Date Range Picker Component for ExtJS
Source at GitHub
Sencha's Fiddle:
- Easily choose period between two dates via a single button
- Can be used everywhere within the app, just as a normal button
- Optionally, include start/end times in the dates
- Optionally, two datefield components could be bound and automatically updated by the pickers
- 5 preset periods available for quick set - this week, last week, this month, last month, this year
- Custom formats accepted for dates and times
- Customizable captions, icons
- Customizable via a simple config object
- Returns an object containg the period details via the getPickerValue() method
- Returned object also containg PRECISED period details, eg. 13 months are shown as 1 year and 1 month and so on
- Tested with ExtJS version and up to
Component layout:
It is a ExtJS button with a menu
The menu includes a single item, panel
The panel has separate containers for start/end datepickers and timefields
The panel includes 2 buttons for choosing the preset periods / confirming the choice
Config object
The config object is optional, if some of the configs are not provided, or there is no config object at all, defaults are applied
Config object name is drpDefaults and accepts the following keys
selectedStart, string in the format 'Y-m-d', sets the first datepicker value, defaults to the first day of the curren month
selectedEnd, string in the format 'Y-m-d', sets the second datepicker value, defaults to today
dateFormat, string in the Ext.Date.parse() recognisable format, determines how the dates are shown by the component, defaults to 'Y-m-d'
showButtonTip, boolean value, if true, applies a tooltip to the main button with a current selection, defaults to true
showTimePickers, boolean value, if true, two timefields are added below the datepickers to be able to choose start/end times
timeFormat, formatting string for the timefields, must be recognisable by Ext.Date.parse()
timePickerFromValue, string with a value of the first timefield, must be recognisable by Ext.Date.parse() and MUST MATCH the timeFormat config, defaults to 'H:i:s'
timePickerToValue, string with a value of the second timefield, must be recognisable by Ext.Date.parse() and MUST MATCH the timeFormat config, defaults to 'H:i:s'
timePickersEditable, boolean value, if true, the timefields combos will be editable, defaults to false
timeIncrement, number, indicating the step (in minutes) the timefield's combo records are generated, defaults to 5
timePickersQueryDelay, number, the timefield's combos query delay, defaults to 500
timePickersWidth, number, the timefield's width, defaults to 100
mainBtnTextPrefix, string, the prefix of the main button, defaults to 'Period: '
mainBtnIconCls, string, for setting an icon of the main button, use null if icon is not needed, defaults to 'drp-icon-calendar'
mainBtnTextColor, string, for setting the main button text color (excludng the prefix), defaults to '#000000'
confirmBtnText, string, the text of the bottom-right confirm button, defaults to 'Set Range'
confirmBtnIconCls, string, for setting an icon of the confirm button, use null if icon is not needed, defaults to 'drp-icon-yes'
presetPeriodsBtnText, string, the text of the bottom-left preset period button, defaults to 'Preset Periods'
presetPeriodsBtnIconCls, string, for setting an icon of the preset period button, use null if icon is not needed, defaults to 'drp-icon-calendar'
presetPeriodsThisWeekText, string, menu option text for choosing this week, defaults to 'This Week'
presetPeriodsLastWeekText, string, menu option text for choosing last week, defaults to 'Last Week'
presetPeriodsThisMonthText, string, menu option text for choosing this month, defaults to 'This Month'
presetPeriodsLastMonthText, string, menu option text for choosing the last month, defaults to 'Last Month'
presetPeriodsThisYearText, string, menu option text for choosing the last week, defaults to 'This Year',
bindDateFields, boolean, if true, allows two date fields to be bound to the picker and automatically updated, defaults to false
boundStartField, Ext.form.field.Date instance, to be bound to the first datepicker, defaults to null
boundEndField, Ext.form.field.Date instance, to be bound to the second datepicker, defaults to null
diffPreciseUnits, object, customizes precised period details captions for year/years, month/months, day/days and so on, used to build the diffAsText property of the periodDetailsPrecise object part of the responce, defaults to
{ year: 'year', years: 'years', month: 'month', months: 'months', day: 'day', days: 'days', hour: 'hour', hours: 'hours', minute: 'minute', minutes: 'minutes', second: 'second', seconds: 'seconds', delimiter: ' ' }
- Include the
file (can be ommited if not using icons, or you want to use own icons) - Include the
file (Ext must be included prior to this) - Instantiate the class, for example
var myRangePicker = Ext.create('Ext.ux.button.DateRangePicker', drpDefaults: {} )
, or using the 'daterangepicker' xtype - To get the value of the instance, use
var myPickerValue = myRangePicker.getPickerValue()
and inspect the myPickerValue object
List of Changes
- 2019-10-10, added e preview picture to the repository, changed Sencha Fiddle's ExtJS version to be by default
- 2017-05-18, renamed picker's getValue() to getPickerValue() to work with 6.2/6.5
- 2015-11-12, added 'requires' config for including Ext.picker.Date & Ext.form.field.Time if needed
- 2015-11-12, added support for binding two datefield components to the picker and automatically set their values upon picker change
- 2015-11-12, added diffPreciseUnits config option for customizing captions used to build the diffAsText property of the periodDetailsPrecise object part of the responce