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Working with time-dependent networks in Julia


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We model a time-dependent network, a.k.a an evolving graph, as a ordered sequence of static graphs such that each static graph represents the interaction between nodes at a specific time stamp. The figure below shows an evolving graph with 3 timestamps.

simple evolving graph

Using EvolvingGraphs, we could simply construct this graph by using the function add_bunch_of_edges!, which adds a list of edges all together.

julia> using EvolvingGraphs

julia> g = EvolvingGraph()
Directed EvolvingGraph 0 nodes, 0 static edges, 0 timestamps

julia> add_bunch_of_edges!(g, [(1,2,1),(1,3,2),(2,3,3)])
Directed EvolvingGraph 3 nodes, 3 static edges, 3 timestamps

julia> edges(g)
3-element Array{EvolvingGraphs.WeightedTimeEdge{EvolvingGraphs.Node{Int64},Int64,Float64},1}:
 Node(1)-1.0->Node(2) at time 1
 Node(1)-1.0->Node(3) at time 2
 Node(2)-1.0->Node(3) at time 3

Now you've created your first evolving graph! Congrats!

To learn more about evolving graphs and why they are useful, please have a look at our tutorial.
