

The right way to search evolving graphs

Jiahao Chen (@jiahao), MIT CSAIL

Weijian Zhang (@weijianzhang), School of Mathematics, University of Manchester

Abstract: Evolving graphs arise in many different contexts where the interrelations between data elements change over time. We present a breadth first search (BFS) algorithm for evolving graphs that can track (active) nodes correctly. Using simple examples, we show that naïve matrix-matrix multiplication on time-dependent adjacency matrices miscounts the number of temporal paths. By mapping an evolving graph to an adjacency matrix of the equivalent static graph, we prove the properties of the BFS algorithm using the properties of the adjacency matrix. Finally, demonstrate how the BFS over evolving graphs can be applied to mining citation networks.

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Related code

EvolvingGraphs.jl is a Julia package containing an efficient implementation for the breadth-first search on an evolving graph.