future, the compiler may forbid this, but for now this is not validated.


let HP = 100;
let NAME = "Hello";

It is also for a let definition to take arguments:

let CEILING_DIV(x, y) = (x + y - 1) / y;
let MAP_WIDTH = CEILING_DIV(1000, 8);

Empty Statement

A single ; is allowed anywhere, and is an empty statement. It has no effect.

Assignment Statement

An assignment statement is used to store a value somewhere. Depending on where the value is stored, it can be retrieved again later.

dest = source; // assignment
dest += source; // compound assignment
dest++; // post-increment
dest--; // post-decrement
++dest; // pre-increment
--dest; // pre-decrement

The left-hand side of an assignment = is the destination, which can be a mutable register or a mutable location in memory. The right-hand side of an assignment = is the source, which can be a constant, a register, a readable memory location, or a run-time calculation. The source and destination must be of compatible type, or it is an error.


x = 100;
a = max_hp - hp;
damage = a;

After constant expression folding, any remaining run-time operations must have instructions available for them. It must be either an exact instruction that does the calcuation and stores it in the destination, or a series of instructions that first load the into the destination, and then modify the destination. For an assignment containing a binary expression like a = b + c;, instruction selection will first look for an exact instruction of form a = b + c;. Failing that, it will attempt decomposing the assignment a = b + c into the form a = b; a = a + c;.

Failing that, it is an error, and will probably require the assignment to be manually re-written in terms of multiple assignment statements. Assignments containing run-time operations cannot require an implicit temporary expression, or it is an error.

Most expressions are evaluated in left-to-right fashion, and as a result, they must be written so that they can be left-folded without temporaries. This requirement means parenthesized expressions can happen on the left, but the right-hand side will be a constant or simple term.


// This is OK, because it can be decomposed.
a = (5 + c) - b;
// The above becomes:
// a = 5;
// a = a + c
// a = a - b;

// This is an error, even in its reduced form:
a = b - (5 + c);
// The above becomes:
// a = b;
// a = a - (5 + c) // the (5 + c) requires a temporary.

Oftentimes, it won't be possible to assign a value directly to memory. In these cases, the code will need to put an intermediate assignment into a register first, and then store the register into the memory afterwards.


// If there's no instruction available to assign immediate values to memory, this line will be an error.
hp = 100;

// It must be re-written to use a register in the middle.
// This will work if there is a register named a,
// and there is an instruction to load an immediate to register a,
// and there is another instruction to load memory with the value of the register.
a = 100;
hp = a;

Assignments can be chained together if they're compatible.


// This is the same as:
// a = x;
// y = a;
y = a = x;

// This is the same as:
// a = hp;
// a = a - 10;
// hp = a;
hp = a = hp - 10;

Compound assignment operators exist for most binary arithmetic operations. For some operation +, the statement a += b is the same as writing a = a + b;. If the right-hand side contains a calculation it is implicitly parenthesized, so that a += b + c is the same as a = a + (b + c);


a += 5; // same as a = a + 5;

There are also unary incrementation ++ and decrementation -- operators.



Sometimes assignments might be used for their side-effects only, such as when writing to an external hardware register. Some such registers are writeonly, which indicates that they cannot be read back later, or that reading back will produce an open-bus value.

snes.ppu.bg_mode = a;

Similarly, there can be side-effects that occur when reading an external hardware register.

Assignments may also result in processor status flag registers being changed as a side-effect. Sometimes, a throw-away calculation in some registers or temporary memory might be performed simply to affect a conditional flag. The effect on flags depends on what sequence of instructions are generated as a result of the assignment. Not every operation affects every flag consistently, due to the design of the processor hardware. Knowing what instructions affect flags and which don't requires some study.

A common-to-find flag is the zero flag. If an instruction affects the zero flag, it might be used to indicate whether the result of the last operation was equal to zero. This side-effect can be used sometimes to avoid an extra comparison instruction later.


x = 10;
do {
} while !zero;

A carry flag is a common flag to be affected by arithmetic operations such as addition/subtraction. The interpretation of a carry flag is dependent on the system. There are operations like add with carry +#, subtract with carry -#, rotate left with carry <<<<#, and rotate right with carry >>>># which depend upon the last state of the carry. These operations can be useful for extending arithmetic operations to work on larger numeric values.


// add 0x0134 to bc.
c = a = c + 0x34;
b = a = b +# 0x01;

Some CPUs allow the carry to be set or cleared by assigning to it.


carry = false;
carry = true;

Call Statement

A call statement is a kind of statement that invokes a function. If the function being called produces a return value, the value is discarded. If the function call returns, the code following it will execute. Intrinsic instructions can also be called in the same manner.

function(argument1, argument2, argument3);

Block Statement

A block statement is a scoped section of code that contains a collection of statements. It is started with an opening brace { and must be terminated later with a closing brace }. All declarations within.

Many types of statement contain block statements as part of their syntax. For these kinds of statements, the braces delimiting a block statement are not optional, even if only a single statement is present.

If Statement

An if statement allows a block of code to be executed conditionally. The condition of an if statement is some expression of type bool. If a condition evaluates to true, then the block directly following it is executed. Otherwise, the block immediately following the condition is skipped, and the next alternative delimited by an else if is evaluated. Finally, there is else when all other alternatives have evaluated to false.

if condition {
} else if condition {
} else {

A conditional expression can be a register term of type bool or its negation, or some combination of multiple bool operands with && and || operators


a = hp;
if zero {

There are also high-level operators for comparison: ==, !=, <, >=, >, <=. Which kinds of comparisons are possible, and which registers can perform comparisons, depends on the target system.


a = gold;
x = item_index;

if a >= item_cost[x] {
    a -= item_cost[x];
    gold = a;
} else {

A conditional statement can also use "side-effect expressions" that evaluate some operation as required before a conditional expression. This sort of "setup-and-test" conditional can make some code read better, used carefully.


if { a = attack - defense; } && (carry || zero) {

It is possible to use bit-indexing $ to test a single-bit of a value and get its boolean result. Which registers are capable of this, as well as the bits that can be selected, depends on the target system.


if b$7 {
} else if b$6 {

While Statement

A while statement allows a block of code to be executed conditionally 0 or more times. The block is repeated as long as the condition provided still evaluates to true.

while condition {


x = count;
while !zero {

Do/While Statement

A do ... while statement allows a block of code to be executed unconditionally once, followed by conditional execution 0 or more times. The block is entered once, and will repeat more times as long as the condition provided still evaluates to true.

do {
} while condition;

Note that do ... while statements are slightly more efficient than while statements, because they fall-through to the next code once the condition is false, and only jump to the top of the loop if the condition is still true.

For Statement

A for statement allows iteration over a sequence of values, and executes a block of code for each step through the sequence.

for iterator in iterable {

Currently, for loops only support iteration on comple-time integer ranges.

for counter in start .. end {

for counter in start .. end by step {


for x in 0 .. 31 {

start .. end is an inclusive range. If the loop terminates normally, then after the loop, the counter provided will have the first value that is outside of the sequence.


// x is a u8 register that can be incremented and decremented.

// x will now be 32.
for x in 0 .. 31 {
    // ...

// x will be 0 after the loop.
for x in 31 .. 0 by -1 {
    // ...

// x will be 0 after the loop.
for x in 0 .. 255 {
    // ...

Return Statements

A return statement is used to return from the currently executing function.

return if condition;

If used in a function that has no return type, it cannot have a return value. If used in a function that has a return type, the return value must be of the same type.


func collect_egg() {
    a = egg_count;
    if a >= 5 {


func triple(value : u8 in b) : u8 in a {
    return b + b + b;

A return that exists outside of any function body is a low-level return instruction. This would pop a location from the stack and jump there.

Tail-Call Statements

A statement of form return f(); is a tail-call statement. It gets subsituted for a goto, and avoids the overhead of subroutine call that would push a program counter to the stack. However, unlike a goto, a tail-call will evaluate arguments to a function, like a normal function call.

func call_subroutine(dest : u16 in hl) {
    goto *(dest as *func);

Goto Statements

A goto is a low-level form of branching which jumps to another part of the program. Most high-level control structures are internally implemented in terms of goto.

goto destination;
goto destination if condition;

The destination of a goto can be a label, a function, or a function pointer expression.


x--; goto there if zero;

    goto loop;


Code that uses goto should ensure that everything is already set up correctly before branching, because goto does not pass any arguments to its destination. If a goto that passes arguments to a function is required, use a tail-call statement of form return f(arg, arg, arg) instead.

Break and Continue

Loop statements such as while, do ... while, for have two forms of branching statements in their blocks: break and continue.

break if condition;
continue if condition;

A break statement will terminate a loop early, and jump ahead to the code that immediately follows a loop's block.

A continue statement will skip to the next iteration of the loop. In for loops, this will skip to the code that performs an increment and branch. In while and do ... while loops, this will skip to the conditional branch of the loop.

Functions and Labels

A function is a piece of code that performs a specific set of actions and operations. They can be executed by other parts of the program, and can take arguments and produce a return value.

func f(arg : argument_type, arg2 : argument_type2, arg3 : argument_type3) : return_type {


func poke(dest : u16 in hl, value : u8 in a) {
    *(dest as *u8) = a;

func sum(left : u8 in b, right : u8 in c) : u8 in a {
    return left + right;

Labels are like functions, but will never return, and cannot be passed arguments. As a low-level detail, labels of form f: are effectively the same thing as an empty-fallthrough function #[fallthrough] func f() {} placed directly before whatever code is executed. A label can be used in any bank that has a known address. (An address is currently required, but eventually, this requirement could relaxed to allow banks which use relative addressing only.)


    goto label;

Labels or functions can be the target of call expressions, or goto statements.

Inline Functions

An inline func is like func but inlined directly wherever it is used. As a consequence, the contents of the function are inserted wherever it is called, and the function has no address.


inline func times_two() {
    a = a << 1;

a = 20;

An inline func can still return, like a normal function. However, it will not use the stack. Instead, it will jump to a hidden return label that exists at the end of the function.

Because an inline func has no address, an inline func cannot be stored in a function pointer, and cannot be branched to from a goto or tail-call statement.

Inline For Statement

An inline for allows unrolling a loop at compile-time. The iterator of the loop is optional but exists only for the scope of the inline for block. The value of the iteration at each iteration can be used by expressions within the loop.

inline for let iterator in iterable {

inline for in iterable {

Unlike a normal for statement, other iterables like arrays can be used as an iterable.


inline for let i in 1 .. 3 {

inline for in 1 .. 100 {

inline for let i in [1, 2, 8, 10, 5, 3, 1] {
    y = i;


Attributes are a form of special metadata that can be placed before a statement, directive, or declaration. They can provide the compiler with extra details about a particular piece of code.


#[fallthrough] func lasagna() {
    #[idx8] {
        x = 9;

    #[idx16] {
        xx = 99;
        yy = xx;

    while true {}

#[nmi] func vblank() {
    // ...




65816 Attributes

Config Directives

Depending on the output file format selected for the program, there are extra options that can be configured.

config {
    option = value,
    option = value,
    option = value

See Formats section for possible options.


Built-in Types:

// Boolean
// Compie-time integer expression ("arbitrary precision", unknown size, but currently 128-bit)
// Unsigned sized integer
// Signed sized integer

Array Types:

// Array. eg. [u8; 100]
[T; N]
// Implicitly-sized array type. (size determined by initializer)

Designated Storage Types:

// Designated storage for parameter-passing and named locals.
// eg. u8 in a
T in expr

User-defined types:

// Structure. Data members have increasing start addresses.
struct Point {
    x : u8,
    y : u8

// Union. Data members have the same start address.
union Union {
    byte : u8,
    word : u16

// Enum. A strongly-typed enumeration type.
// Uses the same storage as its underlying type.
// It cannot be used as integer without casting.
enum ItemType : u8 {

// Type alias. Gives another name to the same type.
// A typealias is interchangable with the type it aliases.
typealias byte = u8;


    (a) // parentheses

    -a // signed negation. integer
    +a // signed identity. integer

    // Arithmetic operators.
    // integer + integer -> integer
    a + b // add. integer + integer -> integer
    a +# b // add with carry. integer +# integer -> integer
    a - b // subtract. integer - integer -> integer
    a -# b // subtract with carry. integer -# integer -> integer
    a * b // multiply. integer * integer -> integer
    a / b // divide. integer / integer -> integer
    a % b // modulo. integer % integer -> integer
    a << b // arithmetic left shift. integer << integer -> integer
    a >> b // arithmetic right shift. integer >> integer -> integer
    a <<< b // logical left shift. integer <<< integer -> integer
    a >>> b // logical right shift. integer >>> integer -> integer
    a <<<< b // left rotate (N bits). integer <<<< integer -> integer
    a >>>> b // right rotate (N bits). integer >>>> integer -> integer
    a <<<<# b // left rotate with carry (N+1 bits). integer <<<<# integer -> integer
    a >>>># b // right rotate with carry (N+1 bits). integer >>>># integer -> integer

    // Logical operators.
    !a // logical negation. bool
    a && b // logical and. bool && bool -> bool
    a || b // logical or. bool || bool -> bool

    ~a // bitwise negation. integer | integer -> integer
    a & b // bitwise and. integer | integer -> integer
    a | b // bitwise or. integer | integer -> integer
    a ^ b // bitwise xor. integer ^ integer -> integer
    a $ b // bit indexing. integer $ integer -> bool
    <:a // low byte access (bits 0 .. 7). integer -> u8
    >:a // high byte access (bits 8 .. 15). integer -> u8
    #:a // bank byte access (bits 16 .. 23). integer -> u8

    a++ // post-increment. integer
    a-- // post-decrement. integer
    ++a // pre-increment. integer
    --a // pre-decrement. integer

    *a // indirection. *T -> T
    &a // address of. term must be an addressable l-value. T -> *T
    a[n] // indexing. returns the nth element of a. Possibly the nth item from its start address.
    a.b // member access.

    a as T // cast operator.

    f(a, b, c, d) // call.

    1 // unsized integer expression. iexpr
    1u8 // integer with size suffix. in this case, u8

    "hello" // string literal. [u8; N]
    [expr for let iterator in iterable] // array comprehension. [T; N]
    [expr; size] // array pad literal. [T; N]
    [expr, expr, expr] // array literal. [T; N]
    (a, b, c, d) // tuple literal (reserved but not implemented yet). (T, T2, T3, ..., TN)

    a ~ b // concatenation [T; M] ~ [T; N] -> [T; M + N]


To include another file in the program, use import directives.

import "path";

The path is a string literal. This path is the name of the .wiz file, without its extension.


import "nes";
import "magic";


To include a binary asset, use embed expressions.

embed "path"

The path passed to an embed should include the file extension. The contents of the embedded file are loaded into compiler memory and cached, and then inserted verbatim as a [u8] expression anywhere they are embedded.


const data = embed "hero.chr";


The registers, addressing modes and operations all vary depending on the system.

TODO: write about each platform's specifics.

MOS 6502

The MOS 6502 was a very popular 8-bit CPU used by a number of 8-bit game consoles and computer systems. Some common machines that used the 6502:




Tests and Branches:

Addressing Modes:


a = {0..255}
a = *({0..255} as *u8)
a = *(({0..255} + x) as *u8)
a = *(*(({0..255} + x) as *u16) as *u8)
a = *(*(({0..255} as *u16) + y) as *u8)
a = *({0..65535} as *u8)
a = *(({0..65535} + x) as *u8)
a = *(({0..65535} + y) as *u8)

a += {0..255}
a += *({0..255} as *u8)
a += *(({0..255} + x) as *u8)
a += *(*(({0..255} + x) as *u16) as *u8)
a += *(*(({0..255} as *u16) + y) as *u8)
a += *({0..65535} as *u8)
a += *(({0..65535} + x) as *u8)
a += *(({0..65535} + y) as *u8)

a +#= {0..255}
a +#= *({0..255} as *u8)
a +#= *(({0..255} + x) as *u8)
a +#= *(*(({0..255} + x) as *u16) as *u8)
a +#= *(*(({0..255} as *u16) + y) as *u8)
a +#= *({0..65535} as *u8)
a +#= *(({0..65535} + x) as *u8)
a +#= *(({0..65535} + y) as *u8)

a -= {0..255}
a -= *({0..255} as *u8)
a -= *(({0..255} + x) as *u8)
a -= *(*(({0..255} + x) as *u16) as *u8)
a -= *(*(({0..255} as *u16) + y) as *u8)
a -= *({0..65535} as *u8)
a -= *(({0..65535} + x) as *u8)
a -= *(({0..65535} + y) as *u8)

a -#= {0..255}
a -#= *({0..255} as *u8)
a -#= *(({0..255} + x) as *u8)
a -#= *(*(({0..255} + x) as *u16) as *u8)
a -#= *(*(({0..255} as *u16) + y) as *u8)
a -#= *({0..65535} as *u8)
a -#= *(({0..65535} + x) as *u8)
a -#= *(({0..65535} + y) as *u8)

a |= {0..255}
a |= *({0..255} as *u8)
a |= *(({0..255} + x) as *u8)
a |= *(*(({0..255} + x) as *u16) as *u8)
a |= *(*(({0..255} as *u16) + y) as *u8)
a |= *({0..65535} as *u8)
a |= *(({0..65535} + x) as *u8)
a |= *(({0..65535} + y) as *u8)

a &= {0..255}
a &= *({0..255} as *u8)
a &= *(({0..255} + x) as *u8)
a &= *(*(({0..255} + x) as *u16) as *u8)
a &= *(*(({0..255} as *u16) + y) as *u8)
a &= *({0..65535} as *u8)
a &= *(({0..65535} + x) as *u8)
a &= *(({0..65535} + y) as *u8)

a ^= {0..255}
a ^= *({0..255} as *u8)
a ^= *(({0..255} + x) as *u8)
a ^= *(*(({0..255} + x) as *u16) as *u8)
a ^= *(*(({0..255} as *u16) + y) as *u8)
a ^= *({0..65535} as *u8)
a ^= *(({0..65535} + x) as *u8)
a ^= *(({0..65535} + y) as *u8)

{0..255} = a
*({0..255} as *u8) = a
*(({0..255} + x) as *u8) = a
*(*(({0..255} + x) as *u16) as *u8) = a
*(*(({0..255} as *u16) + y) as *u8) = a
*({0..65535} as *u8) = a
*(({0..65535} + x) as *u8) = a
*(({0..65535} + y) as *u8) = a

cmp(a, {0..255})
cmp(a, *({0..255} as *u8))
cmp(a, *(({0..255} + x) as *u8))
cmp(a, *(*(({0..255} + x) as *u16) as *u8))
cmp(a, *(*(({0..255} as *u16) + y) as *u8))
cmp(a, *({0..65535} as *u8))
cmp(a, *(({0..65535} + x) as *u8))
cmp(a, *(({0..65535} + y) as *u8))

bit(*({0..255} as *u8))
bit(*({0..65535} as *u8))

a = x
x = a
a = y
y = a
x = s
s = x

x = {0..255};
x = *({0..255} as *u8)
x = *(({0..255} + y) as *u8)
x = *({0..65535} as *u8)
x = *(({0..65535} + y) as *u8)

*({0..255} as *u8) = x
*(({0..255} + y) as *u8) = x
*({0..65535} as *u8) = x

cmp(x, {0..255})
cmp(x, *({0..255} as *u8))
cmp(x, *({0..65535} as *u8))

y = {0..255};
y = *({0..255} as *u8)
y = *(({0..255} + y) as *u8)
y = *({0..65535} as *u8)
y = *(({0..65535} + y) as *u8)

*({0..255} as *u8) = y
*(({0..255} + x) as *u8) = y
*({0..65535} as *u8) = y

cmp(y, {0..255})
cmp(y, *({0..255} as *u8))
cmp(y, *({0..65535} as *u8))


a = pop()
p = pop()

++*({0..255} as *u8)
++*(({0..255} + x) as *u8)
++*({0..65535} as *u8)
++*(({0..65535} + x) as *u8)

--*({0..255} as *u8)
--*(({0..255} + x) as *u8)
--*({0..65535} as *u8)
--*(({0..65535} + x) as *u8)

a = ~a
a = -a

a <<= {0..7}
*({0..255} as *u8) <<= {0..7}
*(({0..255} + x) as *u8) <<= {0..7}
*({0..65535} as *u8) <<= {0..7}
*(({0..65535} + x) as *u8) <<= {0..7}

a <<<= {0..7}
*({0..255} as *u8) <<<= {0..7}
*(({0..255} + x) as *u8) <<<= {0..7}
*({0..65535} as *u8) <<<= {0..7}
*(({0..65535} + x) as *u8) <<<= {0..7}

a >>>= {0..7}
*({0..255} as *u8) >>>= {0..7}
*(({0..255} + x) as *u8) >>>= {0..7}
*({0..65535} as *u8) >>>= {0..7}
*(({0..65535} + x) as *u8) >>>= {0..7}

a <<<<#= {0..7}
*({0..255} as *u8) <<<<#= {0..7}
*(({0..255} + x) as *u8) <<<<#= {0..7}
*({0..65535} as *u8) <<<<#= {0..7}
*(({0..65535} + x) as *u8) <<<<#= {0..7}

a >>>>#= {0..7}
*({0..255} as *u8) >>>>#= {0..7}
*(({0..255} + x) as *u8) >>>>#= {0..7}
*({0..65535} as *u8) >>>>#= {0..7}
*(({0..65535} + x) as *u8) >>>>#= {0..7}

goto {-128..127} if zero
goto {-128..127} if !zero
goto {-128..127} if carry
goto {-128..127} if !carry
goto {-128..127} if negative
goto {-128..127} if !negative
goto {-128..127} if overflow
goto {-128..127} if !overflow

goto {0..65535}
^goto {0..65535} if zero
^goto {0..65535} if !zero
^goto {0..65535} if carry
^goto {0..65535} if !carry
^goto {0..65535} if negative
^goto {0..65535} if !negative
^goto {0..65535} if overflow
^goto {0..65535} if !overflow

goto *({0..65535} as *u16)




carry = false
carry = true

decimal = false
decimal = true

nointerrupt = false
nointerrupt = true

overflow = false

MOS 65C02

The MOS 65C02 is like the MOS 6502, but also has some extra instructions.

Extra Intrinsics:

Extra Instructions:

a = *(*({0..255} as *u16) as *u8)
a += *(*({0..255} as *u16) as *u8)
a +#= *(*({0..255} as *u16) as *u8)
a -= *(*({0..255} as *u16) as *u8)
a -#= *(*({0..255} as *u16) as *u8)
a |= *(*({0..255} as *u16) as *u8)
a &= *(*({0..255} as *u16) as *u8)
a ^= *(*({0..255} as *u16) as *u8)
*(*({0..255} as *u16) as *u8) = a
cmp(a, *(*({0..255} as *u16) as *u8))

bit(*(({0..255} + x) as *u8))
bit(*(({0..65535} + x) as *u8))


goto {-128..127}
^goto {0..65535}

goto *(({0..65535} + x) as *u16)


x = pop()
y = pop()

*({0..255} as *u8) = 0
*(({0..255} + x) as *u8) = 0
*({0..65535} as *u8) = 0
*(({0..65535} + x) as *u8) = 0

test_and_reset(*({0..255} as *u8))
test_and_reset(*({0..65535} as *u8))

test_and_set(*({0..255} as *u8))
test_and_set(*({0..65535} as *u8))

Rockwell 65C02

The Rockwell 65C02 is like the MOS 65C02, but also has some extra instructions.

Extra Instructions:

goto {-128..127} if *({0..255} as *u8) $ {0..7}
goto {-128..127} if !(*({0..255} as *u8)) $ {0..7}
^goto {0..65535} if *({0..255} as *u8) $ {0..7}
^goto {0..65535} if !(*({0..255} as *u8)) $ {0..7}

*({0..255} as *u8) $ {0..7} = false
*({0..255} as *u8) $ {0..7} = true

WDC 65C02

The WDC 65C02 is like the Rockwell 65C02 but also has some extra instructions.

Extra Intrinsics:

Extra Instructions:


HuC 6280

The HuC6280 is like the Rockwell 65C02, but has some extra registers and instructions. Also, zero page instructions are at 0x2000 .. 0x20FF rather than the usual 0x00 .. 0xFF of other 6502 processors. This can be bank-switched with the mpr1 register.

Extra Registers:

Extra Intrinsics

Extra Instructions:

a = 0
x = 0
y = 0

turbo_speed = false
turbo_speed = true

swap(a, x)
swap(a, y)
swap(x, y)

*(x as *u8) += {0..255}
*(x as *u8) += *({0..255} as *u8)
*(x as *u8) += *(({0..255} + x) as *u8)
*(x as *u8) += *(*(({0..255} + x) as *u16) as *u8)
*(x as *u8) += *(*(({0..255} as *u16) + y) as *u8)
*(x as *u8) += *({0..65535} as *u8)
*(x as *u8) += *(({0..65535} + x) as *u8)
*(x as *u8) += *(({0..65535} + y) as *u8)

*(x as *u8) +#= {0..255}
*(x as *u8) +#= *({0..255} as *u8)
*(x as *u8) +#= *(({0..255} + x) as *u8)
*(x as *u8) +#= *(*(({0..255} + x) as *u16) as *u8)
*(x as *u8) +#= *(*(({0..255} as *u16) + y) as *u8)
*(x as *u8) +#= *({0..65535} as *u8)
*(x as *u8) +#= *(({0..65535} + x) as *u8)
*(x as *u8) +#= *(({0..65535} + y) as *u8)

*(x as *u8) |= {0..255}
*(x as *u8) |= *({0..255} as *u8)
*(x as *u8) |= *(({0..255} + x) as *u8)
*(x as *u8) |= *(*(({0..255} + x) as *u16) as *u8)
*(x as *u8) |= *(*(({0..255} as *u16) + y) as *u8)
*(x as *u8) |= *({0..65535} as *u8)
*(x as *u8) |= *(({0..65535} + x) as *u8)
*(x as *u8) |= *(({0..65535} + y) as *u8)

*(x as *u8) &= {0..255}
*(x as *u8) &= *({0..255} as *u8)
*(x as *u8) &= *(({0..255} + x) as *u8)
*(x as *u8) &= *(*(({0..255} + x) as *u16) as *u8)
*(x as *u8) &= *(*(({0..255} as *u16) + y) as *u8)
*(x as *u8) &= *({0..65535} as *u8)
*(x as *u8) &= *(({0..65535} + x) as *u8)
*(x as *u8) &= *(({0..65535} + y) as *u8)

*(x as *u8) ^= {0..255}
*(x as *u8) ^= *({0..255} as *u8)
*(x as *u8) ^= *(({0..255} + x) as *u8)
*(x as *u8) ^= *(*(({0..255} + x) as *u16) as *u8)
*(x as *u8) ^= *(*(({0..255} as *u16) + y) as *u8)
*(x as *u8) ^= *({0..65535} as *u8)
*(x as *u8) ^= *(({0..65535} + x) as *u8)
*(x as *u8) ^= *(({0..65535} + y) as *u8)

vdc_select = {0..255}
vdc_data_l = {0..255}
vdc_data_h = {0..255}

transfer_alternate_to_increment({0..65535}, {0..65535}, {0..65535})
transfer_increment_to_alternate({0..65535}, {0..65535}, {0..65535})
transfer_decrement_to_decrement({0..65535}, {0..65535}, {0..65535})
transfer_increment_to_increment({0..65535}, {0..65535}, {0..65535})
transfer_increment_to_fixed({0..65535}, {0..65535}, {0..65535})

mpr_set({0..255}, a)
mpr0 = a
mpr1 = a
mpr2 = a
mpr3 = a
mpr4 = a
mpr5 = a
mpr6 = a
mpr7 = a
a = mpr0
a = mpr1
a = mpr2
a = mpr3
a = mpr4
a = mpr5
a = mpr6
a = mpr7

tst({0..255}, *({0..255} as *u8))
tst({0..255}, *(({0..255} + x) as *u8))
tst({0..255}, *(({0..65535} + x) as *u8))
tst({0..255}, *(({0..65535} + x) as *u8))

Zilog Z80




Addressing Modes



Documentation TODO

Game Boy




Addressing Modes



Documentation TODO

WDC 65816

Documentation TODO

SPC 700




Addressing Modes



Documentation TODO



The default format for any program being output. Wiz peforms no special header or footer handling.

Config options:

Nintendo Entertainment System / Famicom

The iNES format is an emulator format for NES ROMs that is commonly supported. It has the .nes file extension.

Format Specifics:

Config options:


Game Boy

The Game Boy has a standardized header format that is is contained a fixed location in ROM. The file format on disk has a .gb extension. Wiz will automatically fill in the necessary fields to get a basic booting Game Boy ROM. This includes the Nintendo logo image, and the checksum, necessary to get past the boot screen of the Game Boy.

Format Specifics:

Config options:


Sega Master System / Game Gear

The Sega Master System and Game Gear are very similar game systems, and both share the same header format. Sega Master System ROMs end in an .sms extension. Game Gear ROMs end in a .gg extension.

Format specifics:

Config Options:


Super Nintendo Entertainment System / Super Famicom

The SNES has a common header format found at fixed location in the ROM. The preferred format for SNES ROMs nowadays is .sfc, which contains no redundant copier headers to speak of, only the necessary headers to run the game.

There is additionally .smc, a common format popularized by the Super Magicom copier. Wiz will add an extra 512 bytes to work as this SMC format.

When possible prefer .sfc, but .smc is here for those who want headered ROMs.

Format Specifics:

Config options:


The License

This code is released under an MIT license.

Copyright (C) 2019 by Andrew G. Crowell

Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:

The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
all copies or substantial portions of the Software.


However, the try-in-the-browser code contains some parts (emulator code) that are GPL licensed, and if the emulator is included, all code there becomes subject to the GPL. All other code is MIT.

Areas for Improvement

Other Notes